United Heroes: Wellness app Mod Apk

United Heroes: Wellness app Взлом - Mod Apk 4.43.0

Разработчик: United Heroes
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Первая цифровая платформа для разработки вашей корпоративной велнес-программы:

В несколько простых шагов подключитесь к своей компании и своей команде, используя предоставленный вам код, или попросите его у своих коллег. Подключите приложение для отслеживания активности, чтобы участвовать в испытаниях.

После регистрации вы получите доступ к своей личной панели, где вы увидите свой спортивный рекорд. Ходите, бегайте, ездите верхом или плавайте, каждое действие записывается и конвертируется в очки усилия.

В одиночку или в команде принимайте участие в ежемесячных соревнованиях, чтобы поддержать благотворительность или получить мотивацию, чтобы быть более активными.


Следите в режиме реального времени за рейтингом самых активных сотрудников, бизнес-подразделений, команд или офисов вашей организации.


Читайте еженедельные вдохновляющие и образовательные статьи, которые помогут вам на пути к более здоровой жизни.

Почему вам понравится приложение United Heroes?
Универсальность: участвовать может любой человек с любым уровнем физической подготовки, поскольку записываются все виды активности (ходьба, бег, езда, плавание). United Heroes доступен с любого устройства.
Просто: не требуется никаких затрат на оборудование. United Heroes совместим со всеми спортивными приложениями, GPS-часами и подключенными устройствами, доступными на рынке.
Lasting: United Heroes — это ежегодная программа, наполненная испытаниями и ключевыми событиями. Он подходит для любого размера команды.

История обновлений

We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains some improvement on the social feeds, you can now see who added a reaction to your message and to which team they belong. Some minor bugs were also fixed.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
Experience a redesigned display of compatible activities in challenges. Now you can instantly see all the activities taken into account to complete your challenges and earn even more badges.
Furthermore, we have adjusted the presentation of your daily steps, making it easier for you to distinguish them on your dashboard.
We're also taking advantage of this update to bring some performance improvements and optimizations.
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains some improvement on the social feeds, you can now see who added a reaction to your message and to which team they belong. Some minor bugs were also fixed.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains some improvement on the social feeds, you can now see who added a reaction to your message and to which team they belong. Some minor bugs were also fixed.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains some improvement on the social feed: new emojis and the possibility to clic on links. On top of this, we fixed some bugs on the onboarding and on the numbers display in the app.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
27 янв. 2023 г.
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains a new display of the members of your company in the app, and more informations about the deleted users in the rankings.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
21 дек. 2022 г.
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains a new display of the members of your company in the app, and more informations about the deleted users in the rankings.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
5 дек. 2022 г.
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains a new display of the members of your company in the app, and more informations about the deleted users in the rankings.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
10 нояб. 2022 г.
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
11 окт. 2022 г.
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
21 сент. 2022 г.
We regularly modify the App to make it better. This new version contains fixes that increase its performance.
To make sure you don't miss anything, turn on the updates. Thank you for using the App!
1 сент. 2022 г.
Nous modifions régulièrement l'App afin de l'améliorer. Cette nouvelle version contient des correctifs qui augmentent ses performances.
5 июл. 2022 г.
Nous modifions régulièrement l'App afin de l'améliorer. Cette nouvelle version contient des correctifs qui augmentent ses performances.
13 июн. 2022 г.
Nous modifions régulièrement l'App afin de l'améliorer. Cette nouvelle version contient correctifs et surtout des nouveautés sur les squads challenges. Vous pouvez dorénavant créer une équipe public ou rejoindre une squad de façon aléatoire.

Pour être sûr de ne rien manquer, activez les mises à jour. Merci d'utiliser l'App !
23 мая 2022 г.
Nous modifions régulièrement l'app afin de l'améliorer. Pour être sûr de ne rien manquer, activez les mises à jour. Merci d'utiliser l'App !
12 мая 2022 г.
Nous modifions régulièrement l'app afin de l'améliorer. Pour être sûr de ne rien manquer, activez les mises à jour. Merci d'utiliser l'App !
9 декабря 2021 г.
Nous modifions régulièrement l’App afin de l’améliorer. Cette nouvelle version contient des correctifs qui augmentent ses performances.
Pour être sûr de ne rien manquer, activez les mises à jour. Merci d’utiliser l’App !
1 декабря 2021 г.
Avec cette nouvelle mise à jour, vous pouvez désormais activer le mode sombre pour optimiser votre confort visuel. Rendez-vous dans les réglages afin de configurer le mode sombre (plus > paramètres > apparence). Cette nouvelle version contient également des correctifs qui augmentent ses performances.
Pour être sûr de ne rien manquer, activez les mises à jour. Merci d’utiliser l’App !
30 ноября 2021 г.
Avec cette nouvelle mise à jour, vous pouvez désormais activer le mode sombre pour optimiser votre confort visuel. Rendez-vous dans les réglages afin de configurer le mode sombre (plus > paramètres > apparence). Cette nouvelle version contient également des correctifs qui augmentent ses performances.
Pour être sûr de ne rien manquer, activez les mises à jour. Merci d’utiliser l’App !

Способы взлома United Heroes: Wellness app

Скачать United Heroes: Wellness app MOD APK 4.43.0

Скачать MOD APK


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