Nexus War: Civilization Mod Apk

Nexus War: Civilization Взлом - Mod Apk 0.2.835

Разработчик: Phantix Games
Категория: Стратегии
Цена: Бесплатно


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Астра прорвалась через небо и обрушилась на Исходную Звезду. Некогда оживленные города были опустошены до неузнаваемости...
Конец близок к Старой Звезде, и каждая раса отчаянно сражается в надежде выжить в новую эпоху террора...
Поскольку судьба выбрала вас, теперь вы должны действовать. Соберите армию и найдите самых могущественных героев из четырех рас Origin Star - Людей, Изанцев, Аокуса и Тейаса, и объедините их всех, чтобы уничтожить захватчиков на вашей родной планете. Верните Origin Star ее былую славу!

Свободно исследуйте открытый мир и раскройте тайну происхождения звезды
Пройдите путь, чтобы раскрыть правду об этом мире из реликвий и спрятанных сокровищ, разбросанных по землям, кишащим монстрами. Познакомьтесь с жителями Origin Star и четырьмя расами, которые правят планетой. Пройдите через обман и конфликты в мире, чтобы начать или предотвратить войну. Уничтожьте Астру и подарите выжившим новую надежду.

Углубленные стратегические сражения
Командуйте десятками разблокируемых героев каждой расы. Персонализируйте свою армию из пехоты, артиллерии и танков. Направляйте свою армию в неизведанное и разрабатывайте стратегию против своих врагов или одолевайте их военной мощью. Ищите и уничтожайте других игроков, захватывайте ресурсы, занимайте крепости и вступайте в альянсы. Испытайте самую захватывающую войну в реальном времени прямо сейчас!

Стройте, проектируйте и персонализируйте свой город
Персонализируйте и планируйте свой город, используя 4 доступных архитектурных стиля каждой расы. Стройте мегаструктуры, такие как доки Титанов, исследовательскую лабораторию, разведывательное здание и многое другое, чтобы спроектировать свой город так, как вы хотите.

Примите участие в битвах альянсов и станьте правителем Origin Star
Легенда гласит, что тот, кто взойдет на Трон Бесконечности, получит абсолютный контроль и власть над всей планетой. Благодаря беспрецедентной силе, дарованной Троном, можно получить доступ к редчайшим ресурсам и технологическим преимуществам. Выслеживайте самых смертоносных монстров и побеждайте сильнейшие альянсы. Заслужите право взойти на трон и стать правителем Origin Star.

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История обновлений

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Improved the combat experience in Neutral Buildings.
2. Refined specific proprietary terms for items and plot texts.
3. Addressed the issue where season X settlement times were excessively long.
[New Events]
Glory descends on the Day of Dedication.
Luck arrives with the Interstellar Lotto.

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Fixed issues with teleport in certain scenarios.
2. Optimized certain texts.
[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Optimized the smooth running of certain scenes.
2. Optimized the texts of chapter missions.
3. Optimized the prompts for joining alliances and adjusted the task sequencing.
[New Features]
Core gameplay content for the Eternal Genesis season.
Alliance now includes a display of historical peak combat power.
[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Optimized the display effects of Neutral Buildings on the map.
2. Optimized the display logic on the Intergalactic Cargo interface showing lootable cargo.
[New Features]
Content related to the Eternal Genesis Season has been added.
[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Optimized battlefield operational experience.
2. Revised certain event text descriptions.
[New Features]
1. Content related to the Eternal Genesis preseason.

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Optimized the notification for leaving from an Alliance.

2. Optimized battle report mail and content.
[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Fixed the issue with season map numbering.

2. Improved the special effects in the Night Watchers event.

3. Improved the text in the Battle Log.
[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Optimized the UI and Banner for the Thanksgiving event.

2. Optimized the special effects for the Halloween set building.

3. Fixed the issue where the Hospital could not heal injured units.
[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Optimized the issue of the map loading slowly.

2. Optimized the delayed response when clicking on certain City buildings.

3. Fixed the problem of abnormal Titan marching during Embers in Ruins.
[New Features]
New event: Exodus Anniversary is now live!

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
- Added new rewards: Alliance Personal Points for Psi-Towers restoration;
- Fixed issues with some incorrect push notifications;
- Optimized game performance under weak network conditions.
[New Features]
Added a new Lv.9 unit enhancement technology.
A new version of the Hero Talent system is coming soon.

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
Optimized the buff activation rules for the City Hall Skin.
[New Features]
Specterland will be opened soon.
Star Forgers is comming.

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
Optimized the UI for the Jokers Are Back event.
Adjusted rules of the Treasures on Horizon event
Adjusted the matchmaking time of the War in the Abyss.
Fixed the issue of incorrect Jungling Report after killing Astra on the tile.
[New Features]
Nexus War's 1st birthday celebration is coming,with new events launched every week.
The scout drone Exploration Device shooting event (Treasures on Horizon) is coming.

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
Optimized push notifications.
Adjusted rules for matching players in the Clash in the Abyss event.
Adjusted buff of Accessory Components.
Vatrachos can only travel in the seasonal map in S1.
[New Features]
Coalition Anniversary is coming, a series of celebration event will start soon!
Star Scraper: a wishing tower where you can exchange Coalition Coins for rich rewards.
Prayer for Fortune: Activate Fortune Spheres to ring in good fortune for the coming year and win a lot of Coalition Coins
Monsteroid Exercises: Defeat Monsteroids to earn Fortune Spheres.
Vatrachos Escort: Escort the Vatrachos to get a lot of rewards and points, and be ranked with other commanders cross-server.
[New Features]
Invincible Frontier is coming soon!

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
Optimized the rule of Embers in Ruins event
Removed all the fog from the season map.
Fixed the season tile refreshing issue.
[New Features]
1. A brand new event - Star Chaser Championship is coming soon!
2. The Itinerary To Ahkasha is now online ! Commanders will be able to view the detailed timeline of new season.

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
Fixed display issue of Season Prelaunch event.
[New Features]
The new season of Reclamation of Ahkasha is about to open the prelaunch page!
Added the single server personal ranking for the Clash of Abyss event.

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
Optimized the display of War in the Abyss-related pages.
Fixed the issue where the remaining spins and milestones of the Doomsday Reliquary event were not reset.
[New Features]
New feature--Battle tasks and airdrop have been added to the Embers in Ruins battlefield.
New gold Accessory components: Armor-Piercing Bullets is now available!

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
Optimized the Child of Destiny Recruitment.
Optimized the refresh rule for the Intergalactic Harbor.
Adjusted the number of items in the hero lucky wheel.
[New Features]
In this update, we have made some changes to the T-Frame system

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
Optimized the display of the War in the Abyss-related and Embers in Ruins-related pages.
Fixed known issues in the Embers in Ruins battlefield.
Fixed an issue where Ancient's Guardians could not be seen during the battle.
[New Features]
The other 3 T-Frame can be unlocked now
The Album feature is released

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
Optimized the recommended combat power for jungling;
Fixed the issue where some players couldn't access the T-Frame event
Fixed the issue of the Alliance Border Stones model disappearing after being attacked
[New Features]
1 The spring event of Origin is coming!
2. Cross-server Killing Event will soon be released in the future!

[Adjustments, Fixes, Optimizations]
1. Adjusted the Origem Veins' output.
2. Adjusted the point rules for Abyss events.
3. Added new achievements & rewards.
4. Added the function of inviting other commanders to join alliance.

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