Capital Bikeshare Mod Apk

Capital Bikeshare Взлом - Mod Apk 2025.5.3.1739344849

Разработчик: Lyft, Inc.
Категория: Путешествия
Цена: Бесплатно


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Capital Bikeshare - это система проката велосипедов в округах Колумбия, Вирджиния и Мэриленд, а также первая крупномасштабная организация проката велосипедов в стране. Capital Bikeshare (CaBi) имеет тысячи велосипедов на сотнях станций в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, Арлингтоне, Александрии, Тайсоне, Рестоне, Силвер-Спринг, Парк Такома, Бетесда и Чеви Чейз. Лучше всего то, что он доступен 24/7.

CaBi состоит из парка специально разработанных, прочных и долговечных велосипедов, которые подключены к сети док-станций по всему городу. Велосипеды можно разблокировать с одной станции и вернуть к любой другой станции в системе, что делает их идеальными для поездок в один конец. Люди используют велопрокат, чтобы добраться до работы, встретиться с друзьями за ужином или просто отправиться в круиз и увидеть новые достопримечательности. После регистрации все поездки до 30 минут бесплатны.
Приложение CaBi позволяет покупать поездки, разблокировать велосипед и сразу же кататься. Вы также можете просмотреть все местоположения станций, увидеть доступные велосипеды и доки, а также проложить к ним пешеходные маршруты, чтобы начать поездку.

Приложение Capital Bikeshare также показывает предстоящие отправления общественного транспорта, в том числе WMATA Metrorail, Metrobus и маршрутные такси, автобусы DC Circulator, автобусы Fairfax Connector, автобусы Montgomery RideOn, автобусы Alexandria DASH, автобусы TheBus округа Принс-Джордж, региональные транзитные автобусы Арлингтона, поезда VRE. , и Silver Line Express.

В приложении вы можете приобрести следующее:
Одиночная поездка
Пропуск доступа

Удачной езды!

История обновлений

Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Зависит от устройства
24 ноября 2021 г.
Thanks for using Capital Bikeshare! We update our app regularly to make your bike rides even better. Every update of the CaBi app includes improvements in speed and reliability. As new features are released, we'll highlight them in the app.

Here is what you can find in our latest update:
- City Explorer is now available in the app! From your Profile, view how many stations you have visited and take on the challenge to visit them all!

Способы взлома Capital Bikeshare

Скачать Capital Bikeshare MOD APK 2025.5.3.1739344849

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