Mech Wars: Сетевые сражения Mod Apk

Mech Wars: Сетевые сражения Взлом - Mod Apk 1.468

Разработчик: MOMEND
Категория: Экшен-игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Добейся победы, уничтожая и захватывая роботов противника и улучшая своих, чтобы стать самым могущественным командиром в онлайн-мире механических роботов. Играя в игры на тему роботов, важно показать свою силу и мастерство другим, чтобы побеждать в битвах.

Создай собственную команду роботов, оснащенных специальным оружием, и выйди победителем в интенсивных битвах 6 на 6. Выйди на поле битвы и сразись с другими боевыми машинами в битвах с высокими ставками за превосходство!

Используй различные тактики, например, прыжки по зданиям, защиту щитами, телепортацию роботов за оборону противника, чтобы играть в желательном для тебя стиле. По мере продвижения ты также будешь получать ежедневные награды путем повышение уровня.

Приготовься к напряженным действиям роботов в игре, в которой есть как режим "Штурм", так и режим "Битва насмерть"! В режиме "Штурм" игроки должны работать вместе как одна команда, чтобы выполнить поставленные задачи и победить врагов. В режиме "Битва насмерть" каждый робот сам за себя, поскольку игроки сражаются за господство на поле боя.

Присоединяйся к вселенной Mech Wars и испытай острые ощущения от победы, уничтожая своих врагов и собирая ценные обломки мехов. За каждую победу ты будешь получать бесплатные награды, которые помогут тебе стать лучшим командиром мехов!


- Há mais de 30 robôs disponíveis, cada um com seu próprio design e habilidades, permitindo escolher o estilo ideal para você.

- Selecione entre os modos mata-mata ou assalto e derrote seus oponentes utilizando a ampla gama de armas pesadas disponíveis, tais como metralhadoras, foguetes, mísseis, raios laser e escopetas monstruosas.

- Robôs personalizáveis: você pode personalizar cada robô com uma variedade de armas e módulos conforme suas preferências. Realize experimentos para achar sua combinação favorita e demonstrar suas habilidades.

- Participe de batalhas no modo multijogador e junte forças com outros jogadores. Você pode se juntar a um clã forte para encontrar parceiros confiáveis e fazer amizades, ou até mesmo criar seu próprio clã. Monte sua equipe de robôs de guerra e derrote o inimigo em batalhas eletrizantes com seu arsenal de super-robôs!

- Saiba mais sobre o universo Mech Wars, que continua crescendo e evoluindo a cada atualização. A comunidade está sempre disposta a ajudá-lo e apoiá-lo.

- Mergulhe nas batalhas mata-mata em equipe, onde você se unirá a outros jogadores e lutará pela dominância em combates intensos e acelerados!

Entre para o mundo dos robôs 3D no jogo Mech Wars e participe de batalhas épicas contra máquinas rivais utilizando suas habilidades e estratégias para sair vitorioso!

Itens especiais

Com itens especiais, você terá a vantagem em qualquer batalha. Posicione o drone auxiliar para aumentar seu poder de fogo, lance a tempestade de mísseis para dizimar os inimigos, use o escudo para se proteger e recupere a saúde com o item especial para saúde extra. Quando precisar daquela vantagem adicional, ative o projétil aprimorado para aumentar o dano dos seus tiros. Cada um oferece vantagens diferenciadas que o ajudarão a sair vitorioso em cada batalha!

Viva a emoção de um jogo de tiro entre robôs com máquinas totalmente aprimoráveis, participando de batalhas intensas contra robôs adversários para provar sua dominância!

Mech Wars - многопользовательская игра с 6 командными битвами против 6 в режиме реального времени.
Создайте свою армию роботов с комбинациями робот-оружие. Применяйте свою стратегию и вступайте в сражения. Захватите вражескую базу или уничтожьте всех соперников.
Основные характеристики:
- Легкие, средние, тяжелые и гуманоидные роботы с разными силами и способностями.
- Много оружия разных типов. (Лазер, энергия, ракеты и т. Д.)
- Режимы игры: стычка, штурм
- Потрясающая графика и скины роботов.
Будущее будет войной роботов и мехов, займите свое место.

История обновлений

Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:
Clan Perks added
Clan Gift Store added
New Skins Added
Bug Fixes
If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:
Mechaline Module Added (A brand-new way to collect robots and guns)
New Skins Added
Bug Fixes
If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:
New prime robot ''Queen'' added
Spark, Seeker and Raven robots buffed
Removed lock button and separated zoom button from fire button
Stability improvements
Bug fixes
If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:
The tournament system has been renewed
New ranking system has been added.
Bug fixes
If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:

Win streak added to the game.
Battle Pass infrastructure added to the game.
Fixed the bug where the Atlas was immobilized and changed the EMPUNCH ability range to 200M.
Many bugs/errors fixed.

If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:

Win streak added to the game.
Battle Pass infrastructure added to the game.
Fixed the bug where the Atlas was immobilized and changed the EMPUNCH ability range to 200M.
Many bugs/errors fixed

If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:

New Ranger robot ATLAS added to the game
New FUSION CORE chest added to the game
The usage area of ​​tickets increased
Masamune robot buffed
Many weapons buffed
Many bugs/errors fixed

If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:
The name of the MECHVERSE mode has been changed to GHOST STRIKE. In addition, some changes have been made in the mod.
Indonesian Language issue has been fixed.
Minor / Major bug fix has been made.
If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:

MECHVERSE game mode has been added.
Improvements have been made to the challenges.
Minor / Major bug fix has been made.

If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:
Campaign mode added
Black Widow buffed
Challenge system improved
Robot repair system changed
Bug fix
If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
7 мар. 2023 г.
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:

New medium robot Black Widow has been added to the game.
Two new abilities EMP & MORTAR have been added to the game
Canyon map has been remade.
Snowy Mountain has been remastered.
Some Weapons have been buffed
Some Robots have been buffed;

If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our official Discord!
27 янв. 2023 г.
Added Challenge system with plenty of rewards
Hangar UI changed
Masamune melee attack nerfed
Many bugs/glitches fixed
25 дек. 2022 г.
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:
Added 28 day daily login panel.
Screen rotation feature has been reactivated.
Robot upgrade panel has been renewed.
Button customization bug fixed.
Unfriend bug fixed.
Japanese battle button empty text issue fixed.
Incorrect robot abilities bug in the progress path fixed.
Minor Bug fix.
If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
10 дек. 2022 г.
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:

The Loot System added to the game.
Sparkle purchase type changed from silver to gold and added shield ability.
Dozer purchase type changed from silver to gold and added smash ability.
Hangar ui changed.
Bug fix.

If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
10 нояб. 2022 г.
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:
Kill streak sounds added
Progress path panel added
Earned chest panel renewed
Most of the robots and guns level has been changed
Saving game data problem is fixed.
in-game hud simplified
Bug fix
If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
6 окт. 2022 г.
Increased the number of daily tasks
Added free rewards
Added autofire feature
4 окт. 2022 г.
Hotfix for some users getting stuck on loading screen
Increased the number of daily tasks
Added free rewards
Added autofire feature
4 авг. 2022 г.
Bug Fixes
3 мая 2022 г.
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:
-New Medium robot ''Chip''
-Change on targeting system
-Many bugs/glitches fixes

If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!
1 октября 2021 г.
Commander! I know you're looking forward to new changes, here is the list of changes:

Many bugs/glitches fixes
- Some language issues
- Empty hangar issue
- Respawn issue
- Images of some blueprints and items
- ''Rusty'' robot's texture
- ''Knight'' robot's selling price

If you want to learn more about the update, you are invited to our offical Discord!

Способы взлома Mech Wars: Сетевые сражения

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