WorldBox - Симулятор Бога Mod Apk

WorldBox - Симулятор Бога Взлом - Mod Apk 0.22.21

Разработчик: Mako Mako
Категория: Симуляторы, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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WorldBox - это бесплатная игра-песочница, в которой ты - Бог.

В этой песочнице-симуляторе ты можешь создавать жизнь и наблюдать за ее процветанием! Заселяй мир овечками, волками, орками, эльфами, дварфами и другими магическими существами!

Цивилизации создают дороги и строят дома. Они воюют друг с другом. Помоги им выживать, развиваться и построить могущественную империю!

Песочница. Используй различные природные силы. Ты можешь выжечь землю кислотным дождем или уничтожить ливнем атомных бомб! Создавай смерчи, подземных червей, обстреливай землю тепловыми лучами. Наслаждайся изощренными разрушениями или созданием миров, полных жизни!

Смотри, как классическая игра “Жизнь” может быть быстро уничтожена или наблюдай за созданием мира автоматом муравья Лэнгтона.

Симулируй всевозможные бедствия. Метеориты, извержения вулканов, сжигающая лава, смерчи, мощные гейзеры и многое другое. Создавай и наблюдай за эволюцией своих творений и закатом цивилизации.

Создавай пиксельный мир. Ты можешь создать уникальный мир с помощью множества инструментов. Будь оригинальным - используй пиксели разных цветов!

Экспериментируй в своем собственном мире. Играй с всевозможными созданиями и стихиями в магической симуляции.

Стань Богом собственного красочного пиксельного мира. Создавай жизнь и строй цивилизации разных мифологических рас. Воплоти мир своей мечты!

Игра-песочница работает без подключения к WIFI или соединения с интернетом.

Скачай Super WorldBox - игру в Бога БЕСПЛАТНО!

Если вы столкнулись с какими-либо проблемами, напишите нам по этому адресу: [email protected]

Оставляйте отзывы или предложения, если у вас есть крутые идеи новых возможностей в песочнице WorldBox.

Ссылки на наш сайт и социальные сети:

История обновлений

## 0.22.21 - Premium update
- fixed: "disable premium" debug option did not automatically disable after 2nd restart, so some players thought they lost premium
- stability improvements
## 0.22.17 - Even mmmmore?
- fixed: added support for some older mobile devices
- performance and stability improvements
## 0.22.15 - Graphics stuff
- improvements for iOS devices
- changes to graphics settings for a few devices
## 0.22.14 - Mmmore stability
- fixed: Some in-app purchase popups could freeze the game
- fixed: Soft crash when using ants
- fixed: Soft crash when opening a kingdom window
- fixed: Some more soft crashes
- fixed: Various fixes to 14 languages - thank you for everyone who submitted language errors to us!
- stability improvements
## 0.22.13 - Ssstability
- stability improvements
## 0.22.12 - Back up that box
- added: [Android] The game will infrequently back up settings and the first few worlds between installs

## 0.22.11 - Ads on the hot platter
- changes : Improvements to ad serving
- changes : Performance updates? Making phones less hot? Idk?
- fixes: Some stability fixes
## 0.22.9 - Memorybox boatfixes
- changes: war and army target lines are now more smoothly animated
- changes: boat transport logic has been improved
- changes: only units from the same kingdom can use their boats
- changes: boat pathfinding has been improved (less edgy floating around)
- fixed: an error that occurs on some devices - "сannot generate 9 slice most likely because the size is too big"
- fixed: the war arrow sometimes "jumps" to the far corner if the target capital no longer has...
## 0.22.8 - Memorybox madfixes
- changes: returned madness to be editable in the trait editor
- changes: added a hidden stat for some units that will die if they receive madness, as it breaks their special logic, similar to boats.
- fixed: on iOS/Android, the magnet made units "stuck" in one place until provoked if the FPS lock was turned on (confirmation needed)
- fixed: madness was a bit broken, and sometimes mad units didn't attack anyone
- fixed: attack cooldowns worked incorrectly when...
## 0.22.7 - Memorybox coldfixes
- fixed: boats are destroyed when you move them over ground using magnet tool
- fixed: sometimes some houses turn into abandoned buildings instead of ruins after loading an older save
- fixed: power bar time not updating right away after loading game
- fixed: bonuses from clan levels were not applied correctly after loading save
- fixed: soft crash when trying to load a save that had items from mods
- some translations have been updated
## - The Grand NK-86 Memorybox
Our main focus for this one was performance and stability improvements. And as a bonus we also made some QoL/graphic changes.

Check here for full patchlog.
20 мар. 2023 г.
## 0.21.1 - Picking Eggshells
- added: option to adjust the intensity of the night
- added: option to adjust the intensity of the color of some ages
- changes: dragons now friendly with fire elementals
- changes: dragon attacks have now a small force effect with damage
- changes: added bigger timeout for alliance plot creation
- changes: removed whoosh sound when map is moved
- changes: ufo disaster changed to appear only at age of moon
- changes: dragons will prefer flying to lava or ground...
12 мар. 2023 г.
## 0.21.0 - MegaBox Edition: AgeBox + AlliancesBox + ClanBox + WarBox + PlotBox + MusicBox
- added: new ages system
- added: new bloodline Clans system. Kings and leaders can start new bloodlines, called Clans. It will be used in diplomacy and loyalty systems.
- They also have multiple levels that give small bonuses to clan members. Also, every clan would have their own motto
- added: new age/eras system! They have different effects. Some of them give bonuses to loyalty, opinions and other ...
21 июл. 2022 г.
## 0.14.5 - everything is fine
- stability fixes for mobile devices
20 июн. 2022 г.
## 0.14.2 - just some things
- fixed: crab bomb sounds
- fixed: life is a sim description didn't have number in it
- fixes: [mobile] There was a way to adjust time without having the hourglass power unlocked for non-premium players
- updated locales and languages
- stability fixes for mobile devices

## 0.14.1 - it's raining traits, hallelujah

- added: radiotraitive rain of 3 types
- added: radiotraitive rains
- added: crab bomb! it's rave time
17 июн. 2022 г.
## 0.14.1 - it's raining traits, hallelujah

- added: radiotraitive rain of 3 types. Select which traits you want to apply for multiple units and drop them.
- added: radiotraitive rains. They save their state through sessions
- added: crab bomb! it's rave time
- added: gamma rain. Pick some traits and make it rain
- added: delta rain. Pick some traits and make a train
- added: omega rain. Pick some traits and make them train
- added: city inventory legendary items would have special outline
25 мая 2022 г.
## 0.14.0 - everythingbox
✨ Trait Editor
✒️ New World Laws
🌎 New World Generator
🎨 Kingdom Customization
⚔️ Improved Wars
🍲 Food Effects
🍔 New Resources
🔥 New Traits
🌿 New biomes
🐕‍🦺 New mobs
👍 More new Achievements
🗺️ New Options for Mini Map
🤖 Improved AI
🐛 A lot of fixes and changes!
19 марта 2022 г.
## 0.13.16 - Robot stuff
- changes: [Android] You can resize now the game or play in split screen
- changes: [Android] Some performance improvements
- fixes: Some stability fixes
13 марта 2022 г.
## 0.13.15
- fixes: Some performance fixes
- fixes: Some stability fixes
25 февраля 2022 г.
## 0.13.13
- fixes: Some performance fixes
- fixes: Some stability fixes
24 января 2022 г.
## 0.13.9
- fixes: Some stability fixes
18 января 2022 г.
## 0.13.7
- fixes: Potential issue when trying to spectate a dead unit from history log
- fixes: Old save files with cultures that don't exist, could cause issues
- fixes: Grass growth could cause some soft crash
- fixes: Some older save files could cause an issue when trying to preview it
- fixes: Stability fixes
31 декабря 2021 г.
## 0.13.5
- changes: Show regional price savings where available
- fixes: Landmines had too low chances of blowing up
- fixes: errors when trying to load autosave sometimes
- fixes: Smol Crabzilla fixes
- some performance updates
- some stability improvements for mobile version
28 декабря 2021 г.
## 0.13.4
- changes: Changed language window
- changes: Changed feedback window
- fixes: Power bar resizer now available in mobile version as well!
- fixes: Fixes random disappearing lock icons
- fixes: Fixed possible autosaves issue
- some performance updates
- some stability updates
24 декабря 2021 г.
## 0.13.3
- fixed: save slots rewards not working

## 0.13.2
- changes: Allow to change language based on Steam settings on every start
- changes: Limit to max. 5 auto saves per world
- some stability improvements
4 декабря 2021 г.
## 0.12.3 - steamY fixes
- fixed: soft crash because of god finger and a few others
- fixed: blessing and cursed given by biomes
- fixed: [Android] Fixed premium issues for people with a non-gregorian calendar ( E.g. Thai customers )
- fixed: [PC] Some anti-virus tools were quaranting worldbox.exe for some reason - hopefully fixed this as well
- fixed: [Linux] Inverted zooming on mouse scroll wheel
- changes: removed steam button on PC
16 сентября 2021 г.
## 0.10.3 - genius fix
- favorite units won't die after infinity coin use
- stupid trait gives -5 intelligence
- genius trait gives +10 intelligence
- spawn less disaster demons, since demons are stronger now
- made demons a bit slower
- adjust when some rare knowledges are given to cultures
- favorited units are 200% more likely to become village leaders
- humans lost their gorgeous blonde hairs
- Full patchlog at

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