Moshi Kids: Sleep, Relax, Play Mod Apk

Moshi Kids: Sleep, Relax, Play Взлом - Mod Apk 10.4.1

Разработчик: Mind Candy Ltd
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно


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Научно доказано, что отмеченное наградами приложение улучшает сон* и вовлекает детей в полезные цифровые игры. Вас ждут сотни часов сказок на ночь, образовательные мероприятия, игры-раскраски, звуки сна, белый шум и многое другое!

Почему Моши?
- Наш контент, созданный командой, удостоенной награды BAFTA, безопасен, успокаивает и рекомендован экспертами для детей, а также одобрен экспертами по уходу за детьми и сну.
- Мы на 100% свободны от рекламы и безопасны для детей. Родители, врачи и эксперты по всему миру доверяют нам как место, где дети могут играть, слушать, учиться или отдыхать днем ​​и ночью.
- Содержит ежедневные рекомендации по контенту, адаптированные к возрасту и интересам вашего ребенка.
- Наслаждайтесь рассказами специальных гостей Голди Хоун и Патрика Стюарта.

- Сотни часов контента для сна, специально разработанного для детей в возрасте от 0 до 12 лет, со сказками на ночь, белым шумом, звуками для сна, колыбельными и музыкой.
- Рекомендовано экспертами по сну и врачами
- Клинически доказано, что дети засыпают на 28 минут быстрее, спят на 22 минуты дольше и на 50 % реже просыпаются ночью*
- 97 % опрошенных родителей согласились, что Moshi помогает их детям заснуть быстрее, чем обычно, а 95 % заявили, что использование приложения делает время сна менее напряженным**

- Более 50 медитаций и дыхательных упражнений под руководством инструктора учат детей управлять стрессом и эмоциями с помощью проверенных методов.
- Помогает детям регулировать свой разум и тело с помощью аудиоконтента, который обучает дыхательным упражнениям и методам заземления, таким как сканирование тела, постукивание и управляемое воображение.
- Сотни историй, которые помогают детям расслабиться, оставаться вовлеченными, уменьшить беспокойство и справиться с негативными мыслями.
- Укрощает истерики и поддерживает эмоциональную регуляцию с помощью аудиорассказов, которые помогают детям улучшить концентрацию и внимание, обрести уверенность и управлять своими эмоциями.

- Более 100 интерактивных занятий под руководством персонажей помогают детям учиться и проявлять творческие способности в безопасной и веселой среде.
- Раскраска: раскрасьте своих любимых мошлингов, поощряя творчество, самовыражение и радость через искусство.
- Пазлы: соедините недостающие части головоломки, чтобы собрать картину Мошлинга. Улучшает кратковременную память, логическое мышление и пространственное восприятие.
- Занятия на память: запоминайте, находите и сопоставляйте пары милых мошлингов, чтобы улучшить память, концентрацию, концентрацию и навыки критического мышления.
- Сопоставление: сопоставляйте цвета, объекты и эмоции, чтобы научиться определять закономерности, сходства и различия.
- Прятки: находите и находите мошлингов, спрятанных на картинке, развивая зрительное восприятие и распознавание объектов.

- Победитель Национальной премии за продукты для родителей
- Детская премия BAFTA
- Награды за хорошее воздействие технологий
- Награды «Любимые родителями»: лучшее семейное приложение

Подписки автоматически продлеваются, если они не отменены по крайней мере за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода. С вашего счета будет снята плата за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода. Любая неиспользованная часть бесплатного пробного периода, если он предлагается, будет аннулирована, когда пользователь приобретет подписку на эту публикацию. Если у вас ранее была бесплатная пробная версия, оплата будет снята немедленно. Чтобы управлять подпиской и настройками автоматического продления, перейдите в настройки своей учетной записи после покупки.

Отмените подписку в любое время в настройках по крайней мере за день до окончания периода подписки, чтобы отмена вступила в силу в конце текущего периода подписки. Удаление приложения не отменит вашу подписку.

Условия использования:
Политика конфиденциальности:
Свяжитесь с нами: [email protected].

Подпишитесь на @playmoshikids в IG, Twitter, TikTok, Facebook или посетите сайт

*Эксперимент, проведенный исследователями Медицинской школы имени Гроссмана Нью-Йоркского университета в августе 2020 года. В исследовании приняли участие 30 детей в течение 10 дней.
**Опрос 600 пользователей, апрель 2019 г.

История обновлений

In this version, our team of Moshlings has been busy making improvements to the profile section of the app and fixing bugs.
In this version, our team of Moshlings has been busy making design improvements to the app.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

Play 50+ character-led mini games, each tied to an existing Moshi audio story. Keep your little ones entertained with new puzzle, coloring, matching and memory games. Kids can play and navigate the app independently while connecting to the Moshi worlds and its characters.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

Play 50+ character-led mini games, each tied to an existing Moshi audio story. Keep your little ones entertained with new puzzle, coloring, matching and memory games. Kids can play and navigate the app independently while connecting to the Moshi worlds and its characters.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

Play 50+ character-led mini games, each tied to an existing Moshi audio story. Keep your little ones entertained with new puzzle, coloring, matching and memory games. Kids can play and navigate the app independently while connecting to the Moshi worlds and its characters.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

Play 50+ character-led mini games, each tied to an existing Moshi audio story. Keep your little ones entertained with new puzzle, coloring, matching and memory games. Kids can play and navigate the app independently while connecting to the Moshi worlds and its characters.
In this version, we have added a feedback form to get a better understanding of our users needs.
Play 50+ character-led mini games, each tied to an existing Moshi audio story. Keep your little ones entertained with new puzzle, coloring, matching and memory games. Kids can play and navigate the app independently while connecting to the Moshi worlds and its characters.
We are pleased to announce a new feature that allows you to plan a designated period for your children to wind down and relax, called the Play Schedule option. While play is crucial for the cognitive growth and engagement of young minds, we have taken your valuable feedback into consideration and have provided a way to schedule play time in the settings.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

Play 50+ character-led mini games, each tied to an existing Moshi audio story. Keep your little ones entertained with new puzzle, coloring, matching and memory games. Kids can play and navigate the app independently while connecting to the Moshi worlds and its characters.
23 февр. 2023 г.
"In this version, we fixed an issue with launching Series.

Play 50+ character-led mini games, each tied to an existing Moshi audio story. Keep your little ones entertained with new puzzle, coloring, matching and memory games. Kids can play and navigate the app independently while connecting to the Moshi worlds and its characters."
31 янв. 2023 г.
"In this version, we fixed a Chromecast issue that was affecting a few of our users. We also made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

Play 50+ character-led mini games, each tied to an existing Moshi audio story. Keep your little ones entertained with new puzzle, coloring, matching and memory games. Kids can play and navigate the app independently while connecting to the Moshi worlds and its characters."
10 янв. 2023 г.
Introducing Moshi Play!
Play 50+ character-led mini games, each tied to an existing Moshi audio story. Keep your little ones entertained with new puzzle, coloring, matching and memory games. Kids can play and navigate the app independently while connecting to the Moshi worlds and its characters.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
8 дек. 2022 г.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
7 нояб. 2022 г.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
20 окт. 2022 г.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
30 сент. 2022 г.
This version is the first step towards a more kid-first, personalized experience that will enable your child to more easily find the content they need, when they need it.

The My Moshi Day feature presents 16 pieces of recommended content every day, specifically chosen for you based on the age of your child, at the right time of day.
13 сент. 2022 г.
This version is the first step towards a more kid-first, personalized experience that will enable your child to more easily find the content they need, when they need it.

The My Moshi Day feature presents 16 pieces of recommended content every day, specifically chosen for you based on the age of your child, at the right time of day.
1 сент. 2022 г.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
19 авг. 2022 г.
In this version, we made small updates under the hood of your app, ensuring we continually improve your experience within the magical world of Moshi.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
27 июл. 2022 г.
In this version, we are making it safer for your little ones by adding a parental gate to account and subscription screens.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
15 июн. 2022 г.
In this version, we've introduced multiple profiles to your Moshi app, enabling us to personalize the app experience for your little ones to give them the best possible content recommendations for their age group, interests and needs. We added a sprinkle of Moshi Magic by allowing them now to choose an adorable Moshling for your profile picture as well.
27 мая 2022 г.
In this release we have made some under the hood improvements to the app.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
11 мая 2022 г.
In this release, we have fixed a bug that was preventing some users from adding tracks to their playlist.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
12 мая 2022 г.
In this release, we have fixed an issue that was logging some users out the app unexpectedly.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
11 апреля 2022 г.
In this release we have made some under the hood improvements to the app.

As usual, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
6 января 2022 г.
In this version, we have made improvements to our search feature to make it easier to find what you are looking for. You can now filter search results by duration or narrator.
You will also discover our new collection screens which serve as a new way for you and your kids to explore the world of Moshi.
Every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
17 декабря 2021 г.
In this version, we have made improvements to our search feature to make it easier to find what you are looking for. You can now filter search results by duration or narrator.
You will also discover our new collection screens which serve as a new way for you and your kids to explore the world of Moshi.
Every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
25 ноября 2021 г.
This update contains multiple performance improvements to our latest onboarding questionnaire and some seasonal magic to delight our young users.
It’s now mandatory to create an account with Moshi, however doing so will allow you to save your preferences (for example, favorites and playlists).
As always, every Wednesday we launch new, soothing audio stories or bite-sized meditations to support your little one’s social-emotional development while helping them relax, wind down, and sleep.
28 октября 2021 г.
In this update you will be asked to fill out our brand new onboarding questionnaire to let us know your interests and how Moshi can support your family. We'll use your answers to tailor your Moshi experience to your specific needs, and make it even more magical.
It's now mandatory to create an account with Moshi, and this will allow you to save your preferences (like your favorites or your playlists).

Способы взлома Moshi Kids: Sleep, Relax, Play

Скачать Moshi Kids: Sleep, Relax, Play MOD APK 10.4.1

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