17LIVE - Chat, Live streaming Mod Apk

17LIVE - Chat, Live streaming Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: 17LIVE LIMITED
Категория: Социальные
Цена: Бесплатно


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17LIVE - это платформа для прямых трансляций с участием самых интересных стримеров со всего мира. Смотрите, общайтесь и поддержите своего любимого стримера цифровыми подарками. С более чем 50 миллионами загрузок по всему миру и тысячами прямых трансляций - есть 17LIVE прямых трансляций для всех!

СМОТРИТЕ, как бесконечное количество стримеров в прямом эфире демонстрируют свои уникальные таланты. На нашей платформе представлены самые разные стримеры: от всемирно известных артистов, исполняющих виртуальные концерты, до ежедневных стримеров, готовящих пищу, игры, танцы и просто болтающих (IRL).

ОБЩАЙТЕСЬ с прямой трансляцией в режиме реального времени. Общайтесь со стримерами и зрителями в полнофункциональном живом чате. Присоединяйтесь к нашему сплоченному сообществу и знакомьтесь с новыми людьми!

ПОДДЕРЖИВАЙТЕ своих любимых стримеров, отправляя им подарки. На выбор представлены сотни уникальных анимированных подарков. Участвуйте в реальных реакциях стримеров в реальном времени, отправляя им цифровые подарки!

СОЗДАЙТЕ подлинную личную связь со своим стримером. В отличие от короткого контента, смотрите, общайтесь в чате и будьте частью каждого момента прямой трансляции!

ОТКРОЙТЕ для себя прямые трансляции, основанные на ваших интересах и привычках просмотра. Исследуйте постоянный поток живых развлечений со всего мира 24 часа в сутки, 7 дней в неделю.

Привлекайте внимание популярных стримеров с помощью эксклюзивных значков пользователей и рамок для комментариев. Собирайте эти особые награды, будучи лучшим сторонником, и привлекайте внимание комнаты, когда вы общаетесь в прямом эфире.

УЧАСТВУЙ в еженедельных и ежемесячных мероприятиях с прямыми стримерами. Помогите стримерам соревноваться, поднимайтесь в таблице лидеров и выигрывайте крутые призы, отправляя подарки для мероприятий!

Сайт: https://about.17.live/

Премиум-подписка: получайте специальные предложения

Платите 9,49 долларов в месяц за Премиум. Плата за премиум-подписку будет снята с вашей учетной записи в магазине приложений при подтверждении покупки. Он будет автоматически продлен, если автоматическое продление не будет отключено по крайней мере за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода. Отмена текущей подписки не допускается в течение активного периода подписки. Плата за продление будет взиматься с аккаунтов в течение 24 часов до окончания текущего периода. Подписками может управлять пользователь, а автоматическое продление можно отключить, перейдя в настройки учетной записи пользователя после покупки. Любая неиспользованная часть бесплатного пробного периода, если таковая предлагается, будет аннулирована, когда пользователь приобретает подписку на эту публикацию, где это применимо. Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, обратитесь к нашей Политике конфиденциальности и Условиям использования: http://17.media/policies/terms?lang=us

История обновлений
Added V-Real Fusion! Rear camera activation in Virtual Mode seamlessly blends real-world scenes with V-LIVER, creating a more immersive streaming experience.
-The new “Foreign Subtitles” section is now live!
-[Real-time translated]
Break language barriers and effortlessly enjoy the amazing content from foreign streamers.
*This feature is only apply to Contracted JP Streamers whose level > 100
-The new “Foreign Subtitles” section is now live!
-[Real-time translated]
Break language barriers and effortlessly enjoy the amazing content from foreign streamers.
*This feature is only apply to Contracted JP Streamers whose level > 100
-The new “Foreign Subtitles” section is now live!
-[Real-time translated]
Break language barriers and effortlessly enjoy the amazing content from foreign streamers.
*This feature is only apply to Contracted JP Streamers whose level > 100
[New Feature]:
-Added personalized viewing time reminders for easier snack and gift sending, plus following your favorite streamers.
-Optimized livestream room interface for a more intuitive and seamless experience.
-Introduced tutorials to help new users quickly learn livestream features.
-Updated UI guide for mastering the latest features efficiently.
We\'re committed to continuous improvements for a smoother viewing experience!
[New Feature]:
Edit short videos and easily share them on social media with just one click—simple and fast!
[Bug Fixes]:
We\'re continuously improving and resolving issues to provide a smoother viewing experience for everyone!
Now you can utilize our newly introduced VRM tool for virtual streaming! Now you can utilize our newly introduced VRM tool for virtual streaming!
Now you can choose your preferred VS theme and duration, and the system will recommend a VS partner with similar preferences! Now you can choose your preferred VS theme and duration, and the system will recommend a VS partner with similar preferences!
Now you can choose your preferred VS theme and duration, and the system will recommend a VS partner with similar preferences! Now you can choose your preferred VS theme and duration, and the system will recommend a VS partner with similar preferences!
The latest version contains bug fixes and performance upgrades. The latest version contains bug fixes and performance upgrades.
6 мар. 2023 г.
You can now see gift animations in Archive videos! You can now see gift animations in Archive videos!
9 янв. 2023 г.
You can now watch Archive Videos and send Offline Gifts on the Genre Page! You can now watch Archive Videos and send Offline Gifts on the Genre Page!
22 дек. 2022 г.
We’ve got new gift types - Limited and Offline! You can also subscribe to Armies in-app and gift Army Subscriptions to your friends. We’ve got new gift types - Limited and Offline! You can also subscribe to Armies in-app and gift Army Subscriptions to your friends.
8 нояб. 2022 г.
This new update is full of new features! We’ve added a Friend Mode to VS., new games to our Game Center, and a new tool so Streamers can see exactly how many Baby Coins they’re receiving from their Army. This new update is full of new features! We’ve added a Friend Mode to VS., new games to our Game Center, and a new tool so Streamers can see exactly how many Baby Coins they’re receiving from their Army.
26 окт. 2022 г.
・New barrage feature release
・Private-paid chat room launch ・New barrage feature release
・Private-paid chat room launch
14 окт. 2022 г.
・New barrage feature release
・Game Center launch ・New barrage feature release
・Game Center launch
12 окт. 2022 г.
The latest version contains bug fixes and performance upgrades. The latest version contains bug fixes and performance upgrades.
29 сент. 2022 г.
Optimize livestreams sharing options. Optimize livestreams sharing options.
21 авг. 2022 г.
1. Archive - A function that allows streamers to engage with their users anytime when they are not live streaming!
2. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
3. Clips - Create and share short videos to highlight your best content.
4. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
5. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
25 июл. 2022 г.
1. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
2. Clips - Create and share short videos to highlight your best content.
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
5. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
27 июн. 2022 г.
1. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
2. Clips - Create and share short videos to highlight your best content.
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
5. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
2 июн. 2022 г.
1. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
2. Clips - Create and share short videos to highlight your best content.
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
5. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
17 мая 2022 г.
1. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
2. Clips - Create and share short videos to highlight your best content.
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
5. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
23 апреля 2022 г.
1. Happy Easter - Collect all the Easter Bunnies and Eggs, the rare beauty of new life!
2. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
28 марта 2022 г.
1. Treasure Box - Gift a Treasure Box to your favorite streamers! Everyone has 10 seconds to steal coins from the Treasure Box.
2. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
4 марта 2022 г.
1. Treasure Box - Gift a Treasure Box to your favorite streamers! Everyone has 10 seconds to steal coins from the Treasure Box.
2. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
24 января 2022 г.
1. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
2. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
3. Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
4. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
28 декабря 2021 г.
1. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
2. Clips - Create and share short videos to highlight your best content.
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
5. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
20 декабря 2021 г.
1. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
2. Clips - Create and share short videos to highlight your best content.
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
5. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
15 декабря 2021 г.
1. Group Call - The more the merrier! Join your favorite streamers in group calls or host your own!
2. Clips - Create and share short videos to highlight your best content.
3. Mission - Completing missions is the best way to earn free gifts and more! Go to Profile > My Missions.
4. Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
5. Genre Page - Explore and discover your favorite streaming content based on your unique interests.
29 ноября 2021 г.
• Anniversary Celebration - Come and celebrate 17LIVE\'s 2nd birthday together with us!
• Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
• Genre Page - Explore a brand-new way to discover your favorite streaming content.
15 ноября 2021 г.
• Anniversary Celebration - Come and celebrate 17LIVE\'s 2nd birthday together with us!
• Audio-Only Streaming - Straightforward and authentic, connect with 17LIVE streamers on a more personal level.
• Genre Page - Explore a brand-new way to discover your favorite streaming content.

Способы взлома 17LIVE - Chat, Live streaming

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