Photoleap: Photo Editor/AI Art Mod Apk

Photoleap: Photo Editor/AI Art Взлом - Mod Apk 1.33.0

Разработчик: Lightricks Ltd.
Категория: Искусство и дизайн
Цена: Бесплатно


Game screenshot Photoleap: Photo Editor/AI Art mod apkGame screenshot Photoleap: Photo Editor/AI Art hackGame screenshot Photoleap: Photo Editor/AI Art apk download


Создавайте потрясающие цифровые произведения искусства и потрясающие фотографии с помощью мощного генератора изображений AI и эффектов изображений Photoleap. Мощные инструменты для редактирования фотографий, графический дизайн, цифровое искусство и многое другое у вас под рукой.

Наслаждайтесь также НОВЫМИ костюмами ИИ как раз к Хэллоуину! Меняйте костюмы Хэллоуина с помощью простых в использовании пресетов и превращайте свои фотографии в дух Хэллоуина одним касанием.

Ищете ли вы редактор изображений с искусственным интеллектом, создаете дизайн с нуля или просто добавляете волшебства своим фотографиям, Photoleap — это универсальное приложение для рисования с искусственным интеллектом, которое вам нужно. Наслаждайтесь классическими фотоэффектами, такими как раскрашивание или улучшение, или поднимите свои изображения на новый уровень с помощью фотоанимации, искусственного интеллекта для преобразования текста в изображение или трехмерных фотоэффектов.

- Ретушь изображений для создания фотографий HD из старых снимков.
- Мгновенные фотоэффекты оживят и восстановят ваши изображения, пока они не станут совершенно новыми.
- Фотоэффекты и расширенные инструменты редактирования для повышения резкости пиксельных или размытых изображений.
- Ретушируйте старые фотографии, чтобы они выглядели естественно и реалистично с помощью многофункциональных инструментов одним простым нажатием.
- Придайте семейным портретам новое сияние! Простое редактирование фотографий обновит и раскрасит старые фотографии и придаст им новый вид.
- Раскрасьте свои воспоминания и сделайте их ярче с помощью естественных и простых в использовании инструментов для редактирования фотографий.

- Простое в использовании редактирование фотографий для добавления потрясающих фонов к вашим фотографиям.
- Попробуйте стереть фон, чтобы удалить и заменить то, что вам не нравится.
- Создавайте чистые пакеты для использования в социальных сетях и графическом дизайне.
- Простые в использовании фотоэффекты, позволяющие добавлять визуальные эффекты к фону вашей фотографии, прежде чем поделиться ею с друзьями.

- Создавайте 3D-фотографии и изображения с помощью простого редактирования движения и эффектов.
- Добавьте анимацию изображения, чтобы ваши фотографии ожили.
- Анимируйте и создавайте произведения искусства из своих повседневных фотографий.
- Функции движения для создания 3D-фотографий из ваших неподвижных изображений.

Предпочитаете начать с нуля? Используйте генератор изображений AI, чтобы увидеть, как оживает ваше воображение, и мгновенно создавать произведения искусства.

- Превратите свои селфи в произведения искусства с помощью AI-аватаров и генератора AI-текста в изображение.
- Введите свои фотографии, выберите художественный стиль и наблюдайте, как ваши аватары оживают.
- Создавайте абстрактные картины глубоких снов с помощью искусственного интеллекта с помощью передовых нейронных сетей.
- Новая технология генератора искусственного интеллекта превращает ваши селфи в любой художественный стиль, о котором вы мечтаете.
- Оживите себя в любимых картинах или мультфильмах или создайте совершенно новый образ для себя и своей семьи.

Photoleap — это новая и улучшенная версия с десятками новых функций редактирования фотографий и искусственного интеллекта, которые помогут вам создавать произведения искусства из ваших фотографий!
- Анимируйте свои фотографии с помощью живых эффектов, чтобы превратить неподвижные изображения в 3D-фотографии.
- Добавляйте размеры и создавайте 3D-фотографии из фотографий, сделанных на телефоне!
- Создавайте искусственный интеллект с помощью генератора текста в изображение или создайте собственный аватар для себя.
- Генератор искусственного интеллекта для преобразования текста в изображение для создания любых изображений, о которых вы только можете мечтать.
- Раскрашивайте старые фотографии, чтобы вернуть их к жизни.
- Улучшите старые фотографии и удалите размытие.

Photoleap является частью отмеченного наградами набора приложений Lightricks, который включает в себя широкий спектр решений для редактирования видео и изображений. Среди них:
- Videoleap, инструмент для редактирования видео
- Facetune, инструмент для редактирования селфи-фото и видео
- Lightleap, профессиональный инструмент для редактирования изображений
- Boosted, редактор и создатель маркетинговых видео

Условия использования:
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История обновлений

Big news! Unleash your creativity with our new layers feature – blend and merge photos like a pro. And that's not all! With our fresh cutouts tool, you can now isolate and spotlight the coolest parts of your pics. Dive in and give your photos the magic touch they deserve
Big news! Unleash your creativity with our new layers feature – blend and merge photos like a pro. And that's not all! With our fresh cutouts tool, you can now isolate and spotlight the coolest parts of your pics. Dive in and give your photos the magic touch they deserve
Big news! Unleash your creativity with our new layers feature – blend and merge photos like a pro. And that's not all! With our fresh cutouts tool, you can now isolate and spotlight the coolest parts of your pics. Dive in and give your photos the magic touch they deserve
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Explore AI Selfies - one selfie, endless versions of you. Jump on the trend & try it now!
While you're here, try out Photoleap's other new AI features, including AI Rooms. Turn your living room into Art Deco, Neoclassical, or Danish contemporary style - the choice is yours. We've also the introduced AI Anime editor for anime enthusiasts to transform into their favorite characters.
Download Photoleap to experience AI-powered edits. Now, stop reading, start creating!
Our AI just got even better! We've got three more AI-powered edits that we can't wait for you to try.
- AI Rooms: Take a photo of any room and reimagine it entirely. Art Deco? Neoclassical? Whatever you want, our AI can show you it all.
- AI Selfie: Take a regular picture of you and your friends, then reimagine yourselves as characters, creatures and more.
- AI Anime: Like AI Selfies, but transform yourselves into your favorite character in just a tap.
Now, quit reading and go create stuff!
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
17 мар. 2023 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
9 мар. 2023 г.
Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Paladin or Sorcerer? Unlock the hero in you to celebrate the release of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves with our latest Avatars. Start your adventure and see yourself imagined as one of these characters. There’s even a unique character reveal video waiting to be crafted with every turn.
Share your best creations with us @photoleap_by_lightricks - you might even see yours featured!
Now, quit reading and go create stuff.
The Photoleap Team
6 мар. 2023 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
1 мар. 2023 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
22 февр. 2023 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
10 февр. 2023 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
4 янв. 2023 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
16 дек. 2022 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
5 дек. 2022 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
20 окт. 2022 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
15 сент. 2022 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
13 сент. 2022 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team
6 сент. 2022 г.
Introducing the new Photoleap app, now available on Android with Text to Image!
Just describe any scene you can think of & watch as AI-generated artwork appears in seconds.
From “An alien-ballerina scuba diving in the style of Picasso” to “A painting of a seagull pondering the meaning of life in a photorealistic style”, anything is possible!
Let your creativity run wild, the only limit is your imagination.
Try it for yourself and blow your mind.
Now go create stuff!
The Photoleap Team

Способы взлома Photoleap: Photo Editor/AI Art

Скачать Photoleap: Photo Editor/AI Art MOD APK 1.33.0

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