Postknight 2 Mod Apk

Postknight 2 Взлом - Mod Apk 2.1.1

Разработчик: Kurechii
Категория: Ролевые игры, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Когда юный почторыцарь начинает свое приключение, его основная задача - доставлять разнообразные посылки обитателям мира Призмы!

Приключайся по фантастическому миру, покоряй безбрежные океаны и высокие горы, знойные пустыни и цветущие луга – и пусть ни одна посылка не останется недоставленной. Только настоящий смельчак отважится ступить на путь приключений, полный злобных чудовищ, и победить их всех! А когда ты доберешься до конца этой невероятной приключенческой RPG, то навеки впишешь свое имя в историю почторыцарства. Готов на подвиги?

Ты решаешь
...какой стиль игры предпочесть. Более 80 навыков предлагают широкое поле для экспериментов и возможность собирать боевые приемы в замысловатые и смертоносные комбо! Причем для каждого вида оружия – щит и меч, молот или пара кинжалов – комбо будут свои. Ну что, какое оружие ты возьмешь с собой в дорогу?

Играй на стиле
Собирай и улучшай великолепные комплекты оружия и брони и красуйся в них перед друзьями. В каждом городе, куда заведет тебя дорога приключений, тебя ждет свой тематический комплект экипировки – собери их все и улучши по максимуму!

Не бойся разговаривать
Общайся с мудрыми орэльфами, могущественными людьми, хитрыми перевертышами и технически подкованными драконами. Разветвленная система диалогов позволит и получить нужную информацию, и просто поболтать в свое удовольствие. Не бойся выбирать реплики: совершить необратимый выбор, который заведет в тупик, в этой игре сложно, хотя...

Люби и будь любимым
Приключения приключениями, но и о личной жизни забывать не стоит. Найди свою половинку в одном из городов Призмы! Кто ею станет: задумчивый Флинт, милашка Морган, застенчивая Перл или Ксандер слегка не от мира сего? Решать тебе! Чем дольше длятся ваши отношения, тем теплее они становятся и тем больше ты будешь узнавать о своей половинке. Ходите на свидания, обменивайтесь романтическими подарками и стройте свою любовь!

Модно жить не запретишь
В игре доступно более 150 вариантов внешности персонажа и декоративных предметов. Приключения могут быть суровыми, но это не повод не выглядеть в них можно, стильно, молодежно!

С другом веселее
Приключаться становится гораздо интереснее, если рядом с тобой верный питомец! Приручи одного из 10 возможных спутников – озорного бульплета, осторожного тануки, игривого поросенка или гордую кошку. Если твой питомец счастлив, он поддержит тебя в бою.

Новые приключения!
И это еще не все! Грядет крупное обновление с новыми локациями, новыми историями почторыцарей, новыми персонажами, с которыми можно закрутить роман, врагами, доспехами и прочая, прочая, прочая... У настоящего почторыцаря приключения не заканчиваются никогда!

Рекомендуется играть в Postknight 2 на устройстве с оперативной памятью не менее 4 ГБ. Игра на устройстве, не соответствующем рекомендуемым требованиям, может привести к снижению производительности игры.

Эти два разрешения нужны только в том случае, если вы делитесь игровыми скриншотами через внутриигровую функцию обмена.

История обновлений

Hotfix 2.1.1
• Trick-or-treat, costumes and sweets! The Hollow’s Eve party is back!
• The new Hollow’s Fright Pack is available in the Premium Market.
• Fixed a crashing issue when fighting Pompon's enemy boss.
• Fixed an issue causing the game to get stuck during character creation in certain situations.
• Fixed an issue where the Off-Duty Efficiency Bonus was calculated incorrectly.
See the full list at:
Hotfix 2.0.2
• Friends List and Online Profile will be gradually enabled!
• Fixed various crashing issues when entering battle.
• Fixed a crashing issue when creating your Postknight in certain situations.
• Fixed an issue where the Postknight Rank would appear to be reset in certain situations.
See the full list at:
Update 1.9.4
• Unlocking a new Delivery Quest slot now gives a free Delivery Quest without increasing the timer of the next incoming quests.
• Fixed an issue where the skill buttons in dungeon battles would not appear at times.
• Fixed an issue where the skill buttons in dungeon battles would only become active after taking damage.
• Fixed an issue where some players would be unable to start the Regalle main story in certain situations.
See the full list at:
Update 1.9.3
• Potentially fixed various game crash issues.
• Potentially fixed an issue where the patrol battles would be completed with enemies alive when Postknight is defeated.
• Potentially fixed Error 1173 appearing when claiming items that were already claimed previously through the Postknight Handbook and Prism Pass.
• Fixed a visual issue where the Off-Duty rewards button is shown as complete during the tutorial.
See the full list at:
Update 1.9.2
• Adjusted the number of enemies in Regalle Patrols to improve pacing.
• Trading multiple times in the Inn now counts accordingly for achievements and Prism Pass Quests.
• Graceful Steps, Patient Sloth and Unbound achievements now work as intended.
• Fixed an issue when Postknight would T-pose when using Unstoppable Charge.
• Fixed Raider and Darkdiver Set’s dungeon perk effects not working properly.
See the full list at:
Hotfix 1.9.1
• Beta translations for Traditional Chinese, Thai and Bahasa Indonesia have been added. Do give us your feedback!
• The Skill UI has been redesigned for easier access and better clarity on how skills work.
• The Stat Allocation UI has been improved to provide a better quality of life.
• Tutorials have been improved for a better onboarding experience for new players.
• The Legacy Fashion Lucky Draw has been updated with more items included!
See the full list at:
Update 1.8.3
• Adjusted enemies for Division Bounty to allow players to complete quests in fewer number of Patrols.
• Reduced screen stutter when equipping Armoury items.
• Fixed an issue where the Throwback skill trait could activate twice in certain situations.
• Fixed an issue where the Tanuchi's rock form is not behaving as expected when the Postknight knocks into it.
• More fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
Update 1.8.2
• Increased the Postknight HP recovery in town from 12HP per 3 seconds to 24HP per 3 seconds.
• Adjusted the costs of trade items, food and drink items and pet food items in several locations.
• Fixed an issue where players would encounter Errors 1140 or 1141 when trading in the event market in certain situations.
• Fixed an issue where players are unable to enter the Dungeon when using Crystal Gems (2nd purchase onwards).
See the full list at:
Hotfix 1.8.1
Fontana Fair 🌊
• Our Fontana Fair event has begun! Have a blast with minigames, exclusive prizes and more!
• The Novan Warrior Pack makes its return in the Premium Market!
• Gameplay performance optimisations have been implemented.
• Fixed an issue where the Dungeon Ticket Counter showed the wrong amount when exiting Eventide Cove as the ticket refreshes.
• Fixed various crashing issues.
See the full list at:
Fontana Fair 🌊
• Our Fontana Fair event has begun! Have a blast with minigames, exclusive prizes and more!
• The Novan Warrior Pack makes its return in the Premium Market!
• Gameplay performance optimisations have been implemented.
• Fixed an issue where the Dungeon Ticket Counter showed the wrong amount when exiting Eventide Cove as the ticket refreshes.
• Fixed an issue where the Postknight Handbook reward icon disappears after claiming the reward.
See the full list at:
6 мар. 2023 г.
Update 1.7.4
• Power saving mode is now enabled by default for lower-end devices.
• Continuous patrols should now show loot for each individual patrol rather than the sum of patrols.
• Fixed an issue where the cutscene with Leila during the introduction of the Pets could get stuck in certain situations.
• Fixed a freezing issue when Returning to Town from a dungeon battle but pressing “Cancel”.
• More fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
16 февр. 2023 г.
Hotfix 1.7.3
• Fixed an issue where the Flower Planting process could not progress in certain situations.
13 февр. 2023 г.
Update 1.7.2
• Fixed various crashing issues.
• Fixed an issue causing the game to freeze at the end of cutscenes in certain situations.
• Fixed an issue where notifications would keep reappearing after relaunching the game.
• Fixed an issue where Prism Pass levels could be lost even after rewards were claimed.
• More fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
12 янв. 2023 г.
Hotfix 1.6.4
• Error Code 1006 - Fixed an issue where the game would crash when claiming Handbook Missions, Achievements, and Prism Pass Quests in certain situations.
• Fixed an issue causing Prism Pass quests to be already claimed when entering a new Prism Pass season.
• Fixed an issue where the Salamander would knock your character back when breathing fire.
• More fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
5 янв. 2023 г.
Update 1.6.3
• Fun rewards up for grabs! Log in for any seven days of Golden Week to get neat prizes, including a Fashion Ticket.
• The Go Gold Pack has been added to the Premium Market, comes with the new Shining Sycee Hat, Coins and Crystal Gems.
• Fixed an error when gifting new items to Bonds for certain players.
• Fixed an issue with the error code 1173 when claiming Prism Pass rewards.
• Many more fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
21 дек. 2022 г.
Update 1.6.2
• Fixed crashing issues.
• Various Dagger skill bugs; dagger Parry, Dagger Final Parry, and Blood Sacrifice
• Various Eventide Cove bugs; enemies having incorrect stats, and VFX issues.
• Shadow Summoner enemy disappearing indefinitely.
• And fixes with the Shadow Summoner, Postknight Handbook and more!
See the full list at:
15 дек. 2022 г.
Hotfix 1.6.1
• Our Wintertide event has begun!
• New Lucky Draw: Legacy Fashion! Use Fashion Tickets to draw random Premium Fashion items from the Lucky Draw.
• The Premium Market has been upgraded for a better chance to buy special items!
• New Postknights have joined the ranks! Come meet them at Headquarters!
• Fixed an issue where the Perfection achievement (Perfect Parry 3 times) could not be completed.
• Many more fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
7 дек. 2022 г.
Update 1.6.0
• Our Wintertide event has begun!
• New Lucky Draw: Legacy Fashion! Use Fashion Tickets to draw random Premium Fashion items from the Lucky Draw.
• The Premium Market has been upgraded for a better chance to buy special items!
• New Postknights have joined the ranks! Come meet them at Headquarters!
• Fixed an issue where the Perfection achievement (Perfect Parry 3 times) could not be completed.
• Many more fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
21 нояб. 2022 г.
Update 1.5.5
• Our Ann1versary has launched! Postknight 2 has reached its first year!
• Some new figures have appeared and are waiting for you. Find them to receive some special rewards!
• Added the Gratitude Cap 2022. Claim it from your inbox starting November 24th!
• A horde of blooplets has been spotted in your area: Blooplets are growing more active during the event period. Complete Patrols before they steal your treasure!
14 нояб. 2022 г.
Update 1.5.4
• Fixed an issue where the button for the Dagger Parry Skill disappears in certain battles.
• Fixed an issue where the GO button disappears during Dungeon battles in the Eventide Cove.
• Fixed an issue where Delivery Quests displayed inaccurate Sender and Receiver information.
• Fixed a visual issue where the Pet Fashion Items were not being displayed when equipped.
• More fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
1 нояб. 2022 г.
Update 1.5.3
• Added new market trades: Ringtails in Violetfair, Quadrunes in Aldor, and Windtips in Regalle.
• Fixed an issue where Main Story cutscenes would play during Dungeon battles in the Eventide Cove.
• Fixed an issue where certain Bond's Fashion costumes were not appearing in their respective towns.
• Fixed an issue causing image sharing functions to fail when sharing Bond Memories.
• More fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
18 окт. 2022 г.
Update 1.5.2
• Fixed a very rare issue that could reset all of your Bond progress.
• Fixed issues where Bonds would not react correctly to Trick-o-Treats and Spoopy Pops.
• Fixed an issue where closing the game during a certain point in Hollow's Eve Costume Requests would consume materials without completing those Costume Requests.
• Fixed an issue where Larielle might appear twice during Regalle's intro dialogue cutscene.
• More fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
12 окт. 2022 г.
Update 1.5.0
• Hollow’s Eve is in full fright! The Postknights are hosting a spooky part, complete with new Food and Drink items, as well as a Costume Contest for Bonds to join!
• Fixed an issue where Refresh Tickets were not being consumed properly.
• Fixed an issue causing Error Code 4 when trading too often in short periods of time.
• Fixed issues causing Prism Pass levels to carry over from one month to the next.
• Many more fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
26 сент. 2022 г.
Update 1.4.2
• Fixed an issue where refresh timers in the Premium Market were not working as intended.
• Fixed an issue where completing the Rank-A Exam would show the wrong dialogue in certain situations.
• Fixed an issue causing Larielle's and Leif's defeated dialogue to not play.
• Fixed an issue where dialogue scenes would appear with very low refresh rates.
• Many improvements and fixes for you to enjoy!
See the full list at:
21 сент. 2022 г.
Update 1.4.1
• Enter Regalle City, the second area in the Greater Heights Major Updates. Find memories and reach the hearts of Aegles within this Fortress of Crystal.
• Larielle is now bondable up to 5-Hearts.
• Continuous Patrols are here! An option to quickly continue a Patrol has been added.
• Fixed an issue causing certain players to lose their save data after updating to v1.4.0.
• Many improvements, fixes, and new content for you to find and enjoy!
See the full list at:
12 сент. 2022 г.
Update 1.3.4
• Fixed an issue with claiming Achievements and Handbook missions.
• Fixed an issue with battles running endlessly.
• Fixed an issue where the "Accessing Sagacia" Request Memo could not complete in certain situations. Please talk to Colin in Headquarters to fix this Request Memo.
• Fixed an issue where Immovable Shield could not be cancelled even with Versatile Shield learned.
• Improved overall UI performance.
See the full list at:
19 авг. 2022 г.
Update 1.3.3
• You can now fast travel inside Division Dorms!
• Fixed multiple incorrect localisation texts.
• Fixed an issue where certain enemies might not get knocked back when hit.
• Fixed an issue where Inbox notifications were not being shown when you receive a new message.
• Adjusted the "Own a number of equipment sets" Achievements to display your progress more clearly.
See the full list at:
5 авг. 2022 г.
Hotfix 1.3.2
• Enter Sagacia Forest, the first new area in the Greater Heights Major Updates! Go on a new adventure in the treetops of Quivtol.
• Localisation for Deutsch, Français, Español, Русский, and Português do Brasil.
• Heavy Weapon Overhaul!
• Revamps for many UIs, including Fashion, Prism Pass, Premium Market, and more!
• So many improvements, fixes, and new content for you to find and enjoy!
See the full list at:
29 июл. 2022 г.
Update 1.3.0
• Enter Sagacia Forest, the first new area in the Greater Heights Major Updates! Go on a new adventure in the treetops of Quivtol.
• Localisation for Deutsch, Français, Español, Русский, and Português do Brasil.
• Heavy Weapon Overhaul!
• Revamps for many UIs, including Fashion, Prism Pass, Premium Market, and more!
• So many improvements, fixes, and new content for you to find and enjoy!
See the full list at:
18 июл. 2022 г.
Update 1.2.7
• Fixed various crashing issues.
• Fixed a visual issue causing Prism Pass - Dragon Hunt to display the incorrect description.
• Fixed an audio issue when connecting to bluetooth devices.
• Adjusted the foreground elements in Aldor battles to ensure cutscenes are not visually blocked.
• Improved performance through various optimisations.
21 июн. 2022 г.
Update 1.2.6
• Added an option for accounts to be unlinked from service platforms.
• Added an option to permanently delete account data.
• Fixed an issue where gifting to Bonds in certain situations would cause error code 50.
• Fixed an issue where Bond Characters would have inconsistent gift reactions.
• Fixed a visual issue where character sprites were not showing in the Bonds Menu.
See the full list at:
12 июн. 2022 г.
Update 1.2.5
• Fixed a loading issue where the game would be stuck at 43% due to a login failure.
• Fixed an issue where the progress of the Prism Pass would be incorrectly brought forward from the previous month’s.
• Fixed an issue where the Prism Pass Seasonal Quests would not refresh in certain situations.
• Fixed an issue of an incorrect description for Potion cooldowns.
See the full list at:
27 мая 2022 г.
Update 1.2.4
• Fixed an issue where cutscenes and tutorials would replay repeatedly when launching the game in certain ways.
• Fixed an issue where certain items (Pet Food, Ribbons, etc) were not showing in the Inventory.
• Fixed various crashing issues.
• Fixed an issue where Pets would not follow when using Fast Travel in Towns.
• Fixed an issue where the Alchemist Fashion Set’s (Prism Pass - Alchemy Ace) names and descriptions were missing.
See the full list at:
10 мая 2022 г.
Update 1.2.3
• Fixed an issue where story cutscenes would replay despite being already seen.
• Fixed a rare crash issue when using the Showstopper Dagger skill trait in battle.
• Fixed a visual issue with Wishboard wishes.
• Fixed a visual issue with Herb Infusions in Potions.
• Improved performance through various optimisations.
• Revamped Inventory UI filters to be more intuitive and easy to use.
• Added a Sign Out option in Settings.
20 апреля 2022 г.
Update 1.2.2
• Improved performance when opening menus.
• Reduced connection errors when making multiple offerings quickly to the Eventide Cove Statue.
• Fixed an issue causing Bond 5-Heart Events to repeat.
• Fixed an issue causing the game to be stuck at 84.5% loading when launching.
• Fixed various crashing issues.
• Fixed an animation issue when using Daggers’ Parry skills.
• Fixed an issue that causes no enemies to appear during a Patrol.
1 апреля 2022 г.
Update 1.2.0
• The Fontana Fair is in full flow! Play fun minigames and collect Fontana Wave tokens to trade for exclusive items! Can you beat everyone and win the Ribbons for each minigame?
• Improved the Premium Market bundles UI to show details for multiple items.
• Improved performance through various optimisations.
• Fixed an issue where certain Rank-A Delivery Quests would disappear.
• Fixed an issue where Patrols were not refreshing.
See the full list at:
16 марта 2022 г.
Update 1.1.7
• Fixed a crashing issue while loading into town with an equipped Pet.
• Fixed a crashing issue while loading into battle.
• Fixed an issue where Skip Ads Tickets were not working.
• Fixed an issue while purchasing Pet Fashion items.
• Fixed an issue where Pet Fashion items were displaying the wrong descriptions.
• Fixed an issue where closing the Armoury in Quick Access slows the game down.
• Fixed an issue where Accessory Set Bonuses are not reflected in Character UI Details.
28 февраля 2022 г.
Hotfix 1.1.4
• Improved game performance.
• Improved the UI for Leila’s “Prism Pets” Market.
• Fixed an issue displaying an inaccurate watch count for ads.
• Fixed an issue where the game may crash when players attempt to enter dungeons.
15 февраля 2022 г.
Hotfix 1.1.1
• Fixed a visual issue in Skills UI displaying incorrect weapon icons.
• Fixed a visual issue where the Colin’s Cache shop would not display the previews for Fashion items.
• Fixed an issue where watching ads for HP recovery would not work properly.
• Fixed an issue preventing the Inventory filter from working properly.
• Fixed an issue where shop UIs would not display stat buffs.
See the full list at:
7 февраля 2022 г.
Update 1.1.0
• Blossom Festival is in full bloom! Collect and trade Blossom Hearts for festive items from Lumero Felicity in every town.
• Updated all Bond Chests to use new chest visuals unique to each Bond Character.
• Improved the Ads system to refresh at the same time as other refresh timers.
• Many bug fixes…
See the full list at:
17 января 2022 г.
Patch 1.0.12
• Improved memory management, reducing game crashing issues caused by insufficient memory.
12 января 2022 г.
Patch 1.0.11
• Added warning prompts for when devices runs out of space.
• Fixed an issue that caused dialogue to not play in battles.
• Fixed the Riches Pack not reappearing in the Premium Market.
• Fixed the Experience Ring not appearing in Rare Wares after the Starter Pack expires.
• Fixed Rare Wares incorrectly selling multiple Sword and Shield skillbooks at a time.
• Fixed an issue that stopped Fashion items from being unequipped.
And more! See the full list at:
4 января 2022 г.
Hotfix 1.0.10
• Fixed multiple errors in battle.
• Fixed multiple errors in the Armory UI.
• Fixed an issue that caused Rare Wares to not sell Heavy Weapon Skill Books.
• Fixed an issue that caused battles to be empty after a Treasure Blooplet escapes.
23 декабря 2021 г.
Hotfix 1.0.9
• Fixed a crashing issue when accessing the Pet House UI in certain situations.
• Fixed a visual issue with the Food Buff indicator in battle.
• Fixed a visual issue with Journal achievement rewards.
• Fixed an issue where the loading screen wasn't showing the correct visuals when starting Delivery Quests.
• Fixed various notification issues.
9 декабря 2021 г.
Patch 1.0.5
• Improved memory management.
• Fixed dialogue chat bubble positions.
• Fixed error code 1070 happening in Dungeons.
7 декабря 2021 г.
Patch 1.0.2

• Fixed a gamebreaking crash issue when returning to town from battle.
• Fixed an issue with Inbox mail not being received by certain players.
Зависит от устройства
8 ноября 2021 г.

Способы взлома Postknight 2

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