JobTeaser - jobs for students Mod Apk

JobTeaser - jobs for students Взлом - Mod Apk 5.2.0

Разработчик: JobTeaser
Категория: Бизнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Найдите работу своей мечты в приложении JobTeaser, предназначенном для студентов, и позвольте рекрутерам прийти к вам! С нашими более чем 4000 рекрутеров-партнеров (среди которых BWN, Henkel, Zalando, Amazon, Deutsche Bahn и многие другие ...) не имеет значения, ищете ли вы стажировку во время учебы или работу на полную ставку сразу после выпуска: JobTeaser поддерживает вас.
Все ясно и очень просто: создайте свой профессиональный профиль за несколько минут, загрузите свое резюме и другую важную информацию (ваш лучший TikTok - нет), и все готово. Пока рекрутеры изучают ваш профиль, вы всегда можете просмотреть наши списки вакансий, куда вы можете подать заявку самостоятельно. Мы оцениваем 10 вакансий, наиболее подходящих для вашего профиля, чтобы вам не приходилось пролистывать их часами!
Рекрутеры будут видеть ваш профиль, когда они хотят набирать на определенную работу, и
они пришлют вам описание должности, если сочтут, что вы для нее подходите (мы только что слышали, как вы кричали: «Это так ярко!», не притворяйтесь, что вы этого не сделали)

Следующие шаги решать вам! Сообщите им, что вы думаете. Если вы заинтересованы в вакансии, они получат полный доступ к вашему резюме и свяжутся с вами, чтобы начать процесс. Если нет, то вы больше ничего о них не услышите.
(Но вы, вероятно, продолжите получать от нас известия, мы не занимаемся одноразовой загрузкой)

Мы здесь для вас в любое время. Не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам в случае необходимости и оценивать наше приложение!

История обновлений

The application gets a makeover for the summer and back-to-school! We're very proud to finally be able to share with you the new design we've been working on for several weeks. We hope you like it as much as we do!
The application gets a makeover for the summer and back-to-school! We're very proud to finally be able to share with you the new design we've been working on for several weeks. We hope you like it as much as we do!
The application gets a makeover for the summer and back-to-school! We're very proud to finally be able to share with you the new design we've been working on for several weeks. We hope you like it as much as we do!
The application gets a makeover for the summer and back-to-school! We're very proud to finally be able to share with you the new design we've been working on for several weeks. We hope you like it as much as we do!
We’re preparing a big revamp of the app for this summer, in the meantime we’re fixing minor bugs to hopefully make the app experience more enjoyable for you.
We know it’s often a struggle to find the perfect duration internship, so we just added a duration filter in our job search.
In this version, we’ve cleaned up the profile a little bit, so you can see all relevant info at a glance! We’ve also fixed a few little bugs for a smoother experience overall. We hope you enjoy it!
For a maximum chance of success with your applications, it’s vital to fill your profile all the way on the app. We want to help you to easily spot what’s missing (and make it more fun!), so we’re currently focusing on some improvements in the profile, keep an eye on that!
As usual, we're constantly fixing small bugs you are raising, so don’t hesitate to reach out as well as sharing ideas for improvements. We love to hear from you on [email protected]!
In this latest version, we fixed some small bugs and improved the overall performance and stability of the app!
We focused on simplifying the navigation to make it as efficient as possible - because yes, we know you don't have any time to lose. After many weeks of work, we hope you like the result! All jobs are now on the same screen (your suggestions, the search, your applications and saved jobs) and your profile remains accessible at all times, so you can update it.
9 мар. 2023 г.
We've been in your place, we know student life can get busy! That's why we've created a notification to remind you to attend the events you've signed up for (no more excuses for missing out). We've got your back!
28 февр. 2023 г.
You told us it’s important for you to get a feeling about a company before working there, which is why we have added insights to the app! Whenever a student has completed a professional experience in a company and written a comment about it, you will be able to see and access them right from the respective job ad.
16 янв. 2023 г.
Over the past weeks, we’ve been working on plenty of things to make the new year a success: We’re showing when you applied on all your sent applications, you can save events to your personal calendar and for students in our partner institutions, you’re able to edit your study programme from your profile. We wish you a good start to 2023!
29 дек. 2022 г.
As we all know, the basis of a good relationship is communication and mutual knowledge: That's why we have just added your level of education to your profile information. With this info, we’ll be able to recommend content more suited to your profile! We also know that when it comes to jobs, the fresher, the better: so we added an option to sort results by date of publication after entering a keyword.
1 дек. 2022 г.
The end of the year is approaching fast, so we're dedicating all our efforts to iron out some stubborn little bugs, that way the app looks its best for 2023!
17 нояб. 2022 г.
If you haven’t done any of our guidance tests in the profile yet, you should definitely check them out. And if you have, you’ll see that with the latest update you can easily access the detailed results from the app, so you always have them handy if you want to consult them again!
4 нояб. 2022 г.
As promised, we have improved the detail of our jobs. You'll now have access to key company information at a glance, as well as exclusive additional content they've posted on JobTeaser. We hope this will help you decide!
24 окт. 2022 г.
We’ve given our job ads a shiny new look! Why is that you might wonder? We’re making room for some more information about the employer posting that job ad right below, so that you better see what that company is all about and what else they have to offer at a glance. Stay tuned!
5 окт. 2022 г.
We’re super proud to present you the latest addition to our app: Our first two guidance tests! One helps you to find the right company type for you, the other one which sector fits you best. We’ve also given the events section a little clean-up and added a search bar, so that you can now look for events by keyword or by your favourite company.
21 сент. 2022 г.
In this version, we have improved the job saving function (we know that this is one of your favourite features): you can now see which ads you’ve saved directly from the search, and they will remain accessible even if the ad is no longer online so that you can prepare your interviews. Good luck for the new academic year, we're thinking of you!
12 сент. 2022 г.
Parting ways is never easy, but we understand that as soon as you’ve found a job, you might not need your account anymore (or you just want to get rid of it for different reasons). That’s why we’ve made it easier for you to delete your account right from the app, you no longer have to pass by our website to do so. But if you decide to leave, you can be sure we’ll miss you!
10 авг. 2022 г.
We’re gonna keep it short this time: The weather is getting hotter, so the most important thing is that you stay hydrated and don’t forget the sunscreen. On our side, we’re getting the app ready for the beach, so in this version you find some small bug fixes (just getting the sand off). Have a nice summer and we’ll see you in the next release!
27 июл. 2022 г.
It was time for a little makeover! We have a lot of different things to show you that are important in a job ad, so we revamped them a bit to keep a nice and clean overview. All of you who are in an institution that cooperates with us will also now recognize jobs from their institution’s partners easily. We hope you’re as excited about these changes as we are!
19 июл. 2022 г.
As a first step to enlarge our offering, we need to get to know you guys better and understand where you are in your career journey. That’s why when you register, you will now see a new screen where you can tell us a bit more about their goal when using our app. If you’re already on the app and have FOMO now, don’t worry! The option to add and edit your choice from the profile will come in the next version!
20 июн. 2022 г.
You were able to open events from emails but you couldn’t find them anymore on the app once you’ve closed them. That’s why we added a brand new shiny section to the navigation on the bottom! Check it out and browse through all the events we have for you!
2 июн. 2022 г.
Here we are! We’re slowly but surely introducing a new feature on the app: Events! You’re now able to open events that you receive in your weekly newsletter on the app and register to them. For our head-in-the-clouds-users, we have got your back: you’ll be reminded about events you’ve registered for one day before they start!
5 мая 2022 г.
As an international company, we have jobs that are located in several cities as well as several countries in Europe, but the design of our job ads did not clearly highlight this info. So we needed to make the multi-locations more visible, and we did!
20 апреля 2022 г.
For this release, we’ve worked on some small improvements to provide you with a smoother experience on the app!
24 февраля 2022 г.
We know that it’s less than ideal to apply to a job from your phone. With all the documents you have to upload, the questions you have to answer, all of it from a tiny screen… Therefore we teamed up with some of our partnered companies to allow you to apply to a job in just one click to some jobs!
14 января 2022 г.
First things first… Happy new yeaaaaaar to all of our dear users. The JobTeaser mobile team wishes you to find your dream job this year. And a lot of happiness.
For this first version of 2022 we heard your recurring comments asking to be able to put more information in your profile. Now you can! Stand out from other candidates by filling the professional experiences that make your profile unique.
15 декабря 2021 г.
Ho ho ho! Christmas and New Year’s are coming, and our current priority is to clean up our dear application of all the sneaky bugs before the new year. The next version will be in 2022, so we’d like to wish you a very happy end of 2021, and thank you for your continued support!
7 декабря 2021 г.
In this version we focused on small bugs and visual improvements here and there. We are constantly working on improving your experience on the app!
2 декабря 2021 г.
In this version we focused on small bugs and visual improvements here and there. We are constantly working on improving your experience on the app!
18 ноября 2021 г.
We know applying on an app is not natural, and that you’re mostly here to browse through jobs and save them to apply later from the comfort of your computer. That’s why in this version we did our best to make it easier for you by explaining all the features that will enable you to create your own job wishlist and to improve the quality of your job recommendations.
5 ноября 2021 г.
Filling your profile will ensure that you get the best experience on the app! You’ll get better job recommendations, recruiters will be able to send you jobs, you’ll be able to receive personalized updates…
That’s why we’re trying to make your life simple by giving you the opportunity to fill your profile from basically anywhere in the app. We hope it’ll help!

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