1. Add new keyword “Choose and get” and 3 new cards “Bloodfeather Justiciar”, “Barbarian Girl”, and “Darkfeather Gardener”.
2. Add race tag “Werebeast” to “Birdman”.
3. Lots of optimizations and bug fixes.
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Bug fixes.
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1. Fixed a bug that in the last challenge level that lead to the reward of Hoodgang Master Assassin, because a minion is not summoned correctly, you can’t pass that level.
2. Technical upgrade.
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1. Two new cards: Foxie, the Intelligence First Mate, and Non Official Training.
2. Communication SDK for PvP match has been updated.
3. Fixed a bug that some minions don’t show magic icon properly.
4. Some UI optimizations and bug fixes.
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Technical update. Updated the SDK version.
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Fixed bug that the Rush Hour UI displays wrong size background on some devices.
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Fixed a bug that minion sometimes may show the Last Words icon incorrectly.
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1. New keywords Thorn and Provoke, and 17 new Cards are added! Please check Twitter or Discord for details.
2. Increased the definition of all cards’ images.
3. Changed Goblin Thief from epic to normal.
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Fixed a bug: the counting down of Rush Hour has display error on some devices.
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1. Added 2 new cards: Whirlwind, Bolts out of the Blue.
2. Changed the images for many cards. Please check Twitter or Discord for details.
3. Added new visual effect to Luxuriant Foliage, and you can cast it to any terrains now, though it remains the same effect as before.
4. Fixed a bug of the visual effect for Tango Troll’s healing effect.
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