FBS – Trading Broker Mod Apk

FBS – Trading Broker Взлом - Mod Apk 2.12.0

Разработчик: FBS.com – Trade with Your Trusted Online Broker
Категория: Финансы
Цена: Бесплатно


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Станьте сильнее с FBS и нашим простым в использовании приложением для онлайн-торговли. Безопасная, интуитивно понятная и известная своими лучшими условиями на рынке, FBS изменит ваш подход к инвестированию и произведет революцию в вашем подходе к внутридневной торговле. С нашим приложением для онлайн-трейдинга вы концентрируетесь на своих целях, а мы позаботимся обо всем остальном.

Торгуйте разумно, используя преимущества, предлагаемые FBS.

Совершайте сделки в несколько нажатий
Все может быть подходящим моментом для открытия сделки. Вы можете анализировать рыночные тенденции и принимать обоснованные решения на ходу. Быстро совершайте сделки и инвестируйте в стратегию, которая соответствует вашему стилю.

Легко настройте свои позиции
Выбирайте объем, настраивайте инструменты управления рисками и редактируйте свои ордера.

Откройте для себя более 550 инструментов
Вы можете выбирать из широкого спектра активов, основанных на мировых индексах, акциях крупнейших фондовых бирж, таких товарах, как драгоценные металлы (включая инструменты с золотом), сырая нефть и многое другое.

Управляйте своим портфолио
Вы можете видеть все инструменты, добавлять их в избранное и отслеживать их графики. Сбалансируйте свой портфель, чтобы отразить ваши торговые стратегии и инвестиционные идеи.

Настройте диаграмму
Вы можете использовать более 90 графических индикаторов, чтобы определять ценовые тенденции, точно настраивать свою стратегию и принимать более обоснованные решения.

Получите доступ к своей торговой статистике в реальном времени
Контролируйте баланс своего счета, маржу, свободную маржу и плавающие прибыли и убытки одним касанием.

Контролируйте свой опыт
Настройте параметры своей учетной записи. Вносите и выводите средства с помощью более чем 200 способов оплаты. Выберите тот, который подходит вам лучше всего.

Прозрачные условия
Наслаждайтесь торговлей без скрытых правил, сборов и комиссий. Вы можете найти всю информацию об инструменте перед открытием позиции.

Получайте push-уведомления об изменениях на рынке
Будьте в курсе и воспользуйтесь возможностями инвестирования в нефть, металлы, акции, индексы, товары, акции и другие активы. Независимо от того, относятся ли уведомления к золоту или акциям, они помогают вам анализировать рынок и принимать более разумные решения об инвестировании или продаже.

Совершенствуйте свои торговые навыки
Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы новичком или опытным трейдером, вы можете использовать демо-торговый счет для тестирования и совершенствования своих стратегий. Инвестируйте в свой рост и экспериментируйте с различными подходами к инвестированию без какого-либо риска.

Свяжитесь с круглосуточной службой поддержки
Если вам нужна помощь, наша многоязычная служба поддержки доступна в чате круглосуточно и без выходных.

Станьте сильнее с нашими услугами
Уже более 14 лет мы предоставляем безопасные, инновационные и удобные для клиентов финансовые услуги в качестве международного онлайн-брокера. Мы присутствуем в более чем 150 странах с более чем 27 миллионами клиентов. С нашим обновленным приложением FBS вы можете эффективно инвестировать свое время и ресурсы.

Доверьтесь лицензированному брокеру
FBS обеспечивает надежную торговую среду — FBS Markets Inc. регулируется FSC в соответствии с Законом об индустрии ценных бумаг 2021 (Белиз), лицензия 000102/6. Юридический адрес: 2118, улица Гуава, Белиз, Белама, Фаза 1, Белиз.

Предупреждение о рисках: прежде чем начать торговать, вы должны полностью понимать риски, связанные с торговлей на финансовых рынках, и знать свой уровень опыта.

Раскройте свой потенциал. Торгуйте с FBS
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История обновлений

New update is here!
— Arabic language added: Now you can use the app in Arabic for a more personalized experience.
— Bug fixes: We’ve made some improvements to make your trading smoother and faster.
Update now and enjoy the new features!
New update is here!
— Arabic language added: Now you can use the app in Arabic for a more personalized experience.
— Bug fixes: We’ve made some improvements to make your trading smoother and faster.
Update now and enjoy the new features!
New chart features added:
— Entry points on chart: View entry points and price levels for your open positions and pending orders directly on the chart.
— Improved indicators design: Easily manage your indicators with a refreshed design, making it simpler to add or remove them from your chart.
Update now to take advantage of these enhancements!
— MT4 accounts available: You can now create MT4 accounts and manage them directly in the app, including making deposits, withdrawals, and adjusting settings.
— Faster loading: Enjoy quicker app and chart loading for smoother trading.
— Light/Dark mode settings: Switch between light and dark modes to fit your needs.
— Turkish language added: We’ve added a new language to make trading more accessible. More languages coming soon!
Update now to upgrade your app experience!
This update is packed with trading improvements:
— One-tap trading: Open and close positions instantly, speeding up your market decisions.
— Full-screen charts: Easily switch between small and full-screen view for better chart analysis.
— Trading hours: View trading schedules for each instrument and see when markets are about to close.
— Weekend Crypto navigation: Quickly access Crypto markets when other instruments are unavailable.
Update now to enjoy these exciting features!
This release is so cool that you can’t ignore it, and here’s why:

• Registration in a few taps for newcomers. Get off to a good start!
• The Pro account is now more accessible. All the benefits are still there, but the minimum deposit is much lower.

Like it? Get updated right now.
This release is so cool that you can’t ignore it, and here’s why:

• Registration in a few taps for newcomers. Get off to a good start!
• Easier crypto deposit with a QR code. Clear and brief instructions provided.
• The Pro account is now more accessible. All the benefits are still there, but the minimum deposit is much lower.
• New leverage options. Now, you can change the leverage anytime. Try them all!

Like it? Get updated right now.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
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20 янв. 2023 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
10 янв. 2023 г.
With the latest update, you will
• Never lose access to your FBS Personal Area app – set your own memorable password or try a quicker login via social networks.
• See your deposit status right on the start screen and get a push or in-app notification as soon as a transaction has been processed.
• Have no more doubts when choosing an account type or trading platform, thanks to new informative descriptions.
14 дек. 2022 г.
22 нояб. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
8 нояб. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
27 окт. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
19 окт. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
3 окт. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
22 сент. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
19 авг. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
5 авг. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
20 июл. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
14 июн. 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
23 мая 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
18 апреля 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
16 февраля 2022 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
26 января 2022 г.
In this release, we added an amazing feature: the Education section.
Tap “More” in the menu and find the new section. Check courses on Forex and trading techniques and grow lesson by lesson.
Like our app? Please rate it!
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
20 декабря 2021 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
7 декабря 2021 г.
Some minor bugs were fixed and slight changes were made. Update to the latest version to get an even better app experience.
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
Like our app? Please rate us and leave a review in the store. We always appreciate your feedback!
18 ноября 2021 г.
In this version, we added a possibility to share a Cent account to the FBS CopyTrade app. Now it’s much easier to earn on investors’ commissions.
Like our app? Please rate it!
If you have some questions or want to get more information, contact us via [email protected].
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Способы взлома FBS – Trading Broker

Скачать FBS – Trading Broker MOD APK 2.12.0

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