EPAM Connect Mod Apk

EPAM Connect Взлом - Mod Apk 2.40.0

Разработчик: EPAM Systems
Категория: Бизнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Хотите упростить свою повседневную жизнь в EPAM? С приложением EPAM Connect вы можете выполнять рутинные задачи на ходу и экономить время!

Экономьте время на ежедневных задачах
Отчеты о времени, запросы на отпуска по болезни, календарь отпусков и отслеживание баланса отпусков позволяют вам с легкостью управлять своим графиком.

Поддерживайте связь с коллегами
Ищите коллег, просматривайте их профили и награждайте значками за их достижения.

Спланируйте посещение офиса
Забронируйте любимое рабочее место в офисе всего в несколько нажатий. Не забудьте о парковочном месте и шкафчике для хранения вещей.

Не упустите преимущества EPAM
Изучите и ознакомьтесь с эксклюзивными льготами и скидками, доступными в вашем офисе EPAM. Ваша льготная карта также у вас в кармане.

Оставайтесь на связи с EPAM
Получайте последние новости и обновления компании, слушайте подкасты — все в одном месте. Оставайтесь на связи с EPAM и никогда не пропустите ни одной детали.

Еще не EPAMer?
Изучите вакансии, доступные вам в EPAM, и ознакомьтесь с преимуществами, доступными для EPAMеров.

История обновлений

With the new version you will get:
- Fixed incorrect free places count in parking booking
- Improved screens titles for better navigation
- Enhanced reliability
With the new version you will get:
- New reactions on News: let's us know what you like with updated reactions!
- Easier access to your Benefits Card: find it right on the Benefit Details screen, without extra navigation
- Fixed issues with sharing benefits and news
- Behind-the-scenes upgrades for a smoother experience
With the new version you will get:
- reactions on News to help us understand what you enjoy
- improved Sick Leave submissions with clearer messages for better usability
- general stability improvements for a smoother experience
This release was about improving your overall experience with the app by enhancing performance and security, fixing some minor bugs and behind-the-scenes functionality
With the new version you will get:
- enhanced performance and security
With the new version you will get:
- Enhanced UI for quick and easy Time reporting
- Workplace facilities labels helping to select a suitable desk to book
- UX/UI improvements and bug fixes
With the new version you will get:
- Enhanced UI for Sick leaves submission
- Predefined activities available for time reporting for a new report period
- Consistent look of system elements in the app
- UX/UI improvements and bug fixes
With the new version you will get:
- Possibility to report time in predefined activities
- Redesigned Podcasts details page
- UX/UI improvements and bug fixes
With the new version you will get:
- Revived Suggested workplaces for fast booking
- Improvements of Workplace booking map and QR code scanner
- Benefits and offices on one combined map
- Quick access to benefits card from any benefit details screen
- Security improvements and bug fixes
With the new version you will get:
- Redesigned Toolkit, simplifying access to available features
- Enhanced Profile navigation
- Security improvements and bug fixes
With new version you will get:
- Enhanced and redesigned flow of Workplace booking to simplify everyday activities
- Possibility to leave feedback on new Workplace booking flow
- Extended list of supported browsers for better authentication experience
- UX/UI improvements and bug fixes
9 мар. 2023 г.
This version contains the following updates:
- Improved login flow with expanded list of supportable browsers
21 дек. 2022 г.
This version contains the following updates:
- Workplace booking fixes for EPAM Lithuania offices
- Sick leave fixes for our people in Uzbekistan
- New buttons UI
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
20 окт. 2022 г.
This version contains the following updates:
- Long-awaited Holiday calendar;
- Extended Safety&Location feature for our people in Ukraine;
- Sharing and push notifications for Smart Locker users;
- UX/UI improvements and bug fixes.
22 авг. 2022 г.
This version contains the following updates:
- Smart Lockers booking now available worldwide;
- Refined booking interface for easier use;
- Sharing available for any content in My Feed now;
- EPAM Map improvements.
11 июл. 2022 г.
This version contains the following updates:
- Optimized search for people, benefits, and more;
- EPAM Map improvements;
- General UX improvements and bug fixes.
17 мая 2022 г.
Explore benefits and offices in any EPAM location using our brand new EPAM Map:
- find benefits on map using search or smart filters;
- get full benefit’s info right on the map;
- get direction to the office or benefit just in one click; and
- enjoy enhanced UI and performance.
1 апреля 2022 г.
Update your Pulse using the new feature and stay in touch with people who care about your experience.
30 декабря 2021 г.
Update your app and enjoy the enhancements in the latest version:
- read notifications from EPAM apps in one feed;
- check your vacation balance;
- view vacation requests; and
- search in the list of benefits.
24 ноября 2021 г.
Key updates in the latest version of EPAM Connect include:
- behind-the-scenes changes to enhance your navigation experience and system stability;
- QR code processing when you scan it with an external scanner;
- improved benefits UX;
- bug fixing and other small improvements.
14 октября 2021 г.
Hi there, in this release we deliver some bug fixes.

Способы взлома EPAM Connect

Скачать EPAM Connect MOD APK 2.40.0

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