The Simpsons™: Tapped Out Mod Apk

The Simpsons™: Tapped Out Взлом - Mod Apk 4.64.3

Категория: Симуляторы
Цена: Бесплатно


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Авторы «Симпсонов» - это игра о городском строительстве, которая позволяет вам создавать свое собственное живое, дышащее Спрингфилд! Когда Гомер случайно вызвал обвал, который уничтожил Спрингфилд, вы должны очистить его беспорядок ... мы имеем в виду, помочь ему восстановить его!
                                                                                                                                                                                           Собери своих любимых персонажей
Помогите воссоединить Гомера с его любимыми - Мардж, Лизой, Мэгги (и даже иногда с Бартом), а также с его не очень любимыми, такими как Нед Фландерс. Переполните Спрингфилд вашими любимыми персонажами, от Barflies (Barney Gumble) до Wise Guys (Fat Tony). Добавьте их всех, мы не будем судить! Оденьте своих персонажей в пух и прах с помощью таких вариантов, как Сорвиголова Барт или Ящерица Королева Лиза, и переживите сцены из ваших любимых эпизодов Симпсонов!
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Взять на себя ответственность Спрингфилд
Не можете контролировать свою жизнь? Теперь вы можете контролировать жизнь жителей Спрингфилда вместо этого! Заставить ВСУ смехотворно долго работать в Квик-Э-Март, заставить Мо провозить нелегальных животных или заставлять Гомера трудиться целый день у бассейна ... чтобы последний не был таким уж плохим.

Создай свой собственный Springfield
Думаешь, Гомер заслуживает того, чтобы жить по соседству с Мо? Или монорельс может пережить еще несколько резких поворотов? Ну, наконец, вы можете сделать Springfield именно так, как вы этого хотите! Расширьте свой город до набережной, развивайте свой бизнес с гламурными магазинами Спрингфилд-Хайтс и наслаждайтесь его достопримечательностями, используя всего несколько нажатий.

Опыт уникальных историй Симпсонов
Поймайте эксклюзивные анимационные сцены и новые веселые истории от авторов The Simpsons. Вы знаете, что они хороши, потому что они пишут для Симпсонов! Tapped Out - самая веселая игра про Симпсонов, в которую вы можете играть!

Всегда что-то новое для вашего любимого города
Спрингфилд может навсегда оказаться на грани разрушения, купи эй, по крайней мере, это никогда не скучно Будь то вторжения хэллоуинских монстров, разгул супергероев или хаос, вызванный одной из «великих» идей Гомера, у вас есть бесконечные варианты!

** Эта игра загружает дополнительный контент при первом запуске, который может быть до 1,5 ГБ в зависимости от устройства. Мы рекомендуем подключиться к WIFI при первой игре. Эта игра также поддерживается регулярными обновлениями контента, которые требуют дополнительных загрузок после выпуска. Пожалуйста, будьте терпеливы, пока он загружается (мы обещаем, что это стоит подождать). **

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; Мобильные услуги происхождения включены с этим приложением. Для получения дополнительной информации см. Http:// и Лицензионное соглашение с конечным пользователем; EA может отказаться от онлайн-функций и услуг после 30-дневного уведомления, размещенного на сайте; EA может отказаться от онлайн-функций и услуг после 30-дневного уведомления по электронной почте (при наличии) и размещения по адресу; Собирает данные с помощью сторонних технологий показа и анализа рекламы (подробности см. В Политике конфиденциальности и использования файлов cookie); Содержит прямые ссылки на сайты социальных сетей, предназначенные для аудитории старше 13 лет.

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История обновлений

Halloween is right around the corner, and the citizens of Springfield are wondering what horrifying nonsense is coming to their city this year. Will it be ghosts? Zombies? Invasion of the Donut People? Everyone’s afraid that it’ll be one of Homer’s crazy guesses until Bart uses Frink’s latest invention to try to summon his favorite monster heroes, the Ki-Ya Karate Monsters. What could go wrong? Maybe everything!
Who would have predicted that one extra Mr. Burns could have caused so much trouble? Okay, everyone probably predicted that. Luckily things are returning to normal now, and the polar icecaps are safe. Well, as safe as they used to be. Which, it turns out, is not very safe.
When Marge asks Homer to clean out the attic, he finds a mirror that Grampa says has the power to create alternative universe mirror versions of family and friends and even Mr. Burns, who teams up with his mirror twin to melt the polar ice caps and wreak havoc on a global scale. Whew! That’ll teach Homer to clean out the attic!
When Marge asks Homer to clean out the attic, he finds a mirror that Grampa says has the power to create alternative universe mirror versions of family and friends and even Mr. Burns, who teams up with his mirror twin to melt the polar ice caps and wreak havoc on a global scale. Whew! That’ll teach Homer to clean out the attic!
Thanks to Homer, Mr. Burns has kept his tee time and is in an “excellent” mood. And while Quimby is still sulking about being excluded from the country club, golf fever seems to be sticking around. Be sure to keep building out your courses with all the new decorations! You never know when the next wave of golfers, and caddies lugging their clubs, will strut into town…
As summer settles into Springfield, the residents find themselves looking for something to do. Fortunately, Sky Finger pulls the Springfield Glen Country Club out of the void. When Mayor Quimby finds himself excluded from membership in the Country Club, he vows revenge and opens a rival course. Meanwhile, Mr. Burns finds his rival, Aristotle Amadopolis, trying to steal his tee time and challenges him to a match. What will happen? Not sure, but keep your head down. Springfielders are lousy shots.
God went Old Testament on Springfield, but now is back on the path of peace and goodwill. And the people of Springfield are left to pick up the pieces and start over. Like Sodom and Gomorrah, but with town wide 5G. So what's next? Lord only knows... and he ain't telling!
The not-so-good people of Springfield have pushed God too far, so he decides it’s time for some good ol’ fashioned Wrath of Him. As the Almighty breaks out his lightning bolts and floods, what will the townspeople do? Will they repent their sins? Or will they see this like the capitalist gold mine that it is? We're pretty sure you know the answer!
Bart and company saved the day and fixed Milhouse’s crazy spell that tethered the town to the Kingdom of Springfieldia. All it took were the brains of Sorcerer Chalmers, the brawn of Orc Willie, and the booze of the Duff Knight. Now that the Amulet of Warmfyre has been retrieved, things can finally go back to normal. As long as you think it’s normal to have dragons wandering around your Springfield.
18 янв. 2023 г.
Martin finally convinces Bart and friends to join him for a game of Vaults and Vandals. It’s like an online role-playing game, only not online! But things quickly spin out of control, and the fictional characters from their campaign start coming to life! The only way to get things back to normal is to retrieve the magical Amulet of Warmfyre… but even then will things ever be the same?
14 дек. 2022 г.
The blizzard has finally broken, and the people of Springfield are flocking back. Mr. McGrew’s generosity has been a shining example for almost everyone in Springfield, however his shoveling skills left something to be desired. As they warm themselves up, they can’t help but wonder what might come next for the city of Springfield. A massive flock of kittens? A tax break for mayhem? A Mrs. Burns for Mr. Burns? Who knows! We certainly don’t because we refuse to open our emails.
15 нояб. 2022 г.
Forget dreaming, this is a nightmare of a white Christmas! A blizzard of historic proportions is bearing down on Springfield that has every snowplow, snow shoveler, and road salter shaking in their boots. Luckily a mysterious figure has been buying people out and sending them to warmer weather. But as the adults of Springfield line up to become snowbirds, the children are left wondering the true intentions of this winter wonderland?
27 окт. 2022 г.
The tricks have been tricked, the treats treated, and another Springfield Halloween has been hallowed. It’s time to turn our attention to less scary holidays, and forget about all this non-canonical nonsense… except of course for the weird monsters you got that will be creeping around your town forever. Mwoohahaha!
23 сент. 2022 г.
Halloween is the new “it” holiday. But as empty big box stores turn into Cauldrons of Capitalism, Lisa wants to bring out the Boo from her beloved books with Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft! When the two spooky scribes start to compete for who can become the Master of Horror, all of Springfield may be doomed. Will anyone survive Lovecraft teaming up with Mad Doctor Itchy to unleash a creation so frightening that you’ll have to buy some boots just so you can shake in them?
1 сент. 2022 г.
Springfield is certainly NOT ready for its close-up but it’s happening anyway! Polystar Pictures has returned to film their next new original idea - a reboot of the reboot of ‘The Sands of Space.’ Just one problem - Krusty is signed on to direct. Little does he know (since he hasn’t read the script) that Polystar plans to retcon Marble Universe characters into the film. Can Krusty deliver a hit or will it be egomaniac vs egomaniac until the studio calls cut on the entire production?
22 июл. 2022 г.
Springfield is certainly NOT ready for its close-up but it’s happening anyway! Polystar Pictures has returned to film their next new original idea - a reboot of the reboot of ‘The Sands of Space.’ Just one problem - Krusty is signed on to direct. Little does he know (since he hasn’t read the script) that Polystar plans to retcon Marble Universe characters into the film. Can Krusty deliver a hit or will it be egomaniac vs egomaniac until the studio calls cut on the entire production?
8 июл. 2022 г.
Springfielders have saved their town from canine clutches for the fourth time! It seems like these dogs have adopted a cat’s attitude on lives. Now all that’s left is to clean up the town with plenty of pooper scoopers and plastic baggies. What’s next for Springfield? Once we catch our own tails, we’ll figure it out.
25 мая 2022 г.
The Springfield Police are going to the dogs. Literally. Police Chief Wiggum lost the leash for his newest K-9 crew, and man’s best friend is about to lay down the law. Will these mutts kick some Springfield butts and send them all to the pound? Or will the town neuter this dog attack before it’s too late?
5 мая 2022 г.
Springfield has gone car crazy and the open road has ground to a standstill. On the plus side, now the cars can get road rage along with the drivers. Remember, "plus side" is a relative term. Homer is stuck with his old car - well, his new old car. You really didn't think we'd allow the Simpsons to change, did you? That would be insane. Which, incidentally, is also what the CarGo Smart Cars have gone... Approach with caution.
12 апреля 2022 г.
Clunker, Guzzler, Rust Bucket – these aren't just nicknames for Homer, these are the search terms the Simpsons are using to hunt for a new car. And by new we mean new to them. With Homer's credit, he can't even afford a brand new car air freshener - he has to settle for luxury pre-owned scent. From monster trucks to self-driving smart cars, the Simpsons are hitting the road!
22 марта 2022 г.
As quickly as they came, the circuses have left town. Although it's possible you failed to notice because of all the freaks that live IN Springfield. Honestly, it’s insane people paid to see more. Now that Burnsum and Bailey have reunited, what’s next for the shameless charlatans? Animals in the freak show? Freaks in the animal show? Freaky animals running the show? Wait, that’s Burnsum and Bailey’s job! Better follow the circus to find out! Next stop… ew, Shelbyville…
8 февраля 2022 г.
Step right up ladies and germs - the circus is coming to Springfield! Actually, it's three circuses – each more circus-y than the last. And NO this wasn’t a scheduling error. It was totally intentional. ANYWAY… Fancy a freak show? The Burnsum and Bailey Circus is where it’s at! High wire animal stunts? Head to Ding-A-Ling Bros. Circus. Need a fancy French circus? Then Cirque de Puree is your circus du jour. Still not enough circuses for you? Then you probably have a problem.
18 января 2022 г.
So it was the sentient Christmas tree that attacked Santa? But why? Just because the holiday is responsible for the deaths of millions of his brothers and sisters? Oh… I guess that's why. Anyway, it looks like justice came home for Christmas this year. Now that Santa is in the clear and the Tannenbaums are behind bars, we can get back to enjoying the true spirit of Christmas – gathering around a fire and yelling at our loved ones.
10 декабря 2021 г.
It's a regular old Ho! Ho! How? Christmas is on the brink of ruin… Santa has been beaten into a coma! Will he recover in time to deliver presents? Does he even remember who's been naughty or nice? And will anyone bother to solve this case? Permanent nice list members Lisa and Marge are tracking down the bah-humbug slugger himself, all with the help of Santa's old friend Herb Tannenbaum. Cause you can't spell Merry Christmas without crime!
16 ноября 2021 г.
They made it to the New Frontier alive and well. Sorry, we meant well technically alive. But soon they'll be rich in all-natural donuts, spending their days panning for sprinkles, drinking water melted from glazed glaciers, and living it up in the Promised Land. All they have to do is make it through one more of Connie's lectures… or they could just eat her and turn this donut party into a Donner Party. And with that joke, I'll be heading east myself.

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