Dirt Trackin Sprint Cars Mod Apk

Dirt Trackin Sprint Cars Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: Bennett Racing Simulations, LLC
Категория: Гонки, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Присоединяйтесь к более чем 1 000 000 других игроков, наслаждающихся лучшей игрой Dirt Racing Sprint Car от создателей Dirt Trackin'! С 410 крылатыми, некрылыми, модифицированными большими блоками и карликовыми автомобилями вы обязательно найдете все уровни соревнований по бездорожью.

Более 20 гоночных трасс, включая всеми любимые трассы Atomic Speedway, Fairbury Speedway и Brownstown Speedway!

Водители из реального мира во всех 4 гоночных классах и высококонкурентный многопользовательский режим с более чем 3000 ежедневных гонок, чтобы увидеть своих друзей в грязи. Практикуйтесь в горячих кругах, соревнуйтесь с искусственным интеллектом в одиночном режиме или, если вы достаточно смелы, прыгайте в изнурительный режим карьеры, который перенесет вас через всю страну и отправится в Австралию, чтобы выиграть трофеи.

НОВИНКА! Гоночные события - Наслаждайтесь полным гоночным опытом, зарабатывая свой путь от солидной гонки на время, заезды и гонки C/B/A-Main, чтобы добраться до заслуженной Победы!

Режим карьеры: проложите свой путь от Соединенных Штатов до Австралии в изнурительном режиме из 108 гонок, в котором вы должны выиграть каждую серию, чтобы перейти к следующей. Просто побеждайте, и вы в игре. Станьте преступником, проложите свой путь через ряды от карликов и модификаций больших блоков до полномасштабных 410 Wing Sprints и разблокируйте награды!

Другие особенности включают в себя:
- Кастомизация: покажите, кто вы на самом деле, настроив все свои автомобили так, чтобы они наилучшим образом соответствовали вашему духу, наполненному адреналином.
- Предупреждения: в режиме одиночной игры или карьеры поднимайте желтый флаг, когда у вас или у вашего товарища-ИИ-водителя возникли проблемы.
- Время суток: выберите время дня, сумерек или ночи для участия в гонке.
- Время пачкаться: ваша машина не только будет забрызгана грязью, и вам придется использовать отрывные элементы, но ваша машина также будет накапливать грязь во время гонки, как настоящая машина на трассе.
- Таблицы лидеров: результаты ваших гонок оцениваются в глобальных и ежемесячных таблицах лидеров.
- Полный уик-энд гонки: пройдите как можно быстрее во время гонки на время, за которой последует гонка с участием 9 человек с большим финалом в A-Main!
- Полнофункциональные онлайн-гонки для 120 человек, начиная с гонок на время, за которыми следуют заезды, C/B и A-Mains!

Ознакомьтесь с политикой конфиденциальности для получения дополнительной информации.

История обновлений

Minor bug fixes.

If you're enjoying the game, we would really appreciate it if you spare some of your time to give us a 5-star review on the Play Store. You can also make use of the contact form in the game settings menu if you have any other comments!

Thank you!
Minor bug fixes.

If you're enjoying the game, we would really appreciate it if you spare some of your time to give us a 5-star review on the Play Store. You can also make use of the contact form in the game settings menu if you have any other comments!

Thank you!
Old Town Raceway - another brand new fictional racetrack ready to give you that wild west dirt feeling!

We're also updating the format for the next All Stars so qualifier winners won't have to qualify again for the main race.

If you're enjoying the game, we would really appreciate it if you spare some of your time to give us a 5-star review on the Play Store. You can also make use of the contact form in the game settings menu if you have any other comments!

Thank you!
Old Town Raceway - another brand new fictional racetrack ready to give you that wild west dirt feeling!

We're also updating the format for the next All Stars so qualifier winners won't have to qualify again for the main race.

If you're enjoying the game, we would really appreciate it if you spare some of your time to give us a 5-star review on the Play Store. You can also make use of the contact form in the game settings menu if you have any other comments!

Thank you!
Old Town Raceway - another brand new fictional racetrack ready to give you that wild west dirt feeling!

We're also updating the format for the next All Stars so qualifier winners won't have to qualify again for the main race.

If you're enjoying the game, we would really appreciate it if you spare some of your time to give us a 5-star review on the Play Store. You can also make use of the contact form in the game settings menu if you have any other comments!

Thank you!
16 февр. 2023 г.
Old Town Raceway - another brand new fictional racetrack ready to give you that wild west dirt feeling!

We're also updating the format for the next All Stars so qualifier winners won't have to qualify again for the main race.

If you're enjoying the game, we would really appreciate it if you spare some of your time to give us a 5-star review on the Play Store. You can also make use of the contact form in the game settings menu if you have any other comments!

Thank you!
15 февр. 2023 г.
Old Town Raceway - another brand new fictional racetrack ready to give you that wild west dirt feeling!

We're also updating the format for the next All Stars so qualifier winners won't have to qualify again for the main race.

If you're enjoying the game, we would really appreciate it if you spare some of your time to give us a 5-star review on the Play Store. You can also make use of the contact form in the game settings menu if you have any other comments!

Thank you!
11 янв. 2023 г.
Happy new year fellow drivers!

In this update, we fixed a bug that happens on the very last race of the career, updated notifications, and finished the promoter icon server migration!

If you're enjoying the game, we would really appreciate if you give us a 5-star review on the Google Playstore page!
27 дек. 2022 г.
Please welcome the Top 10 drivers from our latest contest!

The winners are Tanner Holmes, Vivian Jones, Caleb Harmon, Chase Metheney, Jacob Gomola, Chase Randall, Miles Paulus, Brandon Hanks, David Stephenson, and Chance Grasty.

We would like to thank you for being with us for another year and to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful festive period!
1 дек. 2022 г.
Bills are all paid up now and the lights at Duel tracks are lit again - Race on!

In this update, we also fixed some other minor issues that were reported - thanks, and keep them coming!

As always, we appreciate the reviews you write to us in the store. If you haven't written one yet, kindly consider writing one - they help us a lot!
17 нояб. 2022 г.
The slick version of Slide Job City is ready to roll... We hope you enjoy this track as if it's a Sunday afternoon at your local track!

As always, we appreciate the reviews you write to us in the store. If you haven't written one yet, kindly consider writing one - they help us a lot!
10 нояб. 2022 г.
A New 410 driver added to the game - please welcome Michael Millard!

Over the last few weeks, we made sure to tackle some of the underlying issues such as getting incorrect No Shows and DNF in Race Events.

A separate update with more content coming out shortly!
7 сент. 2022 г.
This is one of those updates where we try to keep any reported bugs in check!

As always, we appreciate the reviews you write to us on the store. If you haven't written one yet, kindly consider writing one - they help us a lot!
23 авг. 2022 г.
This is one of those updates where we try to keep any reported bugs in check!

As always, we appreciate the reviews you write to us on the store. If you haven't written one yet, kindly consider writing one - they help us a lot!
21 июл. 2022 г.
A great debut to Elbows Up Slick and 2 brand new racetracks in 1 called "Duel Speedway"!

All new tracks are also available in Career.

In this minor update, we also fixed bugs that were causing the app to crash on some online races.

As always, we appreciate the reviews you write to us on the store. If you haven't written one yet, kindly consider writing one - they help us a lot!
6 июл. 2022 г.
A great debut to Elbows Up Slick and 2 brand new racetracks in 1 called "Duel Speedway"!

All new tracks are also available in Career.

We also fixed a bug on straight walls at Down Under Speedway.

As always, we appreciate the reviews you write to us on the store. If you haven't written one yet, kindly consider writing one - they help us a lot!
20 мая 2022 г.
Thank for the continuous support and feedback you all give us!

This patch fixes an issue with wall grips on certain tracks and another issue with late starts in multiplayer races on slow devices.

You'll also notice the countdown for the limited time track - Fairbury Speedway AMain will automatically unlock on June first!
18 апреля 2022 г.
You asked for it and we delivered. In this update, we added more custom wraps for all classes.

We hope you love this update and kindly consider giving the game a fresh 5-star rating or review on the Google Playstore. It helps us a lot - thank you!
8 апреля 2022 г.
In this update, we fine-tuned assists to make the game more fun for rookies, balanced out walls to avoid wall banging and fixed some bugs with AI difficulty level settings.
14 марта 2022 г.
This update is dedicated to you all, our fans who supported us throughout the years!

To show our appreciation, we are adding a really cool racetrack for FREE for everyone.
City View is a 1/4 mile fictional fast track - hope you enjoy it!
22 февраля 2022 г.
Minor optimisations and fixed dirt on screen.
7 января 2022 г.
Event change: If you enter a race and others that are lined up ahead of you no-show, you are moved ahead of them in the order.

We also updated the bad word filter, fixed a bug to show correct prize win amount and a random bug where some players were not getting rank points at the end of an event race.
30 декабря 2021 г.
In this update, we bring you minor bug fixes and improvements.

We'll take this opportunity to wish you Happy Holidays from all of the Dirt Trackin' Team!
16 ноября 2021 г.
Major update to Career mode!

All tracks are now available in career mode and you can also enjoy career mode when offline!
Fixed bug related to EST Winter time.
12 ноября 2021 г.
Major update to Career mode!

All tracks are now available in career mode and you can also enjoy career mode when offline!
Fixed bug related to EST Winter time.
1 ноября 2021 г.
Updated track grip balance!

- Fairbury and Brownstown both received an entire re-grip to get them closer to real world times.
- Most other tracks received a slight or heavy bottom grip adjustment to bring them closer to the top lines on each track.
- We will continue to monitor the grips and make future adjustments!

Small change to 3Bend Raceway an Viper Speedway
Minor bug fixes and optimizations.

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