Best weather forecast on the store. 24h, 7days forecast, radar, weather widget on home screen.
v12.9: Performance and stability improvements
v12.6: GDPR message consent for EU/UK users
v12.4: Performance and stability improvements
v11.9: Update new target SDK as Google requirements
v11.8: Performance and stability improvements
v11.3: Fix a policy text issue
Best weather forecast on the store. 24h, 7days forecast, radar, weather widget on home screen.
v12.8: Performance and stability improvements
v12.6: GDPR message consent for EU/UK users
v12.4: Performance and stability improvements
v11.9: Update new target SDK as Google requirements
v11.8: Performance and stability improvements
v11.3: Fix a policy text issue
Best weather forecast on the store. 24h, 7days forecast, radar, weather widget on home screen.
v11.9: Update new target SDK as Google requirements
v11.8: Performance and stability improvements
v11.3: Fix a policy text issue
v11.1: Explain why app need to collect location data in background & ask user to allow this or not before using app. Also fixed gift ads icon issue.
Best weather forecast on the store. 24h, 7days forecast, radar, weather widget on home screen.
v11.8: Performance and stability improvements
v11.3: Fix a policy text issue
v11.1: Explain why app need to collect location data in background & ask user to allow this or not before using app. Also fixed gift ads icon issue.
Best weather forecast on the store. 24h, 7days forecast, radar, weather widget on home screen.
v11.6: Performance and stability improvements
v11.3: Fix a policy text issue
v11.1: Explain why app need to collect location data in background & ask user to allow this or not before using app. Also fixed gift ads icon issue.
14 августа 2021 г.
Best weather forecast on the store. 24h, 7days forecast, radar, weather widget on home screen.
v11.3: Fix a policy text issue
v11.1: Explain why app need to collect location data in background & ask user to allow this or not before using app. Also fixed gift ads icon issue.
v10.07: Fixed bug that drain battery when run in background
v9.9: Fixed a notification issue
v7.5: Wind speed in knot, ft/s
v6.5: Transparent widget
v6.0: inHg unit, UV index & Radar inside the app.