DartCounter Mod Apk

DartCounter Взлом - Mod Apk 8.1.1

Разработчик: DartCounter
Категория: Спорт
Цена: Бесплатно


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Target DartCounter — это крупнейшее в мире приложение-табло для дартс, позволяющее отслеживать все ваши результаты. Играйте в игры x01, Cricket, Bob's 27 и несколько других обучающих игр.
Играйте против своих друзей, играйте онлайн против кого угодно со всего мира или бросьте вызов компьютерному дартботу.
В играх x01 вы услышите голос MasterCaller Рэя Мартина, который объявит ваше имя и ваши результаты.

Зарегистрируйтесь на Facebook или войдите в систему, и все ваши игры будут сохранены.

Играйте с несколькими игроками с помощью учетной записи DartCounter, и вся игра будет сохранена в обеих учетных записях.

* Игроки: 1–4 игрока, с учетной записью или без нее.
* Стартовый балл 501, 701, 301 или любой другой номер.
* Тип матча: сеты или легы.
* Режим игрока/командный режим
* Играйте против компьютерного дартсбота (в среднем 20–120)

Варианты обучения:
* x01 Матч
* Крикет
* 121 Оформить заказ
* Круглосуточно
* Бобу 27 лет
* Парные тренировки.
* Шанхай
* Одиночные тренировки
* Оценка обучения

* Среднее значение матча
* Первые 9 средних
* Процент оформления заказа
* Самый высокий балл
* Самый высокий стартовый балл
* Самый высокий кассовый сбор
* Лучший/худший этап
* Ср. дартс/нога
* 40+, 60+, 80+, 100+, 120+, 140+, 160+ и 180

Политика конфиденциальности: https://dartcounter.net/privacy-policy.

История обновлений

- NEW: Online Tournaments (Bèta)
- NEW: Filters in online global lobby
- NEW: Join requirements in creating online game
- Improved camera quality for online games
- General fixes and improvements
- 2024 Recap
- OMNI improvements
- NEW: ‘121 Checkout’ game
- OMNI improvements
- NEW: Light/Dark mode
- NEW: ‘Shanghai’ game
- NEW: Rematch option in online game
- NEW: Spectators visible in online game
- NEW: Unable to leave online game in opponent’s turn
- NEW: Restyled end game and in-game stats screens
- Global online x01 and Cricket lobby’s merged
- Restyled in-game keyboards in online game
- NEW: Custom chat feature in online games
- FIX: Fixed issues in online gameplay vs friends
- NEW: Custom chat feature in online games
- FIX: Fixed issues in online gameplay vs friends
- NEW: Custom chat feature in online games
- FIX: Fixed issues in online gameplay vs friends
- NEW: Share your game results to social media
- NEW: Filter your statistics between different game types
- NEW: A record of played matches (wins - draws - losses)
- NEW: Head-to-head statistics between friends
- NEW: Country flags in online lobby/games
- Fixed several crash issues in the online gameplay
- NEW: Share your game results to social media
- NEW: Filter your statistics between different game types
- NEW: A record of played matches (wins - draws - losses)
- NEW: Head-to-head statistics between friends
- NEW: Country flags in online lobby/games
- Fixed several crash issues in the online gameplay
- NEW: Share your game results to social media
- NEW: Filter your statistics between different game types
- NEW: A record of played matches (wins - draws - losses)
- NEW: Head-to-head statistics between friends
- NEW: Country flags in online lobby/games
- Fixed several crash issues in the online gameplay
- NEW: Share your game results to social media
- NEW: Filter your statistics between different game types
- NEW: A record of played matches (wins - draws - losses)
- NEW: Head-to-head statistics between friends
- NEW: Country flags in online lobby/games
- Fixed several crash issues in the online gameplay
- NEW: ‘Cam-only’ option for online games
- NEW: Cam option in friends lobby
- NEW: Subscription management in app
- Several bug fixes
- NEW: ‘Cam-only’ option for online games
- NEW: Cam option in friends lobby
- NEW: Subscription management in app
- Several bug fixes
- NEW: ‘Cam-only’ option for online games
- NEW: Cam option in friends lobby
- NEW: Subscription management in app
- Several bug fixes
16 дек. 2022 г.
8 дек. 2022 г.
NEW: CAMERA feature in online games! Use the camera of your mobile device or an external webcam and take your online games to the next level.
2 дек. 2022 г.
NEW: CAMERA feature in online games! Use the camera of your mobile device or an external webcam and take your online games to the next level.
25 авг. 2022 г.
NEW: Reset your statistics
12 июл. 2022 г.
NEW: JOHN MCDONALD as announcer of every game
NEW: Head-to-head stats at the start of every game
1 июл. 2022 г.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Delete trainings from statistics
- Block people on their profile
22 февраля 2022 г.
- Delete trainings from statistics
- Block people on their profile
27 января 2022 г.
- Minor improvements in screen designs
- Several bug fixes:
- Screen won’t get stuck at game details screen in statistics anymore
- Invites for games to global lobby won’t be instantly expired anymore
- ‘180’ call will be completely finished when your opponent is on a checkout
13 января 2022 г.
New feature: Option to switch ‘Sending scores instantly’ on and off (online)
20 декабря 2021 г.
- Added multiple keyboards to Score Training
23 ноября 2021 г.
- Updated countries list
9 ноября 2021 г.
- Completely renewed design profile and friends page
- Fix: Ability to remove own account from game setting screen

Способы взлома DartCounter

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