StayFree - Экранное время Mod Apk

StayFree - Экранное время Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: ST Pulse
Категория: Работа
Цена: Бесплатно


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✦Что такое StayFree?

StayFree: трекер времени, проведённого за экраном и в приложениях — это приложение для самоконтроля, повышения продуктивности и ухода от «телефонной зависимости». Оно показывает, сколько времени вы проводите со своим смартфоном, и поможет его ограничить. Вы можете установить лимиты использования для своих приложений и получать уведомления о превышении этих лимитов. Кроме того, вы можете посмотреть подробности и статистику истории использования приложений.

✦Что делает Stayfree особенным?

✔ Лучшее приложение для контроля экранного времени
✔ Крайне дружелюбный интерфейс
✔ Наиболее точная статистика использования
✔ Статистика и анализ использования по нескольким устройствам
✔ Быстрая поддержка клиентов
✔ Малое энергопотребление
✔ Никакой рекламы!
✔ Поддержка Wear OS

«StayFree: трекер времени в экране и приложениях» поможет:
📵 преодолеть зависимость от телефона
🔋 сохранять концентрацию
😌 осуществлять самоконтроль
📱 снизить экранное время
🛡 меньше отвлекаться
💯 стать продуктивнее
🤳 жить больше и полнее
📈 повысить уровень цифрового благополучия
👪 проводить больше времени с семьей и собой
💪 тратить меньше времени на ненужное

✦Особенности приложения:

★ История использования приложений: смотрите статистику использования в виде графика.
★ Напоминание о чрезмерном использовании: приложение сообщит, если вы проводите слишком много времени в телефоне, и начнет цифровой детокс.
★ Блокировка использования: временная блокировка любого чрезмерно используемого приложения.
★ Кроссплатформенность: StayFree теперь работает на нескольких платформах! Записывайте данные об использовании на всех устройств, подключив приложение для Android к нашим расширениям для Chrome и Firefox.
★ Режим концентрации: создание расписания для отвлекающих приложений, мешающих сосредоточиться.
★ Режим сна: задайте график своего сна, в течение которого приложения не будут вам мешать.
★ Приостановка приложений: приостанавливайте отвлекающие приложения на остаток дня.
★ Режим экспорта: экспорт истории использования в файл CSV или Microsoft Excel.
★ Вдохновляющие цитаты: показ вдохновляющих цитат, которые подстрекают к меньшему использованию вашего телефона.
★ Настройка интерфейса: есть 5 тем, и вы можете выбрать ту, которая вам нравится больше всего. Вы также можете изменить внешний вид времени.
★ Блокировка приложения: для изменения настроек потребуется ввод пароля.
★ Виджет: отображение наиболее используемых приложений и общего использования на красивом виджете.
★ Круговая диаграмма: просмотр процентного содержания ежедневного и ежемесячного использования приложений.


Мы будем очень благодарны, если вы поставите нам 5 звезд в Google Play. Хороший рейтинг очень нужен нам для доверия пользователем. Если у вас есть предложения о том, как улучшить приложение, обязательно расскажите нам!


Мы всегда готовы учесть ваши отзывы! Если вы столкнулись с проблемой в приложении, или у вас есть предложения по его улучшению, или любая помощь в переводе, вы всегда можете связаться с нами по следующему адресу: [email protected]

Приложение с поддержкой Sensor Tower.

История обновлений

This release introduces a new feature: Limits on the Go. If you enable an app for Limits on the Go, StayFree will prompt you when you open the app for the time limit you want to set for the session. When you hit the time, StayFree will block that app. You can then choose a new limit the next time you open the app.
This release introduces a new feature: Limits on the Go. If you enable an app for Limits on the Go, StayFree will prompt you when you open the app for the time limit you want to set for the session. When you hit the time, StayFree will block that app. You can then choose a new limit the next time you open the app.
20 февр. 2023 г.
This release introduces a new feature: Limits on the Go. If you enable an app for Limits on the Go, StayFree will prompt you when you open the app for the time limit you want to set for the session. When you hit the time, StayFree will block that app. You can then choose a new limit the next time you open the app.
12 февр. 2023 г.
This release introduces a new feature: Limits on the Go. If you enable an app for Limits on the Go, StayFree will prompt you when you open the app for the time limit you want to set for the session. When you hit the time, StayFree will block that app. You can then choose a new limit the next time you open the app.
26 янв. 2023 г.
Join us on Discord to collaborate with the team, talk with other users, get support, post your suggestions, or just hang out: This release also allows you to easily manage categories from settings and export website usage through a CSV.
12 янв. 2023 г.
Join us on Discord to collaborate with the team, talk with other users, get support, post your suggestions, or just hang out: This release also allows you to easily manage categories from settings and export website usage through a CSV.
24 дек. 2022 г.
Join us on Discord to collaborate with the team, talk with other users, get support, post your suggestions, or just hang out: This release also allows you to easily manage categories from settings and export website usage through a CSV.
9 дек. 2022 г.
Join us on Discord to collaborate with the team, talk with other users, get support, post your suggestions, or just hang out: This release also allows you to easily manage categories from settings and export website usage through a CSV.
12 нояб. 2022 г.
Join us on Discord to collaborate with the team, talk with other users, get support, post your suggestions, or just hang out: This release also allows you to easily manage categories from settings and export website usage through a CSV.
1 нояб. 2022 г.
We have leveled up! With this release we are unifying our Android app and Chrome extension. It allows you to "connect" any of your devices (running StayFree) together. Once you connect your devices together, you can see and explore the usage from your other devices. For example, check out your Android app usage from our Chrome extension! There is no limit to the number of devices you can connect and the app will seem-lessly adjust to display your combined usage stats. Let us know what you think!
19 окт. 2022 г.
We have leveled up! With this release we are unifying our Android app and Chrome extension. It allows you to "connect" any of your devices (running StayFree) together. Once you connect your devices together, you can see and explore the usage from your other devices. For example, check out your Android app usage from our Chrome extension! There is no limit to the number of devices you can connect and the app will seem-lessly adjust to display your combined usage stats. Let us know what you think!
13 окт. 2022 г.
We have leveled up! With this release we are unifying our Android app and Chrome extension. It allows you to "connect" any of your devices (running StayFree) together. Once you connect your devices together, you can see and explore the usage from your other devices. For example, check out your Android app usage from our Chrome extension! There is no limit to the number of devices you can connect and the app will seem-lessly adjust to display your combined usage stats. Let us know what you think!
30 сент. 2022 г.
We have leveled up! With this release we are unifying our Android app and Chrome extension. It allows you to "connect" any of your devices (running StayFree) together. Once you connect your devices together, you can see and explore the usage from your other devices. For example, check out your Android app usage from our Chrome extension! There is no limit to the number of devices you can connect and the app will seem-lessly adjust to display your combined usage stats. Let us know what you think!
15 сент. 2022 г.
We have leveled up! With this release we are unifying our Android app and Chrome extension. It allows you to "connect" any of your devices (running StayFree) together. Once you connect your devices together, you can see and explore the usage from your other devices. For example, check out your Android app usage from our Chrome extension! There is no limit to the number of devices you can connect and the app will seem-lessly adjust to display your combined usage stats. Let us know what you think!
8 сент. 2022 г.
We have leveled up! With this release we are unifying our Android app and Chrome extension. It allows you to "connect" any of your devices (running StayFree) together. Once you connect your devices together, you can see and explore the usage from your other devices. For example, check out your Android app usage from our Chrome extension! There is no limit to the number of devices you can connect and the app will seem-lessly adjust to display your combined usage stats. Let us know what you think!
31 авг. 2022 г.
We have leveled up! With this release we are unifying our Android app and Chrome extension. It allows you to "connect" any of your devices (running StayFree) together. Once you connect your devices together, you can see and explore the usage from your other devices. For example, check out your Android app usage from our Chrome extension! There is no limit to the number of devices you can connect and the app will seem-lessly adjust to display your combined usage stats. Let us know what you think!
25 авг. 2022 г.
We have leveled up! With this release we are unifying our Android app and Chrome extension. It allows you to "connect" any of your devices (running StayFree) together. Once you connect your devices together, you can see and explore the usage from your other devices. For example, check out your Android app usage from our Chrome extension! There is no limit to the number of devices you can connect and the app will seem-lessly adjust to display your combined usage stats. Let us know what you think!
11 авг. 2022 г.
We have leveled up! With this release we are unifying our Android app and Chrome extension. It allows you to "connect" any of your devices (running StayFree) together. Once you connect your devices together, you can see and explore the usage from your other devices. For example, check out your Android app usage from our Chrome extension! There is no limit to the number of devices you can connect and the app will seem-lessly adjust to display your combined usage stats. Let us know what you think!
28 июл. 2022 г.
StayFree has gotten a makeover. We redesigned the UI of the app from scratch to be more modern, more usable, and more intuitive. We can't wait to hear what you think!
1 июл. 2022 г.
This version just has some bug fixes :) more to come in the near future!
21 июн. 2022 г.
This version just has some bug fixes :) more to come in the near future!
8 июн. 2022 г.
This version just has some bug fixes :) more to come in the near future!
31 мая 2022 г.
This version just has some bug fixes :) more to come in the near future!
24 января 2022 г.
Set usage goals for your apps! StayFree does more than just prevent you from using apps. It will now help you use specified apps more often so that you can work towards building better habits.
8 января 2022 г.
Happy new year! This update contains bug fixes and general improvements throughout the app.
21 декабря 2021 г.
Block categories of apps! Want to limit your total social media usage? You can now set this up! Head to the "usage limits" section to get started.
8 декабря 2021 г.
Block categories of apps! Want to limit your total social media usage? You can now set this up! Head to the "usage limits" section to get started.
29 ноября 2021 г.
Block categories of apps! Want to limit your total social media usage? You can now set this up! Head to the "usage limits" section to get started.
8 ноября 2021 г.
We are continuing to improve on our website usage and blocking support! StayFree now supports blocking websites during Focus Mode and pausing specific website usage for the rest of the day. Head to settings to configure these new options!

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