BandLab – Музыкальная студия Mod Apk

BandLab – Музыкальная студия Взлом - Mod Apk 10.92.2

Разработчик: BandLab Technologies
Категория: Музыка и аудио
Цена: Бесплатно


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BandLab — это лучшая бесплатная платформа для записи музыки и общения с более чем 100 млн пользователей по всему миру.

BandLab позволяет создавать музыку и делиться ей независимо от уровня мастерства и опыта.
Наш Studio — это многодорожечный редактор для записи и обработки музыки, а также создания ремиксов.
Создавайте биты, добавляйте эффекты, используйте лупы и сэмплы из бесплатных пакетов звуков различных жанров, таких как EDM, дабстеп, гэридж, хип-хоп, хаус, рок, рэп и т. д.

Создавайте музыку без ограничений.
Благодаря неограниченному облачному хранилищу и синхронизации на всех устройствах вы сможете работать с музыкой, созданной в телефоне, из браузера своего ПК.

В BandLab вы сможете найти новых друзей, взаимодействовать с соавторами и создавать группы со знакомыми музыкантами, гитаристами, битмейкерами, рэперами — и все это без прослушиваний и кастингов!
Общаясь, вы найдете битмейкеров, композиторов и диджеев, разделяющих ваши музыкальные вкусы и источники вдохновения.

BandLab — это не просто приложение для создания музыки, битов, записи звуков или песен.
Вы найдете миллионы дорожек, созданных артистами и диджеями, сможете создавать персональные плейлисты и даже смотреть выступления в прямом эфире.

Используйте BandLab БЕСПЛАТНО.
Никакой платы за подписку, платного доступа или ограничений.
Загрузите приложение BandLab и станьте музыкальным творцом уже сегодня!


•*НОВЫЙ* Сэмплер — новая платформа для создания персонализированных инструментов.
Создайте новый комплект сэмплов, записывая звуки вокруг себя или выбирая из более чем 15 000 бесплатных звуков от BandLab, либо просто импортируйте собственные звуки.
Вы сможете настраивать каждый сэмпл, чтобы получать нужный вам звук.
Благодаря сэмплеру ваше музыкальное творчество станет безграничным.

• Studio на 16 дорожек — здесь рождается ваша музыка — Studio — это мультитрековая цифровая аудиостанция (DAW) у вас в кармане.
Создавайте музыку когда и где угодно.

• Более 330 виртуальных MIDI-инструментов — нужен 808-й бас для вашего бита?
Синтезаторы для вступительной партии?
Как насчет ситара?!
У нас есть множество виртуальных MIDI-инструментов для создания музыки — и все это в одном приложении, которое помещается в кармане.

• Более 180 пресетов эффектов вокала / гитары / баса — придайте своим дорожкам дополнительный импульс с помощью эффектов мирового уровня, контролируя их в реальном времени.
От окружающих звуков до безумных модуляций — здесь каждый найдет что-то свое.

• Лупер — любой может стать битмейкером независимо от уровня своего мастерства.
Моментально создавайте биты из огромной библиотеки лупов, добавляйте эффекты синхронизации и реверберации или просто сделайте собственный микс с нуля, где бы вы ни находились.

• Мастеринг — подготовьте дорожки для распространения.
Загрузите свою песню или запись, а встроенная функция мастеринга сделает все, что нужно.
Поддержка mp3 и других форматов.

• Video Mix — создавайте выразительные видеоклипы, которые подойдут как для рэпера, накладывающего свои строки на бит, так и для певца, выводящего крутую сольную партию.
Оживите свое видео с помощью эффектов мирового уровня!

• Поиск — не в настроении писать музыку?
Нет проблем!
BandLab не даст вам заскучать: вдохновляйтесь новыми артистами, жанрами и специально подобранными для вас коллекциями.

• Общение с авторами — ищете битмейкера, автора или певца?
Найдите близких по духу авторов рядом с вами или на другом конце света!
Просто заполните свой профиль, а мы подберем вам потенциальных соавторов, которые разделяют ваш музыкальный вкус и вдохновение.

• Тюнер и метроном — важные аудиоинструменты, благодаря которым современные композиторы не сбиваются с бита или ритма.

• Ремиксы дорожек — нужно вдохновение для создания новой дорожки?
«Заимствуйте» дорожки, выложенные авторами в свободный доступ, и придумывайте собственные биты и ремиксы.

История обновлений

We’ve squashed some pesky bugs and made overall app improvements just for you. Update your app to keep it running smoothly!
Bugs, begone: We’ve fixed various crashes to keep the app in tip-top shape – including errors with setting up your Boost campaign, and glitches when editing Drum Machine regions.

Bring out the collabs: You can now add multiple primary artists when releasing a track via BandLab Distribution!
Bugs, begone: We’ve fixed various crashes to keep the app in tip-top shape – including errors with setting up your Boost campaign, and glitches when editing Drum Machine regions.

Bring out the collabs: You can now add multiple primary artists when releasing a track via BandLab Distribution!
We’ve squashed some pesky bugs and made overall app improvements just for you. Update your app to keep it running smoothly!
We’ve squashed some pesky bugs and made overall app improvements just for you. Update your app to keep it running smoothly!
We’ve squashed some pesky bugs and made overall app improvements just for you. Update your app to keep it running smoothly!
We’ve squashed some pesky bugs and made overall app improvements just for you. Update your app to keep it running smoothly!
We’ve squashed some pesky bugs and made overall app improvements just for you. Update your app to keep it running smoothly!
When we’ve fixed all the bugs (which we have!), we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
When we’ve fixed all the bugs (which we have!), we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
When we’ve fixed all the bugs (which we have!), we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
When we’ve fixed all the bugs (which we have!), we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
When we’ve fixed all the bugs (which we have!), we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
When we’ve fixed all the bugs (which we have!), we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
When we’ve fixed all the bugs (which we have!), we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
Wild about that preset? Don't go on a wild goose chase for it – save that gem to your favorites!
Wild about that preset? Don't go on a wild goose chase for it – save that gem to your favorites!
Sweet, we've squashed those pesky bugs, guarded your masterpieces with Autosave, and polished the app interface just for you. Update the app to give it a whirl!
Hurrah, we've squashed those pesky bugs in Splitter and Songstarter, polished the Chat interface, and made overall app improvements just for you. Upgrade the app and give ‘em a go!
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
20 мар. 2023 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
6 мар. 2023 г.
Try the all-new AutoPitch Vocal effects. Tune your voice in seconds then add one of five customizable effects: Classic, Duet, Robot, Big Harmony, and Modern Rap.
22 февр. 2023 г.
Try the all-new AutoPitch Vocal effects. Tune your voice in seconds then add one of five customizable effects: Classic, Duet, Robot, Big Harmony, and Modern Rap.
6 февр. 2023 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
26 янв. 2023 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
21 дек. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
15 дек. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
23 нояб. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
14 нояб. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
1 нояб. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
18 окт. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
13 окт. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
26 сент. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
14 сент. 2022 г.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
4 сент. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
18 авг. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
8 авг. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
11 июл. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
19 июн. 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
8 июн. 2022 г.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
27 мая 2022 г.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
12 мая 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
12 мая 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
14 апреля 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
1 апреля 2022 г.
When we've fixed a record number of bugs, we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
23 февраля 2022 г.
When we've fixed all the bugs (which we have!), we reward ourselves by listening to your creations - so make our day and tag @bandlab or #bandlab to share your music-making moments with us.
18 января 2022 г.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
13 декабря 2021 г.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
30 ноября 2021 г.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
30 ноября 2021 г.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.
28 октября 2021 г.
We hope you've been well! We know it's been tough so take some time off to de-stress, make some awesome music or simply listen to other users for some inspiration.  We're always working on getting those bugs fixed to give you a better experience on BandLab.

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