Maggie's Garden: Merge City Mod Apk

Maggie's Garden: Merge City Взлом - Mod Apk 0.18.2

Разработчик: Click.18 Mobile
Категория: Головоломки, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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У вашей семьи есть секрет - старинный и загадочный роскошный особняк.

Распахните двери пыльного особняка, войдите в секретный сад, где растут сорняки, посадите распускающиеся цветы под стеклянной крышей оранжереи, приготовьте ароматную сладкую выпечку и пироги... Здесь вы найдете мечтательную новую жизнь и стиль, откроете дверь самой сладкой любви и мечтам, новому миру, которого вы никогда раньше не видели!

• Уникальный игровой процесс: объедините два одинаковых предмета, чтобы получить более продвинутое существование. Играть легко и просто. Преобразите свой собственный сад и усадьбу, приобретая и подбирая предметы.

• Свободный дизайн: спроектируйте свой собственный дом, отремонтируйте роскошную усадьбу, обрежьте сад мечты, управляйте изысканным флористическим магазином и восхитительными ресторанными сценами так, как вы хотите, обновляя и восстанавливая их, украшая и расширяя их красивыми растениями и изысканной мебелью.

• Таинственные приключения: унаследуйте семейное наследие, исследуйте древние секреты в собственном саду, восстанавливайте сад и реликвии и отправляйтесь в приключение с братом в поисках давно зарытого пиратского сокровища!

• Различные истории: семья, дружба, любовь и даже теплые отношения с милыми домашними животными; истории, которые вы так долго ждали, будут здесь!

• Забавные головоломки: вы можете расслабиться и насладиться этой казуальной игрой-головоломкой о ремонте аншлага вашего сердца с любовью и ростом. Игра для всей семьи. Используйте свое фрагментированное время с умом и привнесите в свою жизнь приятный ветерок.

Волшебство ждет вас в саду Мэгги. Волшебная веселая бесплатная игра слияния, в которой вы можете спроектировать и отремонтировать дом и сад, а также изменить свою судьбу.


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- Вы можете увидеть авторизацию платежа в своем способе оплаты в течение 24 часов до начала следующего расчетного периода, но с вас будет взиматься плата только в дату продления расчетного периода. Чтобы отменить это разрешение, отмените подписку до начала следующего расчетного периода.

- Пользователь может управлять подписками после покупки и может быть отменен в разделе подписок Google Play.

Условия использования:

Политика конфиденциальности:

История обновлений

Updated VIP interface and optimized subscription rules display.
Dear players, version 0.14.0 is coming to you! Here are the updates:

-A new theme event is coming, which will bring you an unprecedented adventure! Seize this precious opportunity and you will gain more surprises and fun during the event!
-Fixed known problems in the game and improved the stability and smoothness of the game.

Thank you for your love and support for us, and wish you a happy game!
Dear players, version 0.13.0 is coming to you! Here are the updates:

-A new themed event is coming soon: Magician Assembly
Quickly repair the Lobby, Second-floor Lobby and First-floor Bedroom, and get ready for a fantasy and mysterious magic carnival!
-Fixed known problems in the game and improved the stability and smoothness of the game.

Thank you for your love and support for us, and wish you a happy game!
Dear players, version 0.11.0 is coming! Here are the updates:

-A new themed event is coming: Wonderland Roaming! Fix the Outdoor Restaurant, Garden and Front Gate Areas and get ready for this magical fairytale feast! Don't miss this fantastic tour!
-Fixed known problems in the game and improved the stability and fluency of the game.

Thank you for your love and support to us, I wish you a happy game!
Dear players, version 0.10.0 is coming! Here are the updates:

-Optimized the game loading speed, now you can enter the game faster!
-Event: Blooming Spring! The flower fairy is waiting for you in the garden, come and bring spring home!
-Optimized the VIP experience, more benefits, and bring you a better gaming experience!
-Fixed known problems in the game and improved the stability and fluency of the game.

Thank you for your love and support to us, I wish you a happy game!
Dear players, version 0.9.0 to everyone to meet!

-New Gazebo Decorations! Charming Mermaid; romantic Blessig Tree; elegant Gramophone; cute and majestic Dinosaur ... Your manor will surely become more beautiful!
-New feature: Recycle Bin! Still reeling from accidentally selling your items? You can get them back now!
-New VIP privilege, more rewards are waiting for you!
-The Warehouse can now be expanded with extra slots! You can keep more of your needed items!
--Fixed known bugs.
Dear players, your long-awaited version 0.8.0 update is here!

-New event: Bingo Game. Join the club and win a prize!
-New event: Spring in Blooms! Spring is here and Maggie has new ideas on how to decorate her manor, so come collect flowers and exchange them for special decorations!
-New ad storage portal: You can claim all your free rewards here!
-New convenient positioning of the icon, you can collect the rewards quickly!
-Fixed the known problems in the game.

Enjoy the game!
Dear Players:

In this update, we have shortened the length of some of the ads, so hopefully we can bring you a better gaming experience!

Enjoy the game!
Dear players,
We are excited to announce the release of version 0.7.0!

-4 new areas: Amusement Park, Library, Luxury Cruise, and Observatory.
- Treasure Hunt Event, completing which can unlock Amusement Park. Explore the mysterious treasures!
- Optimized the jump function of the Gallery. Now you can quickly locate the position where rewards can be claimed.
- Added a bottom slider to the warehouse, making it easier for you to browse through your items.

We wish you a happy gaming experience!
Dear players, version 0.5.0 update is here!
-New event: Shooting Project event, with 44 new event objects. You will also experience the exciting story between Maggie and the new character Conti.
-New areas: Movie Park, Picnic Grounds, and Botanical Garden are now open!
-Optimization: Purse, vase and other objects are now displayed more beautifully.
-Fixed known problems in the game.

Thank you for your support of our game, you are welcome to download the latest version to experience the game!
19 мар. 2023 г.
More areas are open! Come and explore and renovate your mansion!
-New areas: the secluded backyard, the spacious master bedroom, the grassy camping park and the cool, breezy fountain park are all open! And more quests and exclusive avatars for you to unlock!
-Club Optimization: Optimized club functions and fixed known issues for a better gaming experience!
11 мар. 2023 г.
Important update!
-NEW AREA: Collection Room, First Floor Lobby and Front Pond are now open, plus more tasks and avatars to unlock!
-NEW CLUB FUNCTION: Interact with other players through a club of up to 30 by completing exclusive club events!
-BINGO GAME: Join a club to play bingo! Trade items for unlimited rewards!
-PASS EVENT: Start an archaeological quest and light up fossil gallery!
-NEW ITEM: Find Photo Frames, Statues, Storage and Plush Toys for more fun!
Check in-game for more updates!
27 февр. 2023 г.
Discover the mysterious old manor and unlock the stories buried in the secret garden—magic awaits you in Maggie's Garden!
-NEW AREA: The ground floor bedroom!
-DAILY GIFTS: Receive a variety of free rewards every day!
-OPTIMIZATION: Email function optimization; Gallery jump function optimization; Multi-language optimization; Interface UI optimization, etc.
We hope this will bring you a better decorating experience!
14 февр. 2023 г.
Maggie's Garden is now open!

Join Maggie in discovering the family secrets and renovating the mansion!

*If you encounter any problems in the game, please feel free to contact us.

Способы взлома Maggie's Garden: Merge City

Скачать Maggie's Garden: Merge City MOD APK 0.18.2

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