Amazon Shopping Mod Apk

Amazon Shopping Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: Amazon Mobile LLC
Категория: Покупки
Цена: Бесплатно


Game screenshot Amazon Shopping mod apkGame screenshot Amazon Shopping hackGame screenshot Amazon Shopping apk download


Характеристики продукта
Amazon Shopping предлагает преимущества только для приложений, которые помогают делать покупки на Amazon быстрее и проще, чем покупки на вашем компьютере.

Никогда не пропускайте доставку
Получайте уведомления об отслеживании и доставке в режиме реального времени, чтобы знать, где находится ваша посылка и когда она прибудет.

Точно знайте, что покупаете
Полный обзор товара на 360° позволяет увидеть товар со всех сторон. «Просмотр в вашей комнате» гарантирует, что он подходит, используя камеру вашего телефона и виртуальную реальность, чтобы вы могли видеть его в своем пространстве.

Мы сообщим вам, когда товары поступят в продажу
Просто коснитесь значка сердца, чтобы сохранить товары в свои списки, и мы предупредим вас о снижении цен, чтобы вы не пропустили выгодную сделку.

Никогда не забывайте свой пароль
Экономьте время, сохраняя безопасный вход в систему. Если вы предпочитаете выйти, используйте идентификацию лица или отпечатка пальца, чтобы снова войти в систему.

Свяжитесь с нами, когда вам будет удобно
Поддержка в чате открыта 24 часа 7 дней в неделю. После того, как вы начали чат, он остается таким в течение 24 часов, поэтому вам не нужно начинать сеанс поддержки с самого начала.

Мы найдем для вас этот предмет
Не уверены в марке товара или где его купить? Просто коснитесь значка сканирования в строке поиска, сфотографируйте товар или его штрих-код, и мы найдем его для вас.

Описание продукта
Просматривайте, ищите, просматривайте сведения о продуктах, читайте обзоры и покупайте миллионы продуктов. Мы доставляем в более чем 100 стран всего за 3-5 дней. Покупаете ли вы подарки, читаете обзоры, отслеживаете заказы, сканируете продукты или просто делаете покупки, приложение Amazon Shopping предлагает больше преимуществ, чем покупки на Amazon с вашего компьютера.

Важное примечание относительно разрешений
Обратите внимание, что для правильной работы приложению Amazon Shopping требуется доступ к следующим службам:
* Контакты: позволяет отправлять подарочные карты Amazon своим контактам или приглашение установить приложение Amazon.
* Камера: позволяет приложению Amazon получить доступ к вашей камере на устройстве. Вы можете использовать свою камеру, чтобы найти продукты, отсканировав обложку или ее штрих-код, чтобы добавить подарочные карты и кредитные карты или добавить изображения в обзоры продуктов.
* Фонарик: позволяет приложению Amazon включать фонарик. Вы можете использовать фонарик, чтобы найти продукты с функцией камеры даже в условиях низкой освещенности или в темноте.
* Микрофон: позволяет приложению Amazon получить доступ к вашему микрофону, чтобы использовать ваш голос для поиска и взаимодействия с Ассистентом.
* Местоположение: позволяет приложению Amazon получать доступ к вашему местоположению, чтобы помочь вам найти местные предложения и быстро выбрать адреса.
* Учетная запись: позволяет вам делиться продуктами на Amazon с друзьями и семьей через Facebook или другие социальные сети.
* Телефон: позволяет приложению Amazon предварительно ввести номер службы поддержки клиентов Amazon на клавиатуре вашего телефона.
* Хранилище: позволяет приложению Amazon сохранять ваши настройки, чтобы некоторые функции могли загружаться и работать быстрее на устройстве.
* Wi-Fi: эти разрешения используются при настройке Dash Button или Dash Wand с помощью приложения Amazon Shopping.

Приложение Amazon для планшетов доступно в Google Play. Найдите «Amazon Tablet», чтобы установить приложение и начать делать покупки.

Для клиентов, находящихся в Европейском союзе, Великобритании, Бразилии или Турции: используя это приложение, вы соглашаетесь с Условиями использования Amazon, применимыми к вашей стране. См. также соответствующее Уведомление о конфиденциальности, Уведомление о файлах cookie и Уведомление о рекламе на основе интересов для вашей страны. Ссылки на эти условия и уведомления можно найти в нижнем колонтитуле вашей домашней страницы Amazon.

Для всех остальных клиентов: Используя это приложение, вы соглашаетесь с применимыми Условиями использования Amazon (например, и Уведомлением о конфиденциальности (например, для вашей страны. Ссылки на эти условия и уведомления можно найти в нижнем колонтитуле вашей домашней страницы Amazon.

История обновлений
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
Enjoy our latest update where we have fixed some bugs and improved our app to provide you a seamless shopping experience.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
22 февр. 2023 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
9 февр. 2023 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
25 янв. 2023 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
4 янв. 2023 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
25 нояб. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
14 нояб. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
25 окт. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
13 окт. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
5 окт. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
20 сент. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
7 сент. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
3 сент. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
10 авг. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
14 июл. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
14 июн. 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
25 мая 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
17 мая 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
26 апреля 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
13 апреля 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
29 марта 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
15 марта 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
3 марта 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
15 февраля 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
2 февраля 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
5 января 2022 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
1 декабря 2021 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
11 ноября 2021 г.
Access popular pages quickly with our new shortcuts. Tap and hold the Amazon app icon to access your Orders, Daily Deals, Shopping Cart, and Search.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.
3 ноября 2021 г.
AmazonSmile customers can now generate donations for their favorite charity. Just open Settings from the menu and tap AmazonSmile.
Closet is a new feature in the Amazon App in the U.S. that helps you discover outfit ideas based on what you already own. Just open the menu in the Amazon App, go to Programs and Features, and tap Closet.

Способы взлома Amazon Shopping

Скачать Amazon Shopping MOD APK

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