Kardia Mod Apk

Kardia Взлом - Mod Apk 5.45.0-edaeffe312

Разработчик: AliveCor Inc.
Категория: Медицина
Цена: Бесплатно


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Kardia работает с одобренными FDA персональными устройствами ЭКГ KardiaMobile, KardiaMobile 6L или KardiaBand, которые могут обнаруживать наиболее распространенные аритмии всего за 30 секунд. Приложение Kardia разработано, чтобы упростить управление кардиологическим уходом из дома, чем когда-либо, давая вам возможность беспрепятственно записывать ЭКГ, удаленно обмениваться данными о сердце с врачом, отслеживать историю своего здоровья и многое другое.

Снимайте ЭКГ медицинского уровня с помощью устройства Kardia в любое время и в любом месте - никаких пластырей, проводов или гелей не требуется. Получите немедленный результат с помощью мгновенного анализа Kardia нормальной, возможной фибрилляции предсердий, брадикардии или тахикардии. Для дополнительного анализа вы можете отправить запись своему врачу или одному из наших партнеров для клинической проверки кардиологом (только для США, Австралии) или физиологом кардиологом (только для Великобритании, Ирландии).

Система Kardia рекомендована ведущими кардиологами и используется людьми во всем мире для точных записей ЭКГ. Отслеживайте данные о здоровье своего сердца из дома с медицинской точностью, которой может доверять ваш врач.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Для этого приложения требуется оборудование KardiaMobile, KardiaMobile 6L или KardiaBand для записи ЭКГ. Купите устройство Kardia прямо сейчас на сайте alivecor.com.

История обновлений

The Kardia app is designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices, and now it’s more powerful than ever. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
The Kardia app is designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices, and now it’s more powerful than ever. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
The Kardia app is designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices, and now it’s more powerful than ever. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
• Bug fixes
• Performance improvements
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
23 янв. 2023 г.
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
3 янв. 2023 г.
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
12 дек. 2022 г.
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
3 окт. 2022 г.
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
11 авг. 2022 г.
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
28 июн. 2022 г.
17 мая 2022 г.
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Functionality to support our new KardiaMobile Card device
- New KardiaCare feature tour for KardiaCare members
- Design improvements to adding EKG tags and notes
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
17 декабря 2021 г.
The Kardia app is more powerful than ever and designed to help you get the most out of your Kardia devices. We’re always working on improving the app, here’s what’s new:
- Design improvements to the EKG history feature
- Updates to manual blood pressure entry
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
25 октября 2021 г.

Способы взлома Kardia

Скачать Kardia MOD APK 5.45.0-edaeffe312

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