Firestone: фэнтези кликер РПГ Mod Apk

Firestone: фэнтези кликер РПГ Взлом - Mod Apk 2.74

Разработчик: Holyday Studios
Категория: Ролевые игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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🌟 Отправляйтесь в легендарный квест! 🌟
Фаерстоун: Онлайн Идл-РПГ превращает ваше устройство в ворота в мир магии и хаоса! Переведите своих героев в режим автобоя, чтобы наблюдать за эпическими сражениями, или быстрыми кликами побеждайте огромных боссов. Выстраивайте стратегию обновления героев, создавайте союзы в гильдиях или доминируйте на захватывающих PVP-аренах - Firestone предлагает вам фантастический мир, где каждый выбор ведет к приключениям. Ваш поход за славой начинается прямо сейчас!

🧙‍♂️ Коллекция героев🧙‍♂️
Собирайте команду из волшебников, рыцарей и лучников: открывайте легендарных героев в ходе приключения, повышайте их уровень и улучшайте навыки, а затем отправляйте в AFK-битву!

🧚 Захватывающее фэнтези-RPG🧚
Откройте для себя разные уголки мира Аландрии: вечные холода Фростфайра, пиратскую бухту в Черепашьем заливе или тропические Черные джунгли. Магические приключения ждут на каждом углу! Гномы, орки, феи и даже ожившие мертвецы готовы поделиться своими историями. Поговаривают, что в этих краях водятся и драконы!

⚔️ Автобитвы без перерыва⚔️
Симпатичные герои делают всю работу за вас: отложите устройство, а паладины, наемные убийцы, лучники и маги сами разобьют в пух и прах волны монстров. Если же захотите принять участие, автобитва легко превратится в кликер, и вы сможете перемолоть орды зомби в труху!

🧑‍🤝‍🧑Многопользовательский режим🧑‍🤝‍🧑
Вступайте в гильдию и находите друзей: в Фаерстоун: Онлайн Идл-РПГ игроки могут помочь друг другу! Все участники гильдии получают особые эффекты, больше наград за миссии, а также доступ к рейдам и экспедициям... и просто возможность общаться с друзьями!

⚔️ PVP-арена⚔️
Собирайте команду и сражайтесь на арене без перерыва. Участвуйте в битвах в режиме PVP, показывайте класс и возглавляйте списки лидеров Фаерстоун: Онлайн Идл-РПГ!

💡 Постоянный прогресс💡
Проводите исследования, пока отдыхаете, создавайте могущественные руны и улучшайте снаряжение героев. Благодаря постоянному накоплению бонусов вы в два счета расправитесь с любыми боссами и станете лидером в войне героев на «Арене королей».

И это далеко не все!
События ⭐ Задания ⭐ Древо талантов ⭐ Алхимия ⭐ Карточные мини-игры ⭐ Достижения ⭐ Аватары

Мы, разработчики Фаерстоун: Онлайн Идл-РПГ, надеемся, что вам понравится наш подход к жанру Idle RPG. Мы любим общаться с игроками и получать отзывы, так что присоединяйтесь к нашему серверу в Discord!

Спасибо вам и веселых сражений!

История обновлений

Version 8.2.5

We added new levels for Meteorite, Firestone researches and Exotic Upgrades.

Fixed the issue with not available chests showing on the Transmute menu.
Fixed the issue with the wrong total achievements cap.

We want to thank everyone for reporting issues you encounter!

For the full patch notes list visit:.

Version 8.2.4b

What’s new:
Introducing Primordial rarity for Ancient Artifacts.

We increased the maximum luck level in the Tavern.
New levels for Firestone Researches and Exotic Upgrades as well.

Fixed several minor issues throughout the game.
Version 8.2.3

What’s new:

Rewards from Chaos Rift competition received from the Guild now stay in your Locker forever.

Fixed issue with the Decorated Heroes event, where the challenge wouldn't complete properly.
Fixed rare issue with Tavern auto/manual swither being visible in Ancient artifacts.


For the full patch notes list visit:
Version 8.2.2

What’s new:
Introducing Angel rarity for the equipment.
New type of Map missions – Shadow mission.
New difficulty for the War machines campaign as well as new Liberation mission Thal Badur.
5 new War machines missions on Eastrock island.


For the full patch notes list visit:
Version 7.3.0

What’s New:

The party menu has been redesigned to include much more information and improve the QoL.
Left clicking a hero of the selected squad opens the hero preview, right clicking removes them from the squad.
The tab that you can preview your gear in the hall of heroes acquired the list option so that you can check your gear and jewels in more detail.
Version 7.2.0

What’s New:

There are now new animations for when a new Artifact is crafted, discovered or enchanted and when a gear is increasing the rarity.
An animation has been added when hovering on some menu icon buttons.
There is a new animation when the battle pass mechanism unlocks.
After the Immortal rarity there is a new rarity in the game. Primordial. At the moment it exists only in the character avatars.
Version 7.2.0

What’s New:

There are now new animations for when a new Artifact is crafted, discovered or enchanted and when a gear is increasing the rarity.
An animation has been added when hovering on some menu icon buttons.
There is a new animation when the battle pass mechanism unlocks.
After the Immortal rarity there is a new rarity in the game. Primordial. At the moment it exists only in the character avatars.
Version 7.1.0

What’s new:

You can now see all the active and upcoming events on the new Events button in the main battle.
The Leaderboard has a new section for the Fellowship, cumulative heroes power and battle cry. Also the total awakening levels has been added on the personal leaderboard.
21 new Ancient artifacts have been added into the tavern.
There is a new animation for the guardian evolution.
For the full patch notes list visit:
Version 7.0.1


In the exotic upgrades the “next effect” text and the arrow will be hidden when the upgrade is at max level
The “Relic of the Past” achievement will be granted to players with all the artifacts
Changed the design and the VFX of the arcane crystal

Version 7.0.0

What’s New:

The gear and the jewel systems have been expanded. You can now upgrade your items to the Titan rarity and up to the 14th enchant level.
The mythic and the emerald chests have been added into the game. Open them to acquire the Titan seals.
The Doomfire island has been added to the world map. There you can find the Titan missions if you meet the requirements.

Version 7.0.0

What’s New:

The gear and the jewel systems have been expanded. You can now upgrade your items to the Titan rarity and up to the 14th enchant level.
The mythic and the emerald chests have been added into the game. Open them to acquire the Titan seals.
The Doomfire island has been added to the world map. There you can find the Titan missions if you meet the requirements.

Version 6.6.0

What’s new:
Added more in-game achievements.
Added 2 more rarities for ancient artifacts. Now you can enchant them beyond Angel, to Celestial and Immortal.
Added new avatar backgrounds beyond Angel (Celestial and Immortal).
Added the option to do multiple hits at once to the Arcane Crystal. If the crystal breaks the remaining hits will damage the next crystal.
Expanded the Luck levels in the tavern.
15 февр. 2023 г.
What’s new:
New Hero: Joe has been added to the heroes, you can unlock him after Layla!
The crew of the war machines has been expanded to 5 heroes.

The hero and guardian stories have been translated.
Added a visual to mark the upgrades on the Tree of Life reaching their soft cap.
Added notifications for the tavern, when you have enough beers to trade for game tokens.
31 янв. 2023 г.
Version 6.4.0

What’s new:
New mechanism: Mystery box. Claim mystery boxes every day at the shop for free.
In the magic quarters you can now do multiple enlightenments at once.
In the engineer you can do multiple blueprint upgrades and also multiple upgrades on the workshop.
In the tavern you can do multiple draws at once.

The art and the skills of the heroes Muriel, Blaze, Luana, Valerius, Astrid, Ina...
20 дек. 2022 г.
Version 6.3.2

What’s New:

The Winter Festival event has landed in the world of Alandria. Come and play to unlock the limited time rewards!
Added sounds on the chest opening mechanism.
Added visual feedback when you interact with clickable objects in the game (button animations).
On the engineer you can now preview all the War machines, even the ones you do not own.
8 дек. 2022 г.
Version 6.3.0

What’s New:

New mechanism. Battle pass.
On the hall of heroes we added a button to the right of the hero list that opens a panel with all the heroes of the game. In there you can see their initial attributes and skills and how to unlock them.

The guild and the leaderboards will now unlock at character level 10 instead of 18 and 15.
10 нояб. 2022 г.
Version 6.2.6

What’s New:

Fixed the connection issues, caused in the previous version.
If the problem persists, let us know at
26 окт. 2022 г.
Version 6.2.5

What’s New:

Updated Google play billing library.
4 окт. 2022 г.
Version 6.2.3

What’s New:

Added 3 new enemies.


The Library will now unlock at stage 45 instead of 49.
Hero Benedictus will now unlock at stage 150 instead of 200.
Hero Muriel will now unlock at stage 275 instead of 325.
The description submenu at the Magic Quarters has been merged with the info submenu.
29 сент. 2022 г.
Version 6.2.3

What’s New:

Added 3 new enemies.


The Library will now unlock at stage 45 instead of 49.
Hero Benedictus will now unlock at stage 150 instead of 200.
Hero Muriel will now unlock at stage 275 instead of 325.
The description submenu at the Magic Quarters has been merged with the info submenu.
14 сент. 2022 г.
Version 6.2.2
What's New:

* You can now switch servers without restarting the game.
* New design for the Shop and the special offers.
* VFX has been added on Meteorite researches and when using hero abilities.
* Added an option to enable persistent health bars on heroes and enemies.
* Added SFX on several UI actions.


For the full patch notes list visit:
Version 6.1.0

What’s New:

All the mechanisms now work server side.
10 new avatars have been added on the milestones of the tree of life.
Awakening building has been added on guild town for easier access.
Biography section has been added on the Hall of Heroes.
Hero Talia’s art and animations have been reworked. However you can roll back to the legacy art and animations from the settings/graphics menu.
Зависит от устройства
27 октября 2021 г.
Increased the guild description to 400 characters from 140.
Increased the guild personal note to 250 characters from 140.
The guild sales will come with the goblin merchant air trading balloon in the guild town from now on!


Fixed the bug with the hero auto-abilities.
Fixed the bug with the hero upgrade level up.
Fixed the bug that wouldn’t allow you to use all 250 characters when writing a message in the chat.

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