Horse Riding Tales: Дикий пони Mod Apk

Horse Riding Tales: Дикий пони Взлом - Mod Apk 1345

Разработчик: Foxie Ventures
Категория: Спорт, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Проделайте путь от помощника на конюшне до мастера по выездке! Присоединяйтесь к нашему онлайн-миру, наполненному любовью к лошадям. Здесь вы сможете настроить своего персонажа, приручить прекрасных лошадей, привести их в свою конюшню и научить их выступать в сложных чемпионатах по конкуру.


Это маленький многовековой город, окруженный полями и широкими бескрайними равнинами. Сонный. Пасторальный. Идиллический. Полный больших и малых животных. Рай, где царят мир и спокойствие. Город с любовью к лошадям, столь же старый, как и фундамент, на котором он был построен. Приглашаем вас к Лейле, помощнице по конюшне. Хотя девушка каждый день находится в окружении лошадей, она еще ни разу не сидела верхом. Но скоро всё изменится!


Оседлайте лошадь и присоединитесь к друзьям. Запланируйте приключения, чтобы исследовать окраины своей фермы и места за ее пределами в великолепном 3D!


Создайте потрясающий образ себя и своей лошади. Сразитесь за славу в соревнованиях Медоукрофт по конкуру. Вам предлагается широкий выбор: от шлемов и джодпуров, а также седла, ногавки и маски для вашей лошади. Вы можете создать тысячи образов.


Создайте магическую связь с дикими лошадьми: Мустангом, Серой в яблоках, Аппалузой, пока вы приручаете их и ухаживаете за ними, готовя жеребца к езде под седлом и готовясь к выполнению задания.


Раскройте тайну легендарных фантастических всадников, оседлавших мистических лошадей - Пегаса и Единорога, которые некогда свободно паслись на секретных пастбищах над облаками.


Вы можете получить приглашение присоединиться к престижной академии верховой езды Медоукрофт. Через ворота и луга этой школы прошли бесчисленные множества наездников. Сразитесь с другими учениками в соревнованиях по конному спорту и раскройте тайну небесных всадников.


Исследуйте мир и добывайте ресурсы, чтобы создавать красивые аксессуары для вашей лошади: седла, уздечки, попоны и многое другое!


Выполняйте задания по уходу за лошадью: заготавливайте сено, куйте подковы и производите другие предметы для вашей лошади, чтобы она всегда была в хорошем настроении. Чем счастливее ваше животное, тем лучше оно будет преодолевать препятствия на конных соревнованиях.

Это больше, чем просто симулятор. Эта игра выводит конные игры для мобильных устройств на новый уровень! Компания Foxie Ventures хотела бы поприветствовать вас в "Сказках наездников"! Мы предоставим вам новый контент - от шетлендских пони до фэнтезийных пегасов и лошадей-единорогов, а также увлекательные квесты. Начните свое интерактивное приключение и скачайте игру бесплатно уже сегодня!

Игра "Сказки наездников" абсолютно бесплатна, но может потребоваться оплата за некоторые дополнительные игровые предметы.

Перед загрузкой этого приложения вам нужно прочитать и принять наше Уведомление о конфиденциальности и Условия использования.

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Twitter: FoxieVentures
YouTube: FoxieVentures

История обновлений

Breeding is new & improved!
- Breed horses to create thousands of new combinations.
- Cross breed fantasy horses with lower tiers for the chance to grant the foal wings!
- Chance to keep a copy of the foals you create as pets!
Update: 10 more horses available for breeding!
- Fixed support tickets not being sendable
Breeding is new & improved!
- Breed horses to create thousands of new combinations.
- Cross breed fantasy horses with lower tiers for the chance to grant the foal wings!
- Chance to keep a copy of the foals you create as pets!
Update: Bug fixes for breeding, pegasus cup horse selection, pets in Rhoda bundles.
Breeding is new & improved!
- Breed horses to create thousands of new combinations.
- Cross breed fantasy horses with lower tiers for the chance to grant the foal wings!
- Chance to keep a copy of the foals you create as pets!
- Changes to tutorial in levels 1 and 2.
- New dragon rider and sci-fi outfits are possible champion chest rewards!
- New outfits available in character customization menu!
- Social quest progress maintains after leaving the game or changing rooms.
- Non-VIP players can now buy legendary whistles and gift them to other players.
- Adult Pet Quests! Send your adult pets out on a new adventure!
- Get East, a new magical horse companion and friend of North!
- Mailbox option in chat: Send messages to your friends when they are offline
- Club mail: Send messages to all your club members if you are an admin
- New Champion Chest horses coming up: Nightsteed, Cailpeach & Kylan
- New easy pet training mode
- Fly your best to win the Pegasus Cup! Race around the sky to get the fastest time!
- New butterfly and fantasy horses to collect and outfits to win!
- New race cup chests, the top 100 racers on each leaderboard will win them
- Top 5 Pegasus Cup racers will win a chest for their whole club
- Multiplayer Pegasus Cup - level up the reward chest by racing!
- Horse Selection Fix
- Hide gift chat setting fix
- Fly your best to win the Pegasus Cup! Race around the sky to get the fastest time!
- New butterfly and fantasy horses to collect and outfits to win!
- New race cup chests, the top 100 racers on each leaderboard will win them
- Top 5 Pegasus Cup racers will win a chest for their whole club
- Multiplayer Pegasus Cup - level up the reward chest by racing!
- Horse Selection Fix
- Fly your best to win the Pegasus Cup! Race around the sky to get the fastest time!
- New butterfly and fantasy horses to collect and outfits to win!
- New race cup chests, the top 100 racers on each leaderboard will win them
- Top 5 Pegasus Cup racers will win a chest for their whole club
- Multiplayer Pegasus Cup - level up the reward chest by racing!
- Fly your best to win the Pegasus Cup! Race around the sky to get the fastest time!
- New butterfly and fantasy horses to collect and outfits to win!
- New race cup chests, the top 100 racers on each leaderboard will win them
- Top 5 Pegasus Cup racers will win a chest for their whole club
- Multiplayer Pegasus Cup - level up the reward chest by racing!
- Fly your best to win the Pegasus Cup! Race around the sky to get the fastest time!
- New butterfly and fantasy horses to collect and outfits to win!
- New race cup chests, the top 100 racers on each leaderboard will win them
- Top 5 Pegasus Cup racers will win a chest for their whole club
- Multiplayer Pegasus Cup - level up the reward chest by racing!
- Fly your best to win the Pegasus Cup! Race around the sky to get the fastest time!
- New butterfly and fantasy horses to collect and outfits to win!
- New race cup chests, the top 100 racers on each leaderboard will win them
- Top 5 Pegasus Cup racers will win a chest for their whole club
- Multiplayer Pegasus Cup - level up the reward chest by racing!
- New VIP Level 8! Get the Phantom Clydesdale and turn invisible!
- Rename your horses and pets in their stats page.
- New white character hairs!
- Hide player gift requests in chat.
- Fly around the Sky Islands with your pegasus!
- Catch escaped mini-pegasus and give them to Eliara for club points.
- Tame the new Grove Pegasus in Sky Islands.
- New butterfly horses, hairstyles and horse tack in Champion Chest!
- New VIP Level 8! Get the Phantom Clydesdale and turn invisible!
- Rename your horses and pets in their stats page.
- New white character hairs!
- Hide player gift requests in chat.
- Fly around the Sky Islands with your pegasus!
- Catch escaped mini-pegasus and give them to Eliara for club points.
- Tame the new Grove Pegasus in Sky Islands.
- New butterfly horses, hairstyles and horse tack in Champion Chest!
- Fix for club descriptions and noticeboard filtering.
- Rename your horses and pets in their stats page.
- New white character hairs!
- Hide player gift requests in chat.
- Fly around the Sky Islands with your pegasus!
- Catch escaped mini-pegasus and give them to Eliara for club points.
- Tame the new Grove Pegasus in Sky Islands.
- New butterfly horses, hairstyles and horse tack in Champion Chest!
- Rename your horse in their stats page.
- New white character hairs!
- Hide player gift requests in chat.
- Fly around the Sky Islands with your pegasus!
- Catch escaped mini-pegasus and give them to Eliara for club points.
- Tame the new Grove Pegasus in Sky Islands.
- New butterfly horses, hairstyles and horse tack in Champion Chest!
- New white character hairs!
- Hide player gift requests in chat.
- Fly around the Sky Islands with your pegasus!
- Catch escaped mini-pegasus and give them to Eliara for club points.
- Tame the new Grove Pegasus in Sky Islands.
- New butterfly horses, hairstyles and horse tack in Champion Chest!
- Brand new upgraded level 25 area to explore!
- Create friesian cross-breeds!
- Fly around the Sky Islands with your pegasus!
- Catch escaped mini-pegasus and give them to Eliara for club points.
- Tame the new Grove Pegasus in Sky Islands.
- New butterfly horses, hairstyles and horse tack in Champion Chest!
- Brand new upgraded level 25 area to explore!
- Create friesian cross-breeds!
- Fly around the Sky Islands with your pegasus!
- Catch escaped mini-pegasus and give them to Eliara for club points.
- Tame the new Grove Pegasus in Sky Islands.
- New butterfly horses, hairstyles and horse tack in Champion Chest!
- Brand new upgraded level 25 area to explore!
- Create friesian cross-breeds!
- Fly around the Sky Islands with your pegasus!
- Catch escaped mini-pegasus and give them to Eliara for club points.
- Tame the new Grove Pegasus in Sky Islands.
- New butterfly horses, hairstyles and horse tack in Champion Chest!
- Brand new upgraded level 25 area to explore!
- Create friesian cross-breeds!
- New butterfly horses, hairstyles and horse tack in Champion Chest!
- Easter update - find all the Easter eggs around town!
- Remove armor from your Mythic horses
- You can now move horses from your stable to the pen
- Brand new upgraded level 25 area to explore!
- Create friesian cross-breeds!
- New hairstyles!
- You can now move horses from your stable to the pen
- Brand new upgraded level 25 area to explore!
- Explore the new treehouse, visit the windmill!
- New friesian cross-breeds!
- Visit Sandy, a specialist friesian cross-breeder to breed unique foals and grow them into adult cross-breeds with new coats.
- Foals follow around their mother for 7 days before growing up into a new crossbreed horse you can ride.
6 мар. 2023 г.
- Brand new upgraded level 25 area to explore!
- Explore the new treehouse, visit the windmill!
- New friesian cross-breeds!
- Visit Sandy, a specialist friesian cross-breeder to breed unique foals and grow them into adult cross-breeds with new coats.
- Foals follow around their mother for 7 days before growing up into a new crossbreed horse you can ride.
28 февр. 2023 г.
- Brand new upgraded level 25 area to explore!
- Explore the new treehouse, visit the windmill!
- New friesian cross-breeds!
- Visit Sandy, a specialist friesian cross-breeder to breed unique foals and grow them into adult cross-breeds with new coats.
- Foals follow around their mother for 7 days before growing up into a new crossbreed horse you can ride.
16 февр. 2023 г.
- New friesian cross-breeds!
- Visit Sandy, a specialist friesian cross-breeder to breed unique foals and grow them into adult cross-breeds with new coats.
- Foals follow around their mother for 7 days before growing up into a new crossbreed horse you can ride.
31 янв. 2023 г.
- New Tamable & Whistle Horses!
- Champion Chest reward changes! Exclusive tack instead of rare horses. Better odds for the higher tier rewards.
- Large System update to improve performance.
19 янв. 2023 г.
- New Tamable & Whistle Horses!
- Champion Chest reward changes! Exclusive tack instead of rare horses. Better odds for the higher tier rewards.
- Large System update to improve performance.
15 янв. 2023 г.
- New rotating Champion Chest rewards! Better odds for the higher tier rewards
- Earn the Pixie Butterfly Friesian and fly with butterfly wings!
- Donate your pets and receive gold!
- More pets can do the eat trick
- Player blocking and reporting improvements.
- Carts added! Let your friends ride in the back as you take them around town!
9 дек. 2022 г.
- New rotating Champion Chest rewards! Better odds for the higher tier rewards
- Earn the Pixie Butterfly Friesian and fly with butterfly wings!
- Donate your pets and receive gold!
- More pets can do the eat trick
- Player blocking and reporting improvements.
- Carts added! Let your friends ride in the back as you take them around town!
10 нояб. 2022 г.
- New rotating Champion Chest rewards! Better odds for the higher tier rewards
- Earn the Pixie Butterfly Friesian and fly with butterfly wings!
- Donate your pets and receive gold!
- More pets can do the eat trick
- Player blocking and reporting improvements.
- Carts added! Let your friends ride in the back as you take them around town!
3 нояб. 2022 г.
- New rotating Champion Chest rewards! Better odds for the higher tier rewards
- Earn the Pixie Butterfly Friesian and fly with butterfly wings!
- Donate your pets and receive gold!
- Player blocking and reporting improvements.
- Carts added! Let your friends ride in the back as you take them around town!
23 сент. 2022 г.
- New interactable emotes added! Use them and your friends can join in!
- Introducing Amelia and Abigail, the Western twins
- Do daily tasks for the twins to earn interactable emotes
- Memory usage improvements
- Bug fixes
- New Jailbreak adventure game! Complete to unlock Blue Steel!
1 сент. 2022 г.
- New Jailbreak adventure game! Complete to unlock Blue Steel!
- Exciting new emotes added!
- Introducing Peta the dance instructor
- Do daily tasks for Peta to earn emotes
- Bug fixes
23 авг. 2022 г.
- New Jailbreak adventure game! Complete to unlock Blue Steel!
- Exciting new emotes added!
- Introducing Peta the dance instructor
- Do daily tasks for Peta to earn emotes
- Bug fixes
3 авг. 2022 г.
- Exciting new emotes added!
- Introducing Peta the dance instructor
- Do daily tasks for Peta to earn emotes
- Limited time, in-game surveys for free gems
- Bug fixes
26 июл. 2022 г.
- Exciting new emotes added!
- Introducing Peta the dance instructor
- Do daily tasks for Peta to earn emotes
- Limited time, in-game surveys for free gems
- Bug fixes
11 июл. 2022 г.
- Toggle for rewarded ads in parental controls
- Limited time, in-game surveys for free gems!
- Optimizations to Character Customization screen
- Anti-cheat features
- Bug fixes
9 июн. 2022 г.
-New parent options in settings to customize your experience!
-Showcase your VIP level, now in chat!
-Option to hide your gifting level!
-Pet menu optimizations
-Bug Fixes
31 мая 2022 г.
-New parent options in settings to customize your experience!
-Showcase your VIP level, now in chat!
-Option to hide your gifting level!
-Pet menu optimizations
-Bug Fixes
26 мая 2022 г.
-New parent options in settings to customize your experience!
-Showcase your VIP level, now in chat!
-Option to hide your gifting level!
-Pet menu optimizations
-Bug Fixes
26 апреля 2022 г.
-Added 7 new hairstyles!
-Play the Hide & Seek Adventure Game!
-Performance & Memory improvements
9 марта 2022 г.
-Achievements and Badges
-Show off your progress in style by equipping an earned Badge
-Earn additional rewards from completing achievements including 3 new exclusive horses
-Player skintones and makeup
-Choose between 9 free skintones to best express yourself
-Added 12 new hair styles
-Various bugfixes & Improvements
4 марта 2022 г.
-Improved name selection + additional names to select from
-Added ability to pick your names color in the chat
-Improved visibility when using notch adjustment
-Fixed bug preventing pet merging
-Fixed issue with club v club minigames
-Rebalanced chances for minigame event chests
11 февраля 2022 г.
-Improved name selection + additional names to select from
-Added ability to pick your names color in the chat
-Improved visibility when using notch adjustment
-Fixed bug preventing pet merging
-Fixed issue with club v club minigames
-Rebalanced chances for minigame event chests
21 декабря 2021 г.
-NEW Shetland Pony coming to Meadowcroft with 6 unique coats!
-Join the Christmas festivities with:
- 4 new Christmas-Limited Mythical Horses!
- 5 new Christmas-Limited Pets!
- Christmas themed environment
-Bonus bugfixes
29 ноября 2021 г.
-Added 16 new Hair Styles.
-We've made some changes to make HRT run happier on your device! This means faster loading times, better frame rates and less crashes!
-The maximum view distance has been doubled.
-Various bugfixes
5 ноября 2021 г.
-Grow your pets to full sized Adult pets! Merge your existing pets or get a chance at an adult pet from a pet pack!
-Keep Up To 150 Horses with the New Magic Stable System
-Once you have built all the available stables you unlock the magic stable
-This stable's level can be increased with gems or gold to store up to a maximum of 150 horses
-Various bugfixes & improvements
5 ноября 2021 г.
-Added Rhoda the wandering horse trader
-Check back often at Rhoda's camp for special offers on horse and pet bundles.
-Halloween has arrived to Meadowcroft, with limited time themed cosmetic options.
-Added new outfits and eye options for players.
-Added special effects on all mystical horses.
-Various bugfixes and improvements

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