Swish Sports Mod Apk

Swish Sports Взлом - Mod Apk 3.58.0

Разработчик: Swish LLC
Категория: Спорт
Цена: Бесплатно


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Создавайте, находите спортивные игры и присоединяйтесь к ним в любое время и в любом месте. Создавайте группы игроков со своими друзьями, чтобы организовывать спортивные игры или присоединяться к публичной игре и вперед!
Swish позволяет вам создавать и присоединяться к общедоступным или частным группам игроков с друзьями для организации всех ваших спортивных игр. У вас есть определенная группа друзей, с которыми вы любите играть в баскетбол, пиклбол, футбол или в любой другой вид спорта? Частные группы позволяют создавать и публиковать игры в приложении, которые будут видеть и приглашать только ваша группа. Если вам нравится играть с кем угодно и общаться с новыми людьми, открытые группы видны всем пользователям. Кто угодно может публиковать и присоединяться к публичным спортивным играм для публичной группы.
Все пользователи swish могут создать игру в жанре «пикап» или присоединиться к игре и начать играть! В процессе создания игры пользователям Swish предлагается выбрать место, время, вид спорта и количество открытых мест. Вы можете создать частную игру для группы друзей или общедоступную, к которой может присоединиться любой желающий.
Swish организует для вас все предстоящие игры и приглашения в игры - как игры, к которым вы присоединились, так и игры, которые вы создали. Больше никаких надоедливых запутанных групповых чатов при организации спортивных мероприятий. Swish позволяет увидеть, когда и где вы играете и кто к вам присоединился. Скачайте приложение и поделитесь с друзьями!

История обновлений

New feature alert!
Introduced “King of the Court,” a dynamic game format where players compete to stay at the top court, with winners moving up and losers moving down.

Bug Fixes:
Addressed issues with UI elements (e.g., “Add Round” and “Start Round Robin” button visibility and behavior).

Other Updates:
Improved compatibility with DUPR integration and added game history display enhancements
- Bring back search field when selecting home city
New Feature Alert: Ladder League 🎉

Introducing Ladder League, a brand-new feature designed to revolutionize your league management experience!
- Fix approving wrong DUPR exception request
New Feature Alert!

🔄 Mid-Round Player Adjustments:
- You can now seamlessly change players mid-round using the “Adjust List” button.
- This feature is available directly within a specific round, giving you greater flexibility and control during your games.

Whether you’re making last-minute substitutions or accommodating unexpected changes, managing your rounds has never been easier!
We update the Swish Sports app as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. Here are couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Update frameworks
- Fix opening old edit game screen for some game formats
We update the Swish Sports app as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. Here are couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Set Partners RR : Users should claim individual spots instead of claiming a team spot
- Add a "Bronze Match" to the last screen of a playoff bracket
We update the Swish Sports app as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. Here are couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- When winner is determined by win-loss record, a tie should be broken by Avg. point differential
- Clicking the "Text Game Invite" or "Invite teammates" button should pull up new game invites screen
We update the Swish Sports app as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. Here are couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Update endpoints
- Crash on launch
We update the Swish Sports app as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. Here are couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Viewing scores of other teams' matches as a player in an mLP event
- User joins game and it shows on upcoming, but it also shows on "invites"
We update the Swish Sports app as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. Here are couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- New Create Game flow
- New Game Invites design
We update the Swish Sports app as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. Here are couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Fix mixed doubles selection when both teams have captains
- Tournament creator is not a player by default now - he can join (and leave) later
We update the Swish Sports app as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. Here are couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Both Teams pick their mixed doubles pairs before entering the "sub-match" area
- Team Captain enhancements: remove teammate, choose role - male/female on join
We update the Swish Sports app as often as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you. Here are couple of the enhancements you'll find in the latest update:

- Edit your team as host
- Claim slot when joining Team Game

Способы взлома Swish Sports

Скачать Swish Sports MOD APK 3.58.0

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