Bid Wars 2: Деловая игра Mod Apk

Bid Wars 2: Деловая игра Взлом - Mod Apk 2.11

Разработчик: By Aliens L.L.C-F.Z
Категория: Симуляторы, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Побеждать на аукционах хранения гораздо труднее, чем кажется, когда мы наблюдаем за этим процессом по телевизору. Нужно обладать интуицией, сообразительностью и достаточным мужеством, чтобы побеждать других участников торгов и зарабатывать приличные деньги.

Продемонстрируйте, что вы не боитесь делать высокие ставки, обходя конкурентов в ходе самых разных аукционов и зарабатывая себе репутацию самого искусного участника этого рынка!


- ПРЕДЛОЖИТЕ более высокую цену, чем ваши конкуренты, в ходе увлекательных аукционов. Наслаждайтесь динамичным процессом игры, выбирая, анализируя и делая предложения быстрее своих оппонентов в ходе аукционов по всему миру!

- УПРАВЛЯЙТЕ собственным ломбардом, демонстрируя свои редкие и ценные приобретения. Пусть клиенты со всего мира приходят к вам, чтобы потратить деньги на ваш бизнес и сделать вас богатым!

- ПРОЖИВИТЕ захватывающую историю с интересными персонажами в процессе поиска путей превращения запущенного семейного предприятия в бизнес-империю городского масштаба!

- Получайте ПРИБЫЛЬ, проводя умные сделки, и разблокируйте новые здания в городе, чтобы расширять бизнес и зарабатывать еще больше!

- СТАНЬТЕ ИЗВЕСТНЫМ в мире аукционов, пусть вас заметят влиятельные в этом бизнесе люди. Никогда не знаешь, кто захочет вести с вами бизнес!

- СОБЕРИТЕ широкий ассортимент экзотических предметов – от редкого антиквариата, который можно восстановить, до автомобилей и лодок, которые можно отремонтировать и продать с невероятной прибылью!

Участвуйте во всех аукционах, не упускайте ни единой возможности поторговаться за эти покрытые плесенью сокровища, притаившиеся в старых гаражах и поражающие воображение! Попытайте удачи, но прислушивайтесь к своей интуиции, так как от этого может зависеть ваша карьера!

Станьте восходящей звездой, принимая участие во все более крупных торгах и сделках и привлекая к себе внимание завистников и ненавистников. Некоторым воротилам ломбардного бизнеса может не нравиться конкуренция с вашей стороны, и они ни перед чем не остановятся, чтобы помешать вам! Подобные проблемы появляются по мере того, как вы становитесь богатым и знаменитым, так что будьте к ним готовы!

Начните развивать свою ломбардную империю прямо сейчас и приготовьтесь делать ставки!

Пожалуйста, обратите внимание! Эта игра – бесплатная, но она содержит элементы, которые могут быть приобретены за реальные деньги. Некоторые функции и дополнительные элементы, упомянутые в описании, могут также быть приобретены за реальные деньги.

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There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

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There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

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Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
20 мар. 2023 г.
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let’s play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
8 мар. 2023 г.
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!
More bugs and nuisances resolved!
Let’s play!
Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
17 февр. 2023 г.
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!
More bugs and nuisances resolved!
Let’s play!
Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
26 янв. 2023 г.
There’s new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!
More bugs and nuisances resolved!
Let’s play!
Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
9 янв. 2023 г.
Attention all bidders, treasure hunters and pawn shop legends: we’ve got a new update for y’all!

Here’s what’s new:

It is possible to rent slots in the PawnShop through HC!

We listened to all your feedback and took care of some pesky bugs and optimized the experience across the board!

Keep bidding and treasure hunting like there’s no tomorrow, and don’t forget to leave a review with your feedback!
12 дек. 2022 г.
Attention all bidders, treasure hunters and pawn shop legends: we’ve got a new update for y’all!

Here’s what’s new:

CloudSave has been implemented in the game with google, apple and facebook login!

We listened to all your feedback and took care of some pesky bugs and optimized the experience across the board!

Keep bidding and treasure hunting like there’s no tomorrow, and don’t forget to leave a review with your feedback!
29 нояб. 2022 г.
Attention all bidders, treasure hunters and pawn shop legends: we’ve got a new update for y’all!

Here’s what’s new:

CloudSave has been implemented in the game with google, apple and facebook login! It will soon be available for all.

We listened to all your feedback and took care of some pesky bugs and optimized the experience across the board!

Keep bidding and treasure hunting like there’s no tomorrow, and don’t forget to leave a review with your feedback!
11 нояб. 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
14 окт. 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
28 сент. 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
13 сент. 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
30 авг. 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
15 авг. 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
11 июл. 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
28 июн. 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
1 июн. 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
17 мая 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
17 мая 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

Vault collection bug fixed!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
14 апреля 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

It is now possible to further accelerate the sale of items in the Pawn shop through ads!

Going into an auction empty-handed? Not anymore! It is now possible to watch a video ad and start an auction with a power-up!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
29 марта 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

You won an auction and need to collect the items?!? Don't worry, it's now possible to collect them all at once with just the push of a button!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
3 марта 2022 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

A new silhouette system now lets you identify the shape of items you don't have yet to grow your catalog!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
18 декабря 2021 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
15 декабря 2021 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
19 ноября 2021 г.
There's new stuff in BidWars: Pawn Empire!

More bugs and nuisances resolved!

Let's play!

Thank you for playing Bid Wars! Please do not forget to leave a new review! Your feedback means a lot!
4 ноября 2021 г.
Novidades no BidWars: Pawn Empire!

Melhoramos a leitura dos botões no mapa e adicionamos informações sobre suas funcionalidades e objetivos
HORA DO TERROR!!! O Evento de Halloween está chegando com seus itens exclusivos aterrorizantes. Se preparem para encontrá-los, colecioná-los e vendê-los por muito dinheiro.

Vem jogar!
Obrigado pela sua preferência! Não se esqueça de deixar uma nova avaliação, o seu feedback é precioso!

Способы взлома Bid Wars 2: Деловая игра

Скачать Bid Wars 2: Деловая игра MOD APK 2.11

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