FloodAlert Waterlevel Alerts Mod Apk

FloodAlert Waterlevel Alerts Взлом - Mod Apk 306

Разработчик: SOBOS GmbH
Категория: Погода
Цена: Бесплатно


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FloodAlert предлагает вам все текущие уровни воды и прогнозы в одном приложении. Он надежно предупреждает вас о чрезвычайных ситуациях, как только уровень воды достигает критического значения. Таким образом, вы можете заранее реагировать на опасные ситуации, такие как наводнения, и принимать превентивные меры.
Приложение датчика дождя поможет вам установить пороговые значения для различных уровней воды с официальными предельными значениями для соответствующих водоемов в Европе и США.

Предупреждение о дожде и уровне воды из более чем 30 000 точек измерения
Количество точек измерения напрямую связано с качеством наших прогнозов будущих уровней воды и качеством информации о текущем уровне воды. Большое количество точек измерения позволяет нам своевременно получать оповещения о чрезвычайных ситуациях и предупреждать о критических уровнях паводка. Наше аварийное приложение Flood дает вам своевременное предупреждение о чрезвычайной ситуации и защищает вас от стихийных бедствий.

Уведомление, когда соответствующие уровни воды превышают порог предупреждения.
Предупреждения в нашем приложении Rain Gauge и оповещения о чрезвычайных ситуациях можно легко настроить для каждой гидрометрической станции. Установив предел предупреждения для уровня реки и наводнения, сигнал тревоги отправляется, когда уровень воды превышает или падает ниже индивидуально определенного порогового уровня. Это позволяет своевременно реагировать на чрезвычайные ситуации, такие как дождь и наводнение.

Оповещения звуковыми сигналами, вибрацией, выводом на экран и миганием светодиода
Вы можете настроить сигнал предупреждения индивидуально. Выберите сигнал оповещения, который с наибольшей вероятностью предупредит вас о наводнениях и предстоящих чрезвычайных ситуациях. Оповещения приложения Rain Gauge & Emergency помогут вам подготовиться к стихийным бедствиям, вызванным дождем или бурей.

Каталог мер и блокнот по наводнениям
Особенно в случае предстоящих наводнений и чрезвычайных ситуаций важно реагировать быстро и правильно. Наш каталог действий представляет собой пошаговое руководство, которое поможет вам отреагировать на первое предупреждение о критическом уровне воды. Таким образом, наше приложение для экстренного оповещения является идеальным инструментом не только для предупреждений, но и для конкретных действий.

Функции FloodAlert Pro
- Прогноз уровня воды и мареографов на выбранных станциях
- Неограниченный мониторинг уровня воды на всех доступных измерительных станциях
- Индивидуальное оповещение собственным сигналом будильника прямо в нашем приложении экстренного оповещения
- исторические уровни воды рек и водомеры водоемов.

FloodAlertHydroSOS обеспечивает превентивную защиту от наводнений для граждан, пожарных служб, компаний и любителей водных видов спорта на основе свободно доступных данных!
Мы приветствуем запросы, отзывы и идеи на [email protected].

Условия использования: https://www.sobos.at/terms_of_use_v4.html

История обновлений

- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Serbia and Kosovo
- PRO features can be used free of costs on stations of Flanders
- Precipitation is displayed on the map as yellow, orange, red colored overlay
- Added water levels of Netherlands and Finland into the app
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- PRO features can be used free of costs on stations of Flanders
- Precipitation is displayed on the map as yellow, orange, red colored overlay
- Added water levels of Netherlands and Finland into the app
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- PRO features can be used free of costs on stations of Flanders
- Precipitation is displayed on the map as yellow, orange, red colored overlay
- Added water levels of Netherlands and Finland into the app
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- PRO features can be used free of costs on stations of Flanders
- Precipitation is displayed on the map as yellow, orange, red colored overlay
- Added water levels of Netherlands and Finland into the app
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- PRO features can be used free of costs on stations of Flanders
- Precipitation is displayed on the map as yellow, orange, red colored overlay
- Added water levels of Netherlands and Finland into the app
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- PRO features can be used free of costs on stations of Flanders
- Precipitation is displayed on the map as yellow, orange, red colored overlay
- Added water levels of Netherlands and Finland into the app
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
21 февр. 2023 г.
- Precipitation is displayed on the map as yellow, orange, red colored overlay
- Added water levels of Netherlands and Finland into the app
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
6 дек. 2022 г.
- Precipitation is displayed on the map as yellow, orange, red colored overlay
- Added water levels of Netherlands and Finland into the app
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
19 сент. 2022 г.
- Precipitation is displayed on the map as yellow, orange, red colored overlay
- Added water levels of Netherlands and Finland into the app
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
1 сент. 2022 г.
- Added water levels of Norway, Belgium and Sweden into the app
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of USA, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
20 июл. 2022 г.
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of USA, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
5 июл. 2022 г.
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of USA, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
22 апр. 2022 г.
- You can now receive alerts via SMS and email
- Download water level data as CSV-file directly from the app
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of USA, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
5 января 2022 г.
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of USA, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- In the event of a flood, the app shows you what measures you can take to minimize damage
30 декабря 2021 г.
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of USA, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- In the event of a flood, the app shows you what measures you can take to minimize damage
6 декабря 2021 г.
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of USA, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- In the event of a flood, the app shows you what measures you can take to minimize damage
4 декабря 2021 г.
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of USA, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- In the event of a flood, the app shows you what measures you can take to minimize damage
17 сентября 2021 г.
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of Canada, France and Czech Republic
- Monitored and recently alarmed stations are displayed directly on the map
- FloodAlert now contains water levels of USA, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- In the event of a flood, the app shows you what measures you can take to minimize damage

Способы взлома FloodAlert Waterlevel Alerts

Скачать FloodAlert Waterlevel Alerts MOD APK 306

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