being by lissun: self-therapy Mod Apk

being by lissun: self-therapy ハック - Mod Apk 3.9.7

開発者: Being Cares, Inc.
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot being by lissun: self-therapy mod apkGame screenshot being by lissun: self-therapy hackGame screenshot being by lissun: self-therapy apk download


ストレス。不安。社会不安。うつ病 — 私たちは皆、人生の中でこのような問題を経験したことがあります。


💰 セラピストは高価です
👚 セルフケアツールは汎用的なものが多い
📝 とジャーナリングのプロンプトは通常、一般的なものです

enter being by lissun – 科学に裏付けられた究極のCBTセラピー&セルフケアアプリで、どこにいてもあなたに会えます

ランダムなセルフケア/ジャーナリング アプリを使用するストレスと不安に別れを告げましょう。

パーソナライズされたミニセラピー、厳選された精神的健康の旅、ガイド付きジャーナル、10 以上のセラピー ツールをご利用ください。

✨ 140ヶ国以上の50万人以上の人々から信頼され、トップセラピストによる30年以上の研究に基づいて構築されています ✨

92% のユーザーが 7 日間でメンタルヘルスの改善を報告


1. 存在をどのように使用しますか?



being は、人生でどんなことを経験しているかに関係なく、このような 10,000 以上の問題に対するガイド付きヘルプを提供しており、毎日新しいヘルプを追加しています


2. 存在することはどのように私を助けますか?

存在することでセルフケアが簡素化されます。できることは 3 つあります:

💛 ミニセラピー —
あなたのストレスと不安に対するこれまでで最も革新的な解決策です。 EMDR および CBT 療法カウンセリング + インタラクティブ ツール/演習を含む、一口サイズのインタラクティブ セッション。各ミニセラピーは、あなたの健康を改善するためにセラピストによって注意深く設計されています。

🧑🏻‍🏫 わかりました —
当社のメンタ​​ルヘルス AI (PSY、CBT 療法で広範囲に訓練を受けた) は、心理教育コンテンツを共有して、問題を理解し、即座にストレスを軽減するのに役立ちます。他のオンライン記事 (psychologytoday、betterhelp など) とは異なり、PSY はセラピストと同じように、コンテンツをユーザーに合わせてカスタマイズするように訓練されています :)

✍🏻ガイド付きジャーナル —
ジャーナリングは、これまでで最も効果的な CBT 療法テクニックの 1 つです。 PSY は、あなた専用に作成されたパーソナライズされたジャーナリング プロンプトを備え、ワンランク上の機能を提供します


3. どれくらい手頃な価格ですか?


最大 14 日間の無料トライアルを提供しています。プレミアム料金を支払う余裕がない場合は、可能な限り料金を支払うこともできます。



4. 存在の背後にある科学とは何ですか?

a.私たちは過去 30 年以上にわたって 1,200 以上の研究論文を分析し、不安、ストレス、うつ病などのメンタルヘルスの問題を 5,000 以上の科学的問題に分類してきました。

b.ここに問題の詳細な例をいくつか示します: 一般的な不安、社交不安、先延ばし、完璧主義、自己批判、自尊心、うつ病、燃え尽き症候群。



d.思考のリフレーミング、目標設定、マインドフルネス、アファメーション、ビジュアライゼーション、ジャーナリング、呼吸、PMR (漸進的筋弛緩法)、ボディスキャンなどは、セルフケアと精神的健康の改善に役立ついくつかの方法です。

e.私たちはこれを可能にするために世界中で 100 人以上の認定セラピストと協力しています


5. なぜ存在を信頼すべきなのでしょうか?

🧬 私たちは科学に深く根ざしたセルフケア アプリを構築するために 3 年以上と 150 万ドルを投資してきました。
🏆 Google は私たちの貢献を認め、「2021 年最優秀アプリ」を受賞しました。
🌎 世界中で 500,000 人以上の人々が、不安、ストレス、うつ病をサポートするために私たちを信頼しています


ご質問やフィードバックがございましたら、弊社の CEO ([email protected]) までご連絡ください。




new: at last, we've listened! all mini-therapy journals are now accessible in one location on the "all journals" page, making it easier to find and use your favorite entries.

new: our mini-therapies got an upgrade. they are now easier to operate, and smoother than before

new: introducing our new "pay-what-you-want" plans! with more flexible options, we're making mental health support accessible to everyone

fix: we've made numerous performance enhancements and squashed various bugs
new: at last, we've listened! all mini-therapy journals are now accessible in one location on the "all journals" page, making it easier to find and use your favorite entries.

new: our mini-therapies got an upgrade. they are now easier to operate, and smoother than before

new: introducing our new "pay-what-you-want" plans! with more flexible options, we're making mental health support accessible to everyone

fix: we've made numerous performance enhancements and squashed various bugs
it’s ‘map’ time :)

to our 550k+ existing users who believed in us from the very beginning, our fellow beings who gave us one-star reviews for putting up a waitlist yet love us so much, and our new users who see that being feels different from anything else you’ve tried

the ‘map’ is officially live the map of your mental health make your way to better mental health

thanks so much for your love and patience being’s first-of-a-kind mental health app is all yours
it’s ‘map’ time :)

to our 550k+ existing users who believed in us from the very beginning, our fellow beings who gave us one-star reviews for putting up a waitlist yet love us so much, and our new users who see that being feels different from anything else you’ve tried

the ‘map’ is officially live the map of your mental health make your way to better mental health

thanks so much for your love and patience being’s first-of-a-kind mental health app is all yours
it’s ‘map’ time :)

to our 550k+ existing users who believed in us from the very beginning, our fellow beings who gave us one-star reviews for putting up a waitlist yet love us so much, and our new users who see that being feels different from anything else you’ve tried

the ‘map’ is officially live the map of your mental health make your way to better mental health

thanks so much for your love and patience being’s first-of-a-kind mental health app is all yours
okay, it took us more than two months on this update, and you’re going to love this :)

the whole new design language
refreshingly unique 🤩

and the new mini-therapy experience
and the new human voice

oh! how do i even go about describing that
you have to have to experience it for yourself
wait, there's one more thing
you’ve used google maps, haven’t you?
we're making one for the mental world

btw, did you notice the app icon?
it’s our way of saying — thank you for being ☺️
okay, it took us more than two months on this update, and you’re going to love this :)

the whole new design language
refreshingly unique 🤩

and the new mini-therapy experience
and the new human voice

oh! how do i even go about describing that
you have to have to experience it for yourself
wait, there's one more thing
you’ve used google maps, haven’t you?
we're making one for the mental world

btw, did you notice the app icon?
it’s our way of saying — thank you for being ☺️
- Decide what we make: Now you can select the Ds (Discomforts) you relate to directly on the app, and we’ll turn them into ‘your’ mini-therapies.

- Human voice-over: Your mini-therapies, now with real human voice. Immersive like never before.
- Understanding you better: Improved onboarding to understand your needs at a deeper level
- Your discomforts: From A to Z, everything now works keeping YOUR discomforts at the center. Your discomforts → Your mini-therapies
- Progress: Dashboard for you to easily keep track of your mental health journey, see how well you've been doing
- Revamped experience: From "ongoing mini-therapies" to personalized recommendations, customized for you
- Understanding you better: Improved onboarding to understand your needs at a deeper level
- Your discomforts: From A to Z, everything now works keeping YOUR discomforts at the center. Your discomforts → Your mini-therapies
- Progress: Dashboard for you to easily keep track of your mental health journey, see how well you've been doing
- Revamped experience: From "ongoing mini-therapies" to personalized recommendations, customized for you
- A true glimpse into your progress:
Better than ever check-ins before & after a mini-therapy, so you easily understand your progress

- Real-time recommendations:
Get personalized suggestions for your next set of mini-therapies, based on your progress. Unique curations every time.
Experience the all new being:

- Revamped therapy page: We got a makeover! Smoother than ever before interface, making everything from your Mini-therapy dashboard to Profile, super accessible.
- Brand new explore section: Think Spotify but for your mini-therapies. Find exactly what you’re looking for with all-new categories and sub-categories.
- Optimised search experience: A seamless search experience to help you quickly find your mini-therapies.
Meet the new, ‘being: always there’ plan; it feels like a therapist that’s there for you - 24x7.

Here’s what’s in it for our subscribers:
- Mental Health Friends - 24x7. No bots, real professionals.
- Deep insights on your journey every 2 weeks.
- Mini-therapies made just for you - on priority. One for every feeling.
- Invite-only Discord community. Build being with us.
- Early access to new features.
- And, many more.

See you inside :)
Meet the new, ‘being: always there’ plan; it feels like a therapist that’s there for you - 24x7.

Here’s what’s in it for our subscribers:
- Mental Health Friends - 24x7. No bots, real professionals.
- Deep insights on your journey every 2 weeks.
- Mini-therapies made just for you - on priority. One for every feeling.
- Invite-only Discord community. Build being with us.
- Early access to new features.
- And, many more.

See you inside :)
Experience the all new being:

- Revamped therapy page: We got a makeover! Smoother than ever before interface, making everything from your Profile, Conversations, to Mini-therapy dashboard, super accessible.
- Brand new explore section: Think Spotify but for your mini-therapies. Find exactly what you’re looking for with all-new categories and sub-categories.
- Optimised search experience: A seamless search experience to help you quickly find your mini-therapies.

ハッキング方法 being by lissun: self-therapy

ダウンロード being by lissun: self-therapy MOD APK 3.9.7

ダウンロード MOD APK