Stoa: Stoic Meditation Mod Apk

Stoa: Stoic Meditation ハック - Mod Apk 4.114.0

開発者: Zeno Apps LLC
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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Stoa は、回復力を高め、重要なことに集中できるように設計されています。ストア派の実践哲学とマインドフルネスや瞑想を組み合わせたものです。

毎日のガイド付きストイック瞑想は心を落ち着かせ、視点を改善すると同時に、瞑想を習慣化するのにも役立ちます。ストア派理論をさらに深く掘り下げたい人は、専門実践者との会話、ストア派理論の説明、マルクス アウレリウス、セネカ、エピクテトスなどの有名なストア派の原典を見つけることができます。

STOA をダウンロードする 4 つの理由

- 実践を構築するためのガイド付き瞑想: 毎日のストイックな実践を通じて、より回復力を高め、ストレスや不安を軽減し、極度のネガティブな感情を軽減します。ストアの瞑想は、初心者と上級瞑想者の両方を対象に設計されています。

- ストア派の理解に役立つ理論: ストア派の古代哲学の背後にある理論を探ります。 Stoa には、制御の二分法、計画性のマローラム、倫理、決定論、認識論などの概念に関する何時間もの音声コンテンツが含まれています。

- ソースから学ぶストア派のテキストと引用: さまざまな偉大な思想家による何千ものストア派の引用のライブラリにアクセスできます。ストアには、エピクテトスの『ハンドブック』やマルクス・アウレリウスの『瞑想』など、ストア派のオリジナルのテキストのコレクションも増えています。

STOA をダウンロードして、次のすべての機能をお楽しみください:

- ガイド付き瞑想: Stoa は、ストイックな原則に基づいたユニークな毎日の瞑想を含む、45 時間以上のガイド付き音声コンテンツを提供します。
- 3 週間の入門コース: 私たちの入門コースでは、ストア派と瞑想の両方の基礎を学び、実践を構築するために必要な基礎を提供します。
- 毎日の引用: 毎日厳選されたものを含む、影響力のあるストイックな思考のライブラリ。
- ストア派のテキスト: マルクス アウレリウスからエピクテトスまで、読むべき重要なストア派のテキストのコレクション。
- レッスン: ストア理論を深く掘り下げ、この古代哲学の基礎を説明する音声レッスン。
- 専門家との会話: 専門の哲学者、著者、実践者との多数の独占ポッドキャストで、ストア主義と自己改善について話します。

毎週 3 通の短いメールを次の相手と共有します。
- 実践哲学についての瞑想 1 回
- より回復力と徳を高めるための最良のリソース

STOA のサブスクリプションと規約:

Stoa を月額 9.99 ドルまたは年間 89.99 ドルで購読してください。この価格は米国のお客様向けです。他の国では価格が異なる場合があります。


現在の期間が終了する少なくとも 24 時間前に自動更新を無効にしない限り、Stoa のサブスクリプションは自動的に更新されます。自動更新をオフにしたり、Google Play アカウントからサブスクリプションを管理したりできます。





Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Brand new read and quote sections.
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
- Highlights the special June only discount for our annual subscription
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
- Launched a special June only discount for our annual subscription
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
- You can now reset your routine course progress.
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Audio player is supported in more screens. Listen to a lesson and explore Stoa at the same time.
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Only bug fixes.
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- We've added weekly streaks
- Track your courses better with our new current course card in the home screen
- Various minor bugfixes
- You can now filter meditations in the theory section by category
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various minor bug fixes. Larger changes coming soon...
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Various minor bug fixes
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- New onboarding flow
Use Stoa to improve your focus, resilience, and virtue.

If you would like to use Stoa but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected], and we will provide you with a free account.

~~~ What's new ~~~
- Minor bug fixes and improvements, including a fix for autoplay.

ハッキング方法 Stoa: Stoic Meditation

ダウンロード Stoa: Stoic Meditation MOD APK 4.114.0

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