SoundBirth - Music Agency Mod Apk

SoundBirth - Music Agency ハック - Mod Apk 7.6.10

開発者: SoundBirth
カテゴリー: 音楽&オーディオ
価格: 無料です


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SoundBirth: オールインワンの音楽代理店

SoundBirth を使用すると、音楽を簡単に世に出すことができます。 Apple Music、Spotify、TikTok、Instagram、Boomplay などを含むすべての主要なストリーミング プラットフォームに完全に無料でトラックを配信できます。隠れた料金や時間制限はありません。シングル、EP、アルバムのいずれであっても、2 つの無料リリースがあり、音楽はストアに永久に保存されます。

SoundBirth の特徴は何ですか?サポートが必要なときにいつでも利用できる音楽専門家の専任チーム。さらに、あなたとあなたの音楽キャリアに完全に焦点を当てた革新的なツールである SoundBirth AI を利用できます。

当社の強力なツールを使用して、プロモーション戦略を管理します。あなたの音楽を共有したいと考えているコンテンツ クリエイターやプレイリスト キュレーターのグローバル コミュニティとつながりましょう。 SoundBirth のマーケットプレイス内で、あなたの成長を支援する準備ができているトップの音楽専門家と協力します。

次のステップに進む準備はできていますか?新しい ADVANCES 機能により、キャリアを促進するために必要な資金にアクセスできるようになります。また、「Pitch My Release」を使用すると、音楽を公式プレイリストに直接ピッチして最大限の露出を得ることができます。あなたの音楽が Spotify、Apple Music、Deezer、その他の主要なストリーミング プラットフォームの公式プレイリストに登録されることを想像してみてください。夢のようですか?そうですね、現在それが可能になっています。

SoundBirth プレイリストを探索し、何千人ものアーティスト仲間とつながり、ミュージック ツールボックスを利用して重要なアーティスト サービスにアクセスすることが、すべて 1 つのアプリで行えます。 SoundBirth であなたの可能性を解き放ちましょう。


New features to help you take your music career even further:

Need funding to boost your career? With ADVANCES, eligible artists can now access the resources they need to reach new heights!

Imagine your music landing on official playlists of Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, and other major streaming platforms. Sounds like a dream? Well, we’re making it possible! This feature allows your tracks to be pitched directly to official playlists, giving your music the exposure it deserves.
What’s New
We’ve made some improvements to enhance your experience:

- Fixed bugs and minor issues to improve performance and stability.
- Streamlined navigation for a smoother user experience.
- Optimized features for better speed and responsiveness.
- The Share My Release application has been updated to Fresh New Release: now you can do it twice a month!

Update now to enjoy the latest version!
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
Introducing the new Promotion feature on SoundBirth!

You can now contact Influencers & content creators directly through SoundBirth. The influencers we have selected are really powerful to help you in your promotion. It is very easy to use, very fast and reliable.
This service allows you to reach fantastic new audiences. There's nothing better than viral, organic & real marketing. The long term impact accumulated many times becomes incredible.
We are very pleased to unveil the new Promotion feature. Send your music to influencers who will share it on their networks. A fantastic way to promote your music!
We are very pleased to unveil the new Promotion feature. Send your music to influencers who will share it on their networks. A fantastic way to promote your music!
We are very pleased to unveil the new Promotion feature. Send your music to influencers who will share it on their networks. A fantastic way to promote your music!
We are very pleased to unveil the new Promotion feature. Send your music to influencers who will share it on their networks. A fantastic way to promote your music!
We are very pleased to unveil the new Promotion feature. Send your music to influencers who will share it on their networks. A fantastic way to promote your music!
We are very pleased to unveil two new features in the My Manager section: "My Daily Tips" and "Music Tool Box"!
Receive new tips and advice every day to help you find your way in the music business thanks to the daily posts of your managers.
Find the best services in your toolbox such as Pre-save Link or Reward Link!
Come and discover this as soon as possible, you'll love it.
Don't forget the recent additions of HQ & DOLBY ATMOS distribution as well as the fast lane and other great new features!
We are very pleased to unveil two new features in the My Manager section: "My Daily Tips" and "Music Tool Box"!
Receive new tips and advice every day to help you find your way in the music business thanks to the daily posts of your managers.
Find the best services in your toolbox such as Pre-save Link or Reward Link!
Come and discover this as soon as possible, you'll love it.
Don't forget the recent additions of HQ & DOLBY ATMOS distribution as well as the fast lane and other great new features!

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