inDrive. Rides with fair fares Mod Apk

inDrive. Rides with fair fares ハック - Mod Apk 5.110.0

カテゴリー: 地図&ナビ
価格: 無料です


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優れたタクシーの代替手段である inDrive (inDriver) は、ドライバー アプリでもあるため、配車を見つけたり、運転に参加したりできる相乗りアプリです。

しかしそれだけではありません!このアプリを使用して、他の都市への旅行、荷物の送受信、個人またはビジネスのニーズに合わせたトラックの予約、さらには必要なことをサポートしてくれる地元の専門家を雇うこともできます。宅配業者または配達員として登録することもできます。適正な価格とは、あなたが同意する価格であり、希望するものではありません。 inDrive は、人々がいつでも合意に達できることを証明するために存在します。

シリコンバレーの新たな成功事例である inDrive (旧名 inDriver) は、47 か国の 600 以上の都市で利用できる無料のライドシェア アプリです。私たちは、顧客、ドライバー、宅配業者、その他のサービスプロバイダーなど、人々の手に権力を取り戻すことで急速に成長しています。

ドライバーは、スケジュールに合わせて柔軟に運転し、乗車する乗り物を選択できるため、通常のドライブ アプリを使用するどのタクシー ドライバーよりも多くの収入を得ることができます。宅配業者やサービスプロバイダーについても同様です。

inDrive は単なる乗車アプリやドライブ アプリではなく、同じモデルに基づいてさらに多くのサービスを提供します。



このドアツードアのオンデマンド配送サービスは、最大 20 キロの荷物を迅速かつ安全に送受信できる方法です。




タクシー予約アプリの代替となる inDrive は、カスタマイズされたサージフリーのライドシェア体験を提供します。ここでは、アルゴリズムではなくあなたが運賃を決定し、運転手を選択します。タクシー予約アプリのように時間や走行距離に応じて料金を設定することはありません。

既知のタクシー予約アプリとは異なり、inDrive では、配車リクエストを受け入れたドライバーのリストからドライバーを選択できます。当社の配車アプリでは、価格、車種、到着時間、評価、完了した乗車回数に基づいて車両を選択できます。選択の自由こそが、当社をあらゆるタクシー アプリに代わるユニークな選択肢にしているのです。

乗車を承諾する前に、ドライバーの名前、車種、ナンバープレート番号、完了した乗車回数を確認できます。これは、通常のタクシー アプリではめったに見られない機能です。旅行中、「乗り物をシェア」ボタンを使用して、旅行情報を家族や友人と共有できます。当社は、ライダーとドライバーの両方が 100% 安全な体験を楽しめるよう、車両予約アプリに新しい安全機能を継続的に追加しています。

この代替タクシー アプリを使用すると、コメント フィールドに具体的なニーズやその他の詳細 (「ペットと一緒に旅行する」、「荷物がある」など) を書き込むことができます。ドライバーは、運転する前にその内容を運転アプリで確認できるようになります。あなたのリクエストを受け入れてください。

車をお持ちの場合、当社の運転アプリは副収入を得る絶好の機会となります。他のタクシー予約アプリとは異なり、inDrive では、配車リクエストを受け入れる前に、乗客の降車場所と運賃を確認できます。乗客の料金が十分ではないと思われる場合、このドライバー アプリを使用すると、ペナルティなしで運賃を提示したり、気に入らない乗車をスキップしたりできます。この車予約アプリの最も優れている点は、サービス料金が低額または無料であることです。つまり、この優れたタクシー アプリの代替品を使用すると、運転により多くのお金を稼ぐことができます。

新しいドライバー アプリを探している場合でも、配車が必要な場合でも、この素晴らしいタクシーの代替手段を使用して、ユニークなライドシェア体験を得ることができます。 inDrive (inDriver) をインストールして、思い通りの乗り心地とドライブを実現しましょう!


In this update, we’ve fixed some bugs and made small improvements to create a better experience for you. If you run into a bug, please let us know. We are happy to get your feedback and work on it in our future releases.
You might not notice it right away, but your app is now better than it was. That’s because we’ve improved a few things here and there. Please stay tuned for more details in future releases.
We've been busy improving things behind the scenes. These changes may be subtle, but they are meant to make your experience more delightful. Please rate our app and share your thoughts and suggestions.
We are not slowing down. Improving performance, polishing design, and fixing bugs. Please stay tuned for some exciting things in our future releases.
This time we focused on various smaller tweaks to make the app run more smoothly. Please enjoy the updated version and leave a review below. We’ll be happy to hear your thoughts!
This update includes a few subtle changes. We are fixing known issues and improving design so that you enjoy using the app even more. Please rate us and leave a review below. We value your feedback a lot!
In this update, we’ve fixed some bugs and made small improvements to create a better experience for you. If you run into a bug, please let us know. We are happy to get your feedback and work on it in our future releases.
We've been busy improving things behind the scenes. These changes may be subtle, but they are meant to make your experience more delightful. Please rate our app and share your thoughts and suggestions.
We've been busy improving things behind the scenes. These changes may be subtle, but they are meant to make your experience more delightful. Please rate our app and share your thoughts and suggestions.
We are not slowing down. Improving performance, polishing design, and fixing bugs. Please stay tuned for some exciting things in our future releases.
In this update, we’ve fixed some bugs and made small improvements to create a better experience for you. If you run into a bug, please let us know. We are happy to get your feedback and work on it in our future releases.
You might not notice it right away, but your app is now better than it was. That’s because we’ve improved a few things here and there. Please stay tuned for more details in future releases.
Just launched
• now you can copy messages in Support chat, which makes it convenient to save links and instructions
• in-app chat is available for ‘City to city’ drivers and passengers in Brazil
• couriers can save parcel pictures before delivery right in the order
We are not slowing down. Improving performance, polishing design, and fixing bugs. Please stay tuned for some exciting things in our future releases.
This update brings performance improvements and bug fixes to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
It’s our anniversary: inDrive celebrated 10 years in June. Thank you for being with us!

We are improving the ‘Help’ section in the app. Soon, you’ll find all the relevant and useful info about our services there.
This update brings performance improvements and bug fixes to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
This update brings performance improvements and bug fixes to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
This update brings performance improvements and bug fixes to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
This update brings performance improvements and bug fixes to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
Working on
• testing features to help passengers find drivers quicker
• options in Freight: customers will be able to choose additional services right in the request form
• safe calls in Latin America and Kazakhstan
This update brings performance improvements and bug fixes to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
Just launched
• Rideshare in Kazakhstan: drivers create rides from one city to another, and then passengers join and pay only for their seats

Working on
• testing a more practical request list design
• determining location: improving address accuracy
• making driver registration clearer
Just launched
• Rideshare in Kazakhstan: drivers create rides from one city to another, and then passengers join and pay only for their seats

Working on
• testing a more practical request list design
• determining location: improving address accuracy
• making driver registration clearer
Just launched
• safe calls in Australia: call drivers and passengers without revealing your phone number

Working on
• determining location: improving address accuracy when choosing a point on the map
• updating request form design for all the services
• testing features to help passengers and customers find drivers quicker
Just launched
• safe calls in Australia: call drivers and passengers without revealing your phone number

Working on
• determining location: improving address accuracy when choosing a point on the map
• updating request form design for all the services
• testing features to help passengers and customers find drivers quicker
This update brings performance improvements and bug fixes to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
This update brings performance improvements and bug fixes to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
May the New Year bring you happiness and joy!

Just launched
• now you can rate Support advisor’s response

• recommended pickup points are now in 150 cities: passengers and drivers find each other quicker

Working on
• testing safe calls and improving their quality
This update brings performance improvements and bug fixes to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
Just launched
• Intercity: parcel delivery is available in Kazakhstan

• we’ve modified picture verification page: if you need to change and verify your car info, you can now go to your profile right away

Working on
• testing features to help passengers and drivers find each other faster
• improving speed and quality of safe calls
Minor changes for a better app

This update brings bug fixes and performance improvements to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
A detailed update

Just launched
• new design: inDrive is in lime colour now
• recommended pickup points in 150 cities help drivers find the address faster
• more accurate routes for city rides on the map

• in Intercity request form, you can now choose to share a ride with other passengers or keep an entire cabin to yourself

Working on
• testing features to help passengers find drivers faster
• making driver registration form simpler
From now on we are inDrive which stands for ‘inner drive’. The name and design are changing but the values stay the same: we are against imposed prices and conditions, it’s the people who decide here. Stay tuned for new design and features.

We are fixing bugs and improving performance to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
From now on we are inDrive which stands for ‘inner drive’. The name and design are changing but the values stay the same: we are against imposed prices and conditions, it’s the people who decide here. Stay tuned for new design and features.

We are fixing bugs and improving performance to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
Minor changes for a better app

This update brings bug fixes and performance improvements to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
Minor changes for a better app

This update brings bug fixes and performance improvements to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
A detailed update

Just launched
• safe calls are now available in Istanbul, Phuket and Turkistan: you can call drivers and passengers directly from the app without revealing your phone number

• the driver’s most recent scores now influence their rating more than the older ones

Working on
• testing safe calls in Brazil
• making texts in Intercity order form simpler and clearer
Minor changes for a better app

This update brings bug fixes and performance improvements to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
A detailed update

Just launched
• the in-app chat for drivers and passengers is now working in more cities of Central and South America as well as Southeast Asia
• the app is available in Kazakh now
• passengers and drivers can download a receipt after a ride in India

Working on
• testing the new driver registration process

App updates and improvements are available from Android 7.0 and above.
Minor changes for a better app

This update brings bug fixes and performance improvements to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
Minor changes for a better app

This update brings bug fixes and performance improvements to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!
Minor changes for a better app

This update brings bug fixes and performance improvements to make your life a little more comfortable. Please, rate our app and share your thoughts in reviews. We’d love to hear from you!

ハッキング方法 inDrive. Rides with fair fares

ダウンロード inDrive. Rides with fair fares MOD APK 5.110.0

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