Once Upon | Photo Book Creator Mod Apk

Once Upon | Photo Book Creator ハック - Mod Apk 5.12.0

開発者: Once Upon Publishing AB
カテゴリー: 写真
価格: 無料です


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500 万人以上の写真ファンが間違いなく、ワンス アポンを使えば、素晴らしいフォトブックや写真プリントを携帯電話から簡単に作成できます。複数の本やプリントを同時に作成し、都合のよいときに作業できます。特別な瞬間を個人的にデザインされた本にまとめるのが、かつてないほど簡単になりました。わずか数分で、写真をスマートフォンの外に保存できるようになります。外出先や家でリラックスしているときに行ってください。

- 携帯電話、タブレット、またはコンピューターから最大 594 枚の画像を選択します
- いくつかのキャプションを書きます (オプション)
- 事前に設計されたいくつかのレイアウトの選択肢から選択します
- 何度でも繰り返してください! 1 冊の本には最大 200 ページが入ります

コンテンツを作成したら、本の形式を選択します。代替フォーマットとして、ソフトカバー ミディアム、ハードカバー ミディアム、ハードカバー ラージの 3 種類があります。光沢紙またはシルクマット紙を選択することもできます。

ソフトカバー 中、20x20 cm
ハードカバー ミディアム、20x20 cm、背表紙にアルバム タイトルが印刷されています。
ハードカバー L、27x27 cm、背表紙にアルバム タイトルが印刷されています。

ぜひ手元に置いておきたくなる、上質な紙で作られたコレクションを始めましょう。プリントのサイズは 13x18 cm で、マット紙または光沢紙からお選びいただけます。写真に応じて、形式は横向きまたは縦向きに調整されます。

- コラボレーションアルバム – 好きなだけ友達を招待できます
- お気に入りのレイアウトを強調表示するシャッフル機能
- キャプションを使用すると、あらゆる思い出についてちょっとしたことを言うことができます
- ドラッグアンドドロップでページをすぐに配置できます
- アルバム間でスプレッドをコピーして、複数のバージョンをシンプルに保ちます
- 日付を月ごとに並べ替えて簡単に画像を選択
- Google フォト接続と iCloud 自動同期
- ストレージ – 画像やフォトブックをサーバーにバックアップします
- 北欧デザイン
- 当社のフォトブックと写真プリントは、オーストラリア、ドイツ、オランダ、スウェーデン、英国、米国で印刷されています。

質問がありますか、それともただ挨拶したいだけですか? [email protected] までご連絡ください。
Instagram (@onceuponapp) を通じて、他のフォトブック ファンからインスピレーションを得てください。


You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books and photo prints from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books and photo prints from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books and photo prints from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone or tablet and through your computer's web browser.

Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone, tablet and through the web browser on your computer.
Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
You didn't miss this, did you?
You can now make photo books from your phone, tablet and through the web browser on your computer.
Plus, in this version of the app, we got rid of a few bugs to help you create seamlessly.
Here is a little treat for you with both mobile and tablet: Now you can be logged in to several devices at the same time! You can see all the devices you are logged in to (and log out of them) in the settings in the app.
Here is a little treat for you with both mobile and tablet: Now you can be logged in to several devices at the same time! You can see all the devices you are logged in to (and log out of them) in the settings in the app.
Here is a little treat for you with both mobile and tablet: Now you can be logged in to several devices at the same time! You can see all the devices you are logged in to (and log out of them) in the settings in the app.

ハッキング方法 Once Upon | Photo Book Creator

ダウンロード Once Upon | Photo Book Creator MOD APK 5.12.0

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