Yandex Maps and Navigator Mod Apk

Yandex Maps and Navigator ハック - Mod Apk 22.8.0

開発者: Direct Cursus Computer Systems Trading LLC
カテゴリー: 地図&ナビ
価格: 無料です


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Yandex Maps は、周囲の都市をナビゲートするための究極のアプリです。 Yandex Maps には、快適かつ簡単に移動できる便利な機能が満載です。交通渋滞やカメラに関する情報を提供するナビゲーターと、音声アシスタントのアリスがあります。住所、名前、カテゴリによる場所の検索があります。バス、トロリーバス、トラムなどの公共交通機関が地図上をリアルタイムで移動しています。目的地に到着するために任意の交通手段を選択してください。気が向いたら散歩ルートを作成することもできます。

• リアルタイムの交通予測により、移動を促進し、渋滞を回避します。
• 方向転換、カメラ、制限速度、事故、道路工事に関する音声プロンプトにより、画面を見ずにナビゲートできます。
• アリスもサポートします。アリスは、場所の検索、ルートの作成、連絡先リストの番号への電話などをお手伝いします。
• 交通状況が変化した場合、アプリはより速いルートを推奨します。
• オフラインで移動するには、オフライン マップをダウンロードするだけです。
• Android Auto を介して車の画面でアプリを使用できます。
• 市の駐車場と駐車料金。
• ロシア全土の 8,000 以上のガソリン スタンドで、アプリでガソリン代を支払います。

• フィルターを使用してビジネス ディレクトリを簡単に検索し、入り口や私道の詳細な住所結果を取得します。
• 連絡先情報、営業時間、サービスのリスト、写真、訪問者のレビュー、評価など、ビジネスについて知っておくべきことをすべて見つけます。
• 大型ショッピングモール、駅、空港の屋内地図を確認します。
• インターネットがありませんか?オフラインマップで検索します。
• カフェ、ショップ、その他のお気に入りのスポットを [マイ プレイス] に保存し、他のデバイスで表示します。

• バス、トラム、トロリーバス、ミニバスをリアルタイムで追跡します。
• 選択したルートのみを表示するように選択します。
• 今後 30 日間の公共交通機関のスケジュールを取得します。
• 停車地への到着予定時刻を確認してください。
• 公共交通機関の停留所、地下鉄の駅、その他の重要な施設を見つけます。
• 地下鉄駅の混雑状況を事前に把握してください。
• ルート上の最も便利な出口と乗り換えに関する情報を入手します。
• 地下鉄の最初の車両が必要か、最後の車両が必要かを確認する - モスクワ、ノボシビルスク、サンクトペテルブルクを地下鉄で旅行する人にとっては便利な機能です。

• 車の場合: 交通状況とカメラの警告を考慮したナビゲーション。
• 徒歩時:音声案内により、画面を見ずに簡単に散歩を楽しめます。
• 公共交通機関の場合: バスやトラムの運行をリアルタイムで追跡し、到着予定時刻を確認します。
• 自転車の場合: 交差点や高速道路の出口には注意してください。
• スクーターの場合: 自転車道と歩道を提案し、可能な限り階段を避けるようお手伝いします。

• 美容院の予約をオンラインで、いつでも (または夜間も!)。
• カフェやレストランで食べ物を注文し、帰宅中または通勤中に受け取ります。
• 電動スクーターを予約してモスクワとクラスノダールを周遊しましょう。
• アプリから直接タクシーを注文します。

• 地図をダウンロードして運転ルートを作成し、オフラインで場所や住所を検索します。
• ストリートパノラマと 3D モードにより、知らない場所でも迷う必要はありません。
• 状況に応じて地図の種類 (地図、衛星、ハイブリッド) を切り替えます。
• ロシア語、英語、トルコ語、ウクライナ語、またはウズベク語でアプリを使用します。
• モスクワ、サンクトペテルブルク、ノヴォシビルスク、クラスノヤルスク、オムスク、ウファ、ペルミ、チェリャビンスク、エカテリンブルク、カザン、ロストフ・ナ・ドヌ、ヴォルゴグラード、クラスノダール、ヴォロネジ、サマラ、その他の都市で簡単に行き先を見つけられます。

Yandex Maps はナビゲーション アプリであり、ヘルスケアや医療に関連する機能はありません。

フィードバックはいつでもお待ちしております。ご提案やコメントを [email protected] に送信してください。私たちはそれらを読んで返信します。


Two bug fixes are better than one — we keep updating and improving the app for your convenience!
You can now select water transport in the "Transport preferences" section in route settings. There were also several small but important bug fixes to improve app stability.
Now, when you view route options, you'll immediately see the arrival times for the nearest public transport. For drivers, route prompts now include markings for bus and tram lanes.
An interface improvement: when we show hints about two upcoming maneuvers, the second one is now a bit lighter and won't block the hint about the nearest maneuver.
Another update, another improvement. We just can't help ourselves!
First update of the year! We added indoor navigation for shopping malls, airports, and trains. Also, when you're planning public transport routes, the app hides the icons for other transport on the map
Enjoy improved app performance.
Over on your profile, we now suggest people you know and city experts worth subscribing to in the reviews feed. Subscribe to keep up with city news and read reviews from people you trust. We also fixed a few bugs.
If you have the "avoid stairs" option enabled for your walking route but there are no options without them, the app will show which stairs have ramps and which don't. We also fixed a few bugs and improved the app’s stability.
Enjoy improved app performance.
If you search for a place without an internet connection or a map of the area downloaded, the app won't show it. However, you'll get a prompt to download the map automatically as soon as you're online again. That will make sure you don't forget, and you'll definitely find what you need next time even if you're offline.

We also suggest walking directions now if they're faster and more convenient than a route by public transport. Press "Go" to turn on navigation for the suggested route.
When you clear your search history, suggestions are now removed as well. We also fixed a few bugs and improved the app’s stability.
We added route building using bookmarked places. That can be helpful, for example, when you're planning on visiting a number of places in a single day. Just add places to lists for shopping, sightseeing, or walks. All you'll have to do is open the list you're looking for, tap the route button, and hit the road.
We added route building using bookmarked places. That can be helpful, for example, when you're planning on visiting a number of places in a single day. Just add places to lists for shopping, sightseeing, or walks. All you'll have to do is open the list you're looking for, tap the route button, and hit the road.
We added route building using bookmarked places. That can be helpful, for example, when you're planning on visiting a number of places in a single day. Just add places to lists for shopping, sightseeing, or walks. All you'll have to do is open the list you're looking for, tap the route button, and hit the road.
Enjoy improved app performance.
Enjoy improved app performance.
Enjoy improved app performance.
Enjoy improved app performance.
Yandex Plus subscribers can now spend points to order rides in Yandex Maps. To do this, select "Spend on ride" in the payment methods.

You can also get points just for taking rides. You don't have to do anything special: Yandex Plus subscribers automatically get 10% cashback as bonus points.
Yandex Maps now has truck routes showing weight and dimension limits as well as other parameters. They also show obstacles that cannot be avoided. For example, where the only accessible road goes under a low bridge. All this will help you plan trips and reduce the likelihood of getting a fine.

To set it up, plot a route, open its parameters and select the type of truck. The parameters will be filled in automatically, and it will only be necessary to correct what did not match.
Yandex Maps now has truck routes showing weight and dimension limits as well as other parameters. They also show obstacles that cannot be avoided. For example, where the only accessible road goes under a low bridge. All this will help you plan trips and reduce the likelihood of getting a fine.

To set it up, plot a route, open its parameters and select the type of truck. The parameters will be filled in automatically, and it will only be necessary to correct what did not match.
Yandex Maps now has truck routes showing weight and dimension limits as well as other parameters. They also show obstacles that cannot be avoided. For example, where the only accessible road goes under a low bridge. All this will help you plan trips and reduce the likelihood of getting a fine.

To set it up, plot a route, open its parameters and select the type of truck. The parameters will be filled in automatically, and it will only be necessary to correct what did not match.
Yandex Maps now has truck routes showing weight and dimension limits as well as other parameters. They also show obstacles that cannot be avoided. For example, where the only accessible road goes under a low bridge. All this will help you plan trips and reduce the likelihood of getting a fine.

To set it up, plot a route, open its parameters and select the type of truck. The parameters will be filled in automatically, and it will only be necessary to correct what did not match.
Yandex Maps now has truck routes showing weight and dimension limits as well as other parameters. They also show obstacles that cannot be avoided. For example, where the only accessible road goes under a low bridge. All this will help you plan trips and reduce the likelihood of getting a fine.

To set it up, plot a route, open its parameters and select the type of truck. The parameters will be filled in automatically, and it will only be necessary to correct what did not match.
Yandex Maps now has truck routes showing weight and dimension limits as well as other parameters. They also show obstacles that cannot be avoided. For example, where the only accessible road goes under a low bridge. All this will help you plan trips and reduce the likelihood of getting a fine.

To set it up, plot a route, open its parameters and select the type of truck. The parameters will be filled in automatically, and it will only be necessary to correct what did not match.
Yandex Maps now has truck routes showing weight and dimension limits as well as other parameters. They also show obstacles that cannot be avoided. For example, where the only accessible road goes under a low bridge. All this will help you plan trips and reduce the likelihood of getting a fine.

To set it up, plot a route, open its parameters and select the type of truck. The parameters will be filled in automatically, and it will only be necessary to correct what did not match.
Now in Yandex Maps you can see how long it will take to reach your destination by car. This will make it easier to gauge your travel time when you plan to go to the airport, the train station, or out of town.

Plot a route by car and tap the clock to the left of the Let's go button. Select the date and time of your future trip. We'll look at the traffic forecast and show you how long the route might take. With this information, you can plan your trip and avoid running late or arriving too early.
Now in Yandex Maps you can see how long it will take to reach your destination by car. This will make it easier to gauge your travel time when you plan to go to the airport, the train station, or out of town.

Plot a route by car and tap the clock to the left of the Let's go button. Select the date and time of your future trip. We'll look at the traffic forecast and show you how long the route might take. With this information, you can plan your trip and avoid running late or arriving too early.
Now you can share lists of places in Yandex Maps. This is a cool feature if you like sending your friends your top picks for eating out or recommendations for unusual spots to visit around town.

You can create lists in your profile, in the "Favorites and my transport" section. After you've added your favorite places, tap the three dots and share the list. Anyone who receives a link from you will be able to see the places in the list and also subscribe to it.
Yandex Maps has learned to optimize routes. Plan itineraries with multiple destinations while spending as little time on the road as possible! It's convenient for when you need to drop by several stores in a row or you want to check out all the sites in a city.

Build a route for going by car, public transport, or on foot. Add at least two stops along the way and click Optimize. The rest is up to us — we'll rebuild the route so that you don't meander along the way.
Yandex Maps has learned to optimize routes. Plan itineraries with multiple destinations while spending as little time on the road as possible! It's convenient for when you need to drop by several stores in a row or you want to check out all the sites in a city.

Build a route for going by car, public transport, or on foot. Add at least two stops along the way and click Optimize. The rest is up to us — we'll rebuild the route so that you don't meander along the way.
Voice prompts are now available on bicycle and scooter routes. This means you'll no longer be distracted by your phone during your trip. Put it in your pocket, and Yandex Maps will announce all the turns, crossings, and stairs.
To enable hints, plot a route and tap the sound icon on the right.

Available only in Russian.
You can now add a unique icon (and choose its color) to each of your favorites lists. For example, you can mark your favorite coffee shops with a mug on a blue background, or add a camera on yellow to picturesque locations you'd like to visit again. Use this nifty feature to more easily navigate between different types of favorites on the map.

To edit a list, open "Favorites and my transport" in your profile, tap the three dots next to the list, and tap "Edit".
You can now add a unique icon (and choose its color) to each of your favorites lists. For example, you can mark your favorite coffee shops with a mug on a blue background, or add a camera on yellow to picturesque locations you'd like to visit again. Use this nifty feature to more easily navigate between different types of favorites on the map.

To edit a list, open "Favorites and my transport" in your profile, tap the three dots next to the list, and tap "Edit".

ハッキング方法 Yandex Maps and Navigator

ダウンロード Yandex Maps and Navigator MOD APK 22.8.0

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