HTX: Buy Crypto & Bitcoin Mod Apk

HTX: Buy Crypto & Bitcoin ハック - Mod Apk 10.44.1

開発者: Huobi
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


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HTX は世界有数の暗号通貨取引所の 1 つです。ここ HTX では、ビットコインやその他の暗号通貨を迅速かつ簡単に売買できます。 2013 年の設立以来、HTX はセキュリティ インシデントゼロという比類のない記録を誇り、世界中で 2,000 万人を超えるユーザーを抱え、信頼される業界リーダーとしての地位を確立しています。

HTX は、ビットコイン (BTC)、イーサリアム (ETH)、ソラナ (SOL)、カルダノ (ADA)、ポルカドット (DOT)、チェーンリンク (LINK)、テザー (USDT)、ドージコイン (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、HTX トークン (HT) などの主要なトークンを含む 1,000 種類以上の暗号通貨を提供しています。

Huobi でビットコイン、イーサリアム、チェーンリンク、カルダノ、フォビ トークンなどを購入します。クレジット カードを追加するだけで、すぐに仮想通貨を売買できます。 Huobi は、USD、ユーロ、GBP、CHF、AUD、INR、THB を含む数十の法定通貨での支払いと、VISA クレジット カードによる支払いをサポートしており、暗号通貨の購入に手間のかからない体験を提供します。

Huobi では、ビットコイン (BTC)、イーサリアム (ETH)、ソラナ (SOL)、カルダノ (ADA)、ポルカドット (DOT)、チェーンリンク (LINK)、テザー (USDT)、ドージコイン (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、および HTX トークン (HT) を含むがこれらに限定されない 1,000 以上の暗号通貨から選択できます。当社は最新のトークンリリースの最前線に留まり、常にトークンの提供を拡大しています。

当社の暗号通貨価格アラートは、指定された条件または価格が満たされるとすぐに通知し、最新の価格シグナルで市場のトップを維持するのに役立ちます。 Huobi Futures は、デリバティブ商品、つまりコインと USDT 証拠金契約によるヘッジと裁定取引もサポートしています。

ここ HTX では、暗号通貨、ブロックチェーン、DeFi、メタバース、NFT、および暗号通貨の世界に関連するあらゆるものに関する知識を向上させるための、あらゆる種類の教育コンテンツや有益な資料を見つけることができます。スムーズな学習体験を通じて、業界の最新情報を理解し、常に最新の情報を入手できます。

HTX は、ユーザー ベースが拡大し続ける信頼できる業界リーダーです。今すぐ参加して、ビットコイン (BTC)、イーサリアム (ETH)、チェーンリンク (LINK)、カルダノ (ADA)、ソラナ (SOL)、ポルカドット (DOT)、テザー (USDT)、HTX トークン (HT)、ドージコイン (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB)、その他のトークンを購入してください。すべての暗号通貨取引で低い取引手数料を享受できるだけでなく、トークンの売買、交換を 24 時間 365 日行うことができます。当社のカスタマーサービスは年中無休でご利用いただけ、初心者でも経験豊富なトレーダーでも、すべてのユーザーにタイムリーなサポートと支援を提供します。



Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.
If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation.
Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.
If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation.
Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.
If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation.
Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.
If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation.
1. New HTX Earn benefits for new users.
2. Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.
If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation.
1. Rebranding amid our 10th-anniversary celebration.
2. Enhanced display of user profiles.
3. Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.
If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation. "
1. Improved login process to keep your account safe.
2. Leveled up futures trading experience.
3. Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.
If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation.
1. Improved login anti-theft feature for better account security.
2. Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.
If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation.
"1. Optimized search function and a more concise UI.
2. Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.

If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation. "
"Upgraded Huobi Copy Trading is Live!
1. Introduced the new trading panel for real-time, precise market depth data.
2. Say goodbye to page loading issues caused by network problems.
3. Improved page performance.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older versions of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.

If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation. "
1. Optimized TP/SL and Trigger Order for spot trading.
2. Fixed known issues to ensure a smoother user experience.
Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older version of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.

If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation.
1. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.

Tips: Some functions may not work on older versions of Huobi. Please update your app to the latest version.

If a risk reminder were to appear when upgrading your Huobi app, please disregard the prompt and continue with the installation.
1. Optimized trading functions and buy/sell order book for a smoother trading experience.
2. Fixed known issues to make the app runs more smoothly.

Notes: Some functions may not work correctly on older version of the app. To avoid any issues, please update to the latest version.

If you encounter a risk reminder when upgrading your app, please disregard the reminder and continue with the installation.
1. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.

Tips: Some functions may not work on older versions of Huobi. Please update your app to the latest version.

If a risk reminder were to appear when upgrading your Huobi app, please disregard the prompt and continue with the installation.
1. New futures trading symbols added. Unlock new trading opportunities now.
2. Asset history optimized to support the exporting of trading records.
3. Full upgrade of the UX interface to deliver a new visual experience.
4. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.

Tips: Some functions may not work on older versions of Huobi. Please update your app to the latest version.
1. TWAP orders are available now to split large-scale orders into smaller ones to lower market impact;
2. Added Asset & Outstanding tabs to display more details of cross-margin trades;
3. Upgraded the Me page with a task zone for users to do tasks to earn rewards;
4. Optimized the order management system for isolated- and cross-margin trades;
5. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.
1. Upgraded the Asset page with a clearer page layout.
2. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.

Tips: Some functions may not work on older versions of Huobi Global. Please update your app to the latest version
1. Merged the USDT-M futures account to offer a better trading service;
2. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.

Tips: Some functions may not work on older versions of Huobi Global. Please update your app to the latest version
1. Users can view the medals they have collected on the Me page.
2. Custom Avatar is now supported.
3. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.

Tips: Some functions may not work on older versions of Huobi Global. Please update your app to the latest version
1. Rolled out the Featured Articles section that reports trending news and events.
2. Updated the Me page for users to check their Prime privileges.
3. Updated the PnL Analysis page that provides a clearer display of asset performance.
4. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.

Tips: Some functions may not work on older versions of Huobi Global. Please update your app to the latest version
1. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.

"There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it.” — Romain Rolland

Tips: Some functions may not work on older versions of Huobi Global. Please update your app to the latest version
1. Updated the News page to allow the sharing of content. Share and comment on posts now!
2. Fixed some known problems for a smoother user experience.

"There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it.” — Romain Rolland

Tips: Some functions may not work on older versions of Huobi Global. Please update your app to the latest version
Latest updates:

1. Optimized the search engine to present more accurate and informative results;
2. Upgraded the Market Trend section to allow users to discover more investment opportunities;
3. Fixed some known issues for a smoother user experience.

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful." --- Warren Buffet
Latest updates:
1. Added derivatives to Market Trend in the main page.
2. Added My Subscriptions to provide a quick access to your subscribed events and investment products.
3. Upgraded the My Bag page to view your rewards and coupons at a glance.
4. Optimized the Asset page to display holding cost, interests, and P/L.
5. Added Customer Care to provide you an exclusive customer service experience.

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful." --- Warren Buffet
Latest updates:
1. Added derivatives to Market Trend in the main page.
2. Added My Subscriptions to provide a quick access to your subscribed events and investment products.
3. Upgraded the My Bag page to view your rewards and coupons at a glance.
4. Optimized the Asset page to display holding cost, interests, and P/L.
5. Added Customer Care to provide you an exclusive customer service experience.

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful." --- Warren Buffet

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