- Minor update, primarily aimed at ensuring Kore remains up to date with the latest Android versions;
- Add back button navigation on addons listing;
- Improve haptic feedback on remote control pad;
- Various bug fixes.
Lots of changes in this version, too many in fact to list here, but the main ones are:
- Migration to Google's Material 3 UI guidelines
- Redesign most of Kore's screens
- Redesign the notifications
- and lots and lots of code cleaning and generic bug fixing.
Given the level of changes, there certainly are bugs lurking around. If you find one, please let us know at the forum (https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=369711) so we can make Kore a better remote.
- Add support for SendToKodi
- Add support for sharing from Twitch
- Allow to disable direct share on a per host basis
- Bug fixes, specifically issues with thumbnails on Kodi Matrix and errors that prevented downloading files from Kodi