We enhanced the chat with your coach to be searchable and fixed several bugs!
We enhanced our video calls to be easier to navigate and view different layouts, and updated our weekly session lookbacks to have a notification so that you can set to remind yourself of when you're able to prepare for your next coaching session!
Bug fixes for actions and session feedback!
We added a new way to review your past week easily before your session and reflect on what went well, what didn't go well, and what new things came up. We also updated our post session feedback flow so that you and your coach can stay aligned on how to best help you towards your coaching goals.
- Updated goals colors
- Revamped plan screen setup
- Revamped switch coach flow
- Bug fixes for chat, session prep, and fonts
- New action insights view to track progress over time
- Revamped session summaries and history UI
- Upgraded history smart search
- Fixed video call chat bugs
- Fixed bugs around action celebrations
Patch fix for some small bugs!
Patch fix for an issue with new user accounts.
We've made it easier to set up your north star in the Plan tab, and made several improvements around the video calls, today tab, and session summaries.
Enhanced summaries of coaching sessions and improved flows for onboarding flows!
Bug fix for some issues with chat and small ui updates!