Hero Zero Multiplayer RPG Mod Apk

Hero Zero Multiplayer RPG ハック - Mod Apk 2.110.1

開発者: Playata GmbH
カテゴリー: ロールプレイング, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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Hero Zero を使用すると、独自のユニークなスーパーヒーローを作成する力が得られます。ヒーローを装備するために、あらゆる種類の陽気でこの世のものとは異なるアイテムから選択できます。そして、見た目だけではありません。これらのアイテムは、すべての厄介な悪役と戦うためのメガパワーを提供します。

しかし、ヒーローゼロは悪者と戦うだけではありません。このゲームにはたくさんの楽しい機能があります。仲間とチームを組んでギルドを結成することができます。一緒に作業することで、これらの課題を簡単に打ち負かすことができます(そして 2 倍の楽しみ!)。一緒にあなた自身のスーパーヒーローの本部を建設することができ、悪役とより効果的に戦うことができます。また、エキサイティングなマルチプレイヤーファイトで他のチームと競争し、リーダーボードを駆け上がることもできます。

Psst、ちょっとした秘密があります。毎月素晴らしいアップデートをリリースし、新鮮な興奮と特別な報酬をお楽しみください!Hero Zero の特別なイベント、チャレンジ、リーダーボードのトップスポーツの PvP 大会で、退屈することはありません。


シーズンの特徴:ヒーローゼロの何が本当に面白いのか知っていますか?シーズン機能!毎月、シーズンアークをテーマにした限定の鎧、武器、サイドキックのロックを解除する新しいシーズンパスを進めることができます。これにより、Hero Zero 体験にまったく新しい楽しさと戦略が追加されます!



• 世界中で 3,100 万人以上のプレイヤーが参加する大規模なコミュニティ!
• ゲームをエキサイティングに保つ定期的なアップデート
• スーパーヒーローのためのたくさんのカスタマイズオプション
• 友達とチームを組んで一緒に課題に取り組む
• PvP とチームバトルに参加
• 魅力的で楽しいストーリー
• すべてのスキルレベルのプレイヤーが簡単に学べるゲームプレイ
• コミックの世界に命を吹き込む一流のグラフィック
• 壮大なゲーム体験のためのエキサイティングなリアルタイムの悪役イベント

今すぐ壮大で陽気な冒険に乗り出す準備をしてください!Hero Zero の楽しさと興奮をすでに愛している何百万人ものプレイヤーに参加してください。ご質問がありますか?私たちのコミュニティに参加したいですか?Discord、Instagram、Facebook、YouTube で私たちを見つけることができます。一緒に来て、ヒーローゼロと一緒に一度に 1 人の悪役で、世界をより安全な場所にしてください。

• Discord:https://discord.gg/xG3cEx25U3
• Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/herozero_official_channel/
• Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/HeroZeroGame
• YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/user/HeroZeroGame/featured

Hero Zero を今すぐ無料でプレイ!ヒーローになって、楽しんでください!


• After a lost fight in the heroism feature, the waiting time until the next attempt can now be shortened with the help of batteries or advertising.
• Graphics and sounds are now included directly in the app and no longer need to be loaded when the game is started.
• If the server was changed via the hero selection or switched to another player account, it could happen that the display for parts of the supervillain hideout was not immediately updated correctly. This issue has been fixed.
• The sources for item patterns are now always displayed in the pattern tooltip.
• Items were not displayed correctly in the preview in the Outfits dialog. This issue has been fixed.
• In the team view, the booster button was displayed in the wrong place. This issue has been fixed.
• Happy New Year, dear heroes! We would like to thank you for your loyalty in 2024 and look forward to the year 2025 ahead of us.
• The regeneration rate of health points in the supervillain hideout has been increased by 30%.
• Some game performance optimizations have been made. As a result, the batteries of mobile devices are now strained less during gameplay.
• All rewards that can be earned in a Casino are now displayed in a dialog box.
• The User Interface has been optimized in many areas.
• 4 new colours have been added to the display bars of your distributed ability points!
• The dialogue windows that open automatically when you log in have been optimised.
• Rewards for collection events can now be viewed via the small question mark in the overview for event tasks even after closing the event intro dialogue.
• A preview is now displayed for the rewards for individual event tasks if there is an item as a reward for the task.
• Push notifications are now working again on mobile devices. You will be notified when a guild battle is scheduled or when you receive a new message.
• The issue with redeeming the voucher for the Speedserver reward for the Top 100 in the Hero Hideout - Glory has been resolved.
• We added 10 new levels for each of the following Heroic Deeds: "All-Rounder", "Fit as a Fiddle", "Super duper, hero!"
• The messaging system can now display 6 attached items.
• The first international Jumpstart server will launch on June 30th, 2023! Secure the highest ranks during the Jumpstart phase and earn cool rewards!
• On July 31st, 2023 at 23:59:59 UTC, the Jumpstart phase will end and the rankings for the rewards will be evaluated.
• On August 1, 2023, the server will go back up with normal rules and you can continue playing your character normally. You can collect your reward vouchers via the messaging system.
• Once you have completely played through a Heroism adventure, you can find a reward on missions that will restart the corresponding Heroism adventure.
• In the mole hunt, there is now an overview of the found or not yet found bonus rewards.
• Season Set Offers in the Donut Shop, now also offer the weapon sets for purchase.
• Payments via Android and iOS are now more stable.
• The "Catch them all!" heroic deed has been expanded. For the new highest level there is now a unique companion available as a reward!
• A new event type will start for the first time on 2023-05-06! Save the moles in the great mole hunt and secure heroic rewards!
• If the missions are renewed using donuts, this now increases the chance of receiving special rewards, such as collectibles for event tasks, heroism or herobook tasks, as well as casino jetons and more.
• The duplicate Valentine's missiles have been adjusted to better distinguish them visually and by name. The newly designed missiles will be available in the Shop during the Valentine's Day special.
• If the animations have been switched off, the exclamation marks '!' in Heroic Deeds and in the Hero's Hideout will no longer be animated.
• After customising your hero or logging in/creating a new character, the equipment was not displayed correctly. This has been fixed.
• Android: Characters could not be deleted in the team chat. This has been fixed.
• Android: Areas, that are not fully accessible due to the device's design, are no longer used. This has been implemented via hotfix.
• Android: Emojis can no longer be entered directly from the keyboard in team chat.
• Item rewards for event tasks will now be generated when the rewards are picked up, not upon task completion.
• The volume of background sounds and effect sounds can now be adjusted separately.
• Leaders and Advisors now have a slightly different colour.
• Leaders can now delete messages.
• The buttons on the lower left and right have been placed slightly more towards the middle.
• There are now new heroic deeds available for the new fighting missions that have been intoduced recently in the first three zones. There's one new heroic deed for every new enemy.
• Soon, an heroic soccer event is kicking off! For this occasion, the locker room next to the Second Hand Shop will be open again and provide you with cool sporty items in the design of many different countries!
• The maximum value for coins and experience points has been raised.
• If you have accumulated at least six Vouchers for Zeronite or Super Glue, a new additional voucher will appear at the top of the voucher list. With this voucher you can redeem all Zeronite/Super Glue vouchers at once.
• If you don't have enough space in your respective storage to store the Zeronite/Super Glue of all vouchers, only the amount of vouchers you can actually store will be redeemed.
• The performance when there are a lot of vouchers redeemable has been improved.

ハッキング方法 Hero Zero Multiplayer RPG

ダウンロード Hero Zero Multiplayer RPG MOD APK 2.110.1

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3.6 点満点中 5
16万 件のレビュー