💾 Dream titles are automatically generated!
🔔 New Reality Check and Journal Reminder
😍 AI Interpretations are now FREE
Upgraded AI model (12/4/2024)
- Fixed minor log in issues
- Image full-screen mode added
- Longer AI responses
💾 Dream titles are automatically generated!
🔔 New Reality Check and Journal Reminder
😍 AI Interpretations are now FREE
Upgraded AI model (11/10/2024)
- Longer AI responses
- UI is slightly more intuitive
- Made Images more accurate
Dream Journal AI v1.09 🚀
Added ability to use the app without signing in!
Dream Journal AI v1.08 🚀
Introducing Dream Journal AI! This app helps you:
Save, interpret, and analyze your dreams.
Generate AI-powered images to visualize your dreams.
Explore the world of dreams and gain insights with Dream Journal AI!