Tomorrow: Mobile Banking Mod Apk

Tomorrow: Mobile Banking ハック - Mod Apk 3.74.1

開発者: Tomorrow GmbH.
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


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すでに100,000 人 以上が成長を続ける Tomorrow コミュニティに参加しています。わずか数分で Tomorrow アカウントを開設し、すぐに持続可能なプロジェクトのサポートを開始してください。新規: Now アカウントは €0 から!

明日の機能: 最新のバンキング アプリに期待されるすべて 📱
✔️ 月次概要: 月次概要により、概要が簡単に把握でき、支出をより細かく制御できます。
✔️ サブアカウント: Pocket を使用して家計を簡単に整理し、お金を節約しましょう
✔️ 共有アカウント: 他の人と一緒にお金を管理 (プレミアム機能)
✔️ 無料のリアルタイム送金: 追加手数料なしでわずか数秒で送金できます。
✔️ Google Pay: 素早く簡単なモバイル決済
✔️ 無料のデビットカード: 現金を引き出し、VISA カードで世界中で支払います (VISA が受け入れられる場所ならどこでも)
✔️ 現金: 提携店舗で現金を引き出すか預けます

セキュリティ: お金とデータは安全です 🔒
✔️ あなたのお金は最大100,000ユーロまでの国民預金保険によって保護されます
✔️ アプリで簡単にカードをブロックしたり、PIN を変更したりできます
✔️ 当社は現在のプライバシー規則を厳格に遵守しているため、お客様のデータは安全に保管されます。

持続可能性を高めるための銀行口座 🌱
明日は、お客様の価値観を損なうことなく、快適なデジタル バンキングを提供します。従来の銀行はお客様の資金を使って石炭火力発電、武器、その他の有害な産業に巨額の投資を行っていますが、 私たちはお客様の資金を持続可能な産業のみに投資するために使用しています。さらに、 カードで支払うたびに貴重な生息地の回復に貢献することになります。また、切り上げ機能を使用するとさらに持続可能なプロジェクトをサポートできます。

適切な Tomorrow アカウントを選択してください 💳
➡️ 現在: すべての重要な基本機能を備えた持続可能な当座預金口座: 無料の VISA デビット カード、現金預金、2 つのサブ口座、インサイトなど、すべてが真に持続可能です。アカウントにあるお金は持続可能なプロジェクトをサポートし、カード支払いごとに気候を保護します。現時点の料金:Pay-What-You-Want機能で0ユーロから
➡️ 変更: スマートな追加機能を備えた持続可能な当座預金口座: Now に含まれるすべての機能に加えて、6 つのサブ口座、共有口座、3 種類の限定カード デザインの選択、および毎月 5 回の無料現金引き出しが利用できます。あなたの日常生活に最適なアカウントです。そして、Now と同様に、あなたは毎日、より持続可能な世界に貢献しています。変更手数料: 月額 8 ユーロまたは年間 87 ユーロ。
➡️ ゼロ: 追加の気候保護機能を備えたプレミアム アカウント。より良い未来に貢献し、選択された気候変動プロジェクトや組織に資金を提供しながら、すべてのスマートな機能を利用できます。このようにして、ゼロ コミュニティとして、将来さらに多くの CO₂ を確実に節約していきます。さらに、木製のVISAカードももらえます。 Zero の料金: 月額 17 ユーロまたは年間 187 ユーロ。


注: 銀行サービスは、パートナーである Solaris SE によって提供されます。 Tomorrow GmbH はハンブルク (Neuer Pferdemarkt 23, 20359 Hamburg) に登記上の事務所を置いています。


Hey you! We hope you have nice holidays. As a little treat we added weekly standing orders for you :)
Hey you! Thanks for checking out Tomorrow. With the latest update we made some minor improvements under the hood.
Hey you! Thanks for checking out Tomorrow. With the latest update we made some minor improvements under the hood.
Hey you! Thanks for checking out Tomorrow. With the latest update we made some minor improvements under the hood.
• We gave our Home Screen a cleaner and fresher look to make space for new features.

Let us know what you think. We’re always happy about your feedback!
Summer slump is also a thing at Tomorrow. Therefore no big news with this update. Behind the scenes, however, we are as busy as ever conceiving, designing and writing code - because the next big things are already in the pipeline..
May we introduce to you: our new statement card! With it you can make every payment a statement for a better future. The card can be ordered with Change or Zero.
The Rainy Day Fund is here! Use our pocket template to build up a financial reserve. This additional, free pocket pocket for all users with Now or Change is on us..
With this update we are preparing the launch of another investment product. Stay tuned, get exited, and have an eye on the Future Tab..

- Fix issue where pockets cannot be edited when pocket limit was reached
- Fix issue where frozen pockets are not shown
With this update we are preparing the launch of another investment product. Stay tuned, get exited, and have an eye on the Future Tab..
Finally, the time has come: Overdraft is here. Apply for it directly via the 3-point menu on the home screen and activate your overdraft within seconds.
Your feedback ist important to us. So, with this update comes the first small adjustment for autosaving, namely slightly changed limits. Stay tuned for more! Until then, we hope you're doing well and enjoying the first real rays of sunshine of the year.
We added advanced fraud prevention to further increase our security standards. You can deactivate this in the setting again at any time.
- In the settings you now find a newsfeed. There you will find regular updates about Tomorrow, new features and much more. We are happy about this new connection to you!
- New logic for card limits: We now distinguish between card payments and cash withdrawals. For card payments you can now choose a higher limit of maximum 8.000€ daily and 20.000€ monthly. Reset your limits now.
Take good care of yourself and others; see you in the app!
Hey you! Thanks for checking out Tomorrow. We are passionately working on the most amazing, sustainable banking experience for your smartphone. With this update we are preparing some new features for you.
The invest feature is now available to all users, finally! With this update we are cleaning up after the rollout phase.
The year is slowly coming to an end and we are already ambitiously planning the next one. At the same time, however, things are getting really busy in the engine room, because our new overdraft facility is planned to still enter the beta test phase this year. With this update we have the final preparations for that. If that's not interesting for you, you can already look forward to a new Rounding Up project. Or just enjoy the winter time and look forward to a new year with us!
Minor adjustments and improvements under the hood
It’s a wrap! During Crowdinvest 3.5 million Euros have been invested by 3,500 people. It fuels us to see how many people believe in us and in a better future. Thank you!
In November there will be another chance to become a Crowdinvestor! With a successful Crowdinvesting the community will, then, be the biggest shareholder of Tomorrow. In return, the founders will provide an additional seat on the advisory board for an elected representative from the crowd. We are SO excited!
We are finally live with our first investment product: a truly sustainable equity fund. All fund details are already visible in the app and we are unlocking more users for their securities account creation every day. You will hear from us via email, as soon as we are ready for you! In the meantime, you can build up important basic knowledge for your first investment with the help of our new guides in the Future Tab.
We are finally live with our first investment product: a truly sustainable equity fund. All fund details are already visible in the app and we are unlocking more users for their securities account creation every day. You will hear from us via email, as soon as we are ready for you! In the meantime, you can build up important basic knowledge for your first investment with the help of our new guides in the Future Tab.
The SMS-TAN procedure was now fully replaced by device signing. Transfers and other actions can be approved both securely and quickly via this new method. SEPA transfers additionally require a biometric or manual confirmation. Happy banking!
The Tomorrow app can now be discovered even before the bank account has been opened. Create a login with name, email and password and have a look around. We're looking forward to having you!
The Tomorrow app can now be discovered even before the bank account has been opened. Create a login with name, email and password and have a look around. We're looking forward to having you!
With Rounding Up, we have already raised over 220,000€ for climate justice, wow! Now we are launching our fourth project. This time in cooperation with Africa GreenTec Foundation e.V. for sustainable power supply in Mauritania. Let's keep donating #forabetterfuture!
Hey you! Thanks for checking out Tomorrow. We are passionately working on the most amazing, sustainable banking experience for your smartphone. With this update we are preparing some new features for you.
Hey you! Thanks for checking out Tomorrow. We are passionately working on the most amazing, sustainable banking experience for your smartphone. With this update we are preparing some new features for you.
Hey you! Thanks for checking out Tomorrow. We are passionately working on the most amazing, sustainable banking experience for your smartphone. With this update we are preparing some new features for you.
- When entering transfer details, the name of the recipient is now validated in real-time. If you see the green check-mark, you can be sure that all details are correct.

- Minor adjustments and improvement under the hood

Great, to have you on board at Tomorrow!

ハッキング方法 Tomorrow: Mobile Banking

ダウンロード Tomorrow: Mobile Banking MOD APK 3.74.1

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