Zedge™ 壁紙 & 着信音 Mod Apk

Zedge™ 壁紙 & 着信音 ハック - Mod Apk 8.64.3

開発者: Zedge
カテゴリー: カスタマイズ
価格: 無料です


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数百万の HD 壁紙、ライブ壁紙、クールな着信音、アラーム音、通知音を無料で使って、スマートフォンをカスタマイズしましょう!人気アーティストのコレクション、フュージョンアートから3Dアート、アイコンパックまで、数百万点のアート作品を閲覧、アクセス、ダウンロードできます。Zedge™ は、壁紙や着信音を集めたアプリの中でもおそらく最大のコレクションを誇る、プレミアムな着信音、壁紙、デジタルアートの優れた情報源です。Zedge™ があれば、何でも検索、発見、作成できます。

そして今回、視差壁紙を紹介できることを嬉しく思います。これは、背景画像が前景画像と異なる動きをして、奥行きと没入感を生み出す視覚トリックです。Zedge の膨大なコレクションからお気に入りの壁紙を選び、タップして視差効果をオンにすると、命が吹き込まれた画面を見ることができます。

Zedge™ を選ぶ理由

Zedge™ AI ジェネレーター – AI 壁紙メーカー
クリエイティブな気分ですか?火星で自転車に乗るピンクの猫がレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチによって描かれたら、どうなるか見てみたいですか?スタイル、テーマ、美的感覚を問わず、夢の壁紙について説明すれば、Zedge™ AI アートジェネレーターがデザインしてくれます。
・コミュニティーギャラリーを閲覧し、他の AI 傑作からインスピレーションを取得
Zedge™ AI ジェネレーターを今すぐ無料で試して、自分の中のアーティストを引き出しましょう!

・フル HD 壁紙と 4K 壁紙を入手
・バンクシーや都市アートから SF、宇宙テーマ、アニメまで、数十もの壁紙コレクションから選択

・このライブ壁紙はバッテリーを消耗せず、ホーム画面をオンにしたときに 1 回だけ再生
・1 回だけのデータパケットダウンロードなので、新しいライブ壁紙の選択時に再ダウンロードが不要


何を躊躇しているのですか?世界中の 3,000 万人のアクティブな Zedge™ ユーザーに加わり、今すぐあなただけのアーティスティックな旅を始めましょう!

・1 回の簡単なログインで、すべてのデバイスから着信音と背景にアクセス




Get ready for a smoother, faster, and more fun app experience! We've added a brand-new bottom navigation bar to make navigating the app easier and more intuitive. Plus, we've fixed bugs and made optimizations to keep things running smoothly. Dive in and explore the enhanced version!
Get ready for a smoother, faster, and more fun app experience! We've added a brand-new bottom navigation bar to make navigating the app easier and more intuitive. Plus, we've fixed bugs and made optimizations to keep things running smoothly. Dive in and explore the enhanced version!
Get ready for a smoother, faster, and more fun app experience! We've added a brand-new bottom navigation bar to make navigating the app easier and more intuitive. Plus, we've fixed bugs and made optimizations to keep things running smoothly. Dive in and explore the enhanced version!
Get ready for a smoother, faster, and more fun app experience! We've added a brand-new bottom navigation bar to make navigating the app easier and more intuitive. Plus, we've fixed bugs and made optimizations to keep things running smoothly. Dive in and explore the enhanced version!
Get ready for a smoother, faster, and more fun app experience! We've added a brand-new bottom navigation bar to make navigating the app easier and more intuitive. Plus, we've fixed bugs and made optimizations to keep things running smoothly. Dive in and explore the enhanced version!
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on making it easier for you to discover wallpapers, video wallpapers, ringtones and notification sounds, delivering content that is personalized to you. We’ve also been fixing some minor issues to provide you with a better overall Zedge experience.
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on making it easier for you to discover wallpapers, video wallpapers, ringtones and notification sounds, delivering content that is personalized to you. We’ve also been fixing some minor issues to provide you with a better overall Zedge experience.
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on making it easier for you to discover wallpapers, video wallpapers, ringtones and notification sounds, delivering content that is personalized to you. We’ve also been fixing some minor issues to provide you with a better overall Zedge experience.
Introducing Zedge pAInt - AI Powered Wallpaper Maker. Currently available for US and select countries, but we are working hard to bring this feature to everyone.

Additionally, we've been fixing some minor issues to provide you with a better overall Zedge experience.
Create an amazing collection of the best wallpapers, ringtones and notifications from across Zedge, then share it with the entire Zedge community and become a global Zedge trendsetter!

We’ve also extended mobile support for our Premium Artists, allowing them to fully engage with our community features: follow other artists and create collections from your own favorites and uploads!
Additionally, we've been fixing some minor issues to provide you with a better overall Zedge experience.
We’ve been working hard behind the scenes on making it easier for you to discover wallpapers, video wallpapers, ringtones and notification sounds, delivering content that is personalized to you. We’ve also been fixing some minor issues to provide you with a better overall Zedge experience.
New! Introducing updated NFTs: from now Wallpapers could be NFTs. And it is not all! NFT can have up to 100 editions.

As always, we're working behind the scenes on making it easier for you to discover wallpapers, video wallpapers, ringtones and notification sounds, and delivering content that is personalized to you.
New! Your My Zedge area has been made even better, allowing you to more easily keep track of your favorites, purchases, downloads, collections, NFTs, and recently viewed items!

As always, we're working behind the scenes on making it easier for you to discover wallpapers, video wallpapers, ringtones and notification sounds, and delivering content that is personalized to you.
New! Keep up-to-date with your Zedge community with a new My Zedge notification pane! You’ll now never miss when your favorite artists upload new content or when other users follows your own profile!

As always, we're working behind the scenes on making it easier for you to discover wallpapers, video wallpapers, ringtones and notification sounds, and delivering content that is personalized to you.

ハッキング方法 Zedge™ 壁紙 & 着信音

ダウンロード Zedge™ 壁紙 & 着信音 MOD APK 8.64.3

ダウンロード MOD APK


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1570万 件のレビュー