Chapter 19 of the storyline mode is out!
The journey to the capital is still in progress. But these roads are tricky. They're so tricky, they can lead you down the wrong path. Especially when you don't know where you are. The adventure continues. New encounters, strangers, the undead, and...
Chapter 18 of the storyline mode is out!
A secret organization is recruiting! One vacancy and a swarm of clueless candidates. Find out how one of the top secret procedures goes. A new chapter will tell you that some seemingly ordinary people have a second life full of danger and adventure.
Chapter 17 of the storyline mode is out!
A terrifying barely audible squeak rang out not far away at all! The ancient cave evil is expanding its area of influence! Although... not as epic, but the essence is the same! Just on a very small scale. But then again, that's for everyone. Ambition and a sense of revenge drove this company forward and only forward! They left the caves they thought they had conquered and began to take over the surrounding area. Ahem, well, let's see what awaits them.
- Minor fixes
- Minor fixes