Now group all your treatments together for quicker checkins!
- Today Screen: Mark as taken can be unmarked rather than leading to new check-ins
- Improved secure syncing for Caregivers of their dependents data + increased limits
This update introduces new features and improvements that are scientifically grounded to enhance your health and wellness journey.
Expanded Exercise Library
Historical Record Caching
Direct Entry Marking from Today Screen
Persistent Soundscapes
To make the most out of these robust updates, download the latest version today!
Brand New Mood Insights including: Mood Factors,Best Day of Week,Feelings Chart,Mood Distribution,Mood in Pixels,Mood in Words Cloud.
Additional tracking functionality and Performance improvements
- Sort treatments in your care plan alphabetically or by newest
- Duration shown in trackers for all trackers when changing time
- Therapy tracker now accepts dates like other trackers