AP News: World & Local Mod Apk

AP News: World & Local ハック - Mod Apk 6.0.17 PROD

開発者: The Associated Press
カテゴリー: ニュース&雑誌
価格: 無料です


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AP ニュースは、AP 通信や何百もの信頼できる国内外の情報源から最新ニュースをお届けするため、いつでもどこでもリアルタイムで世界のニュースを報道できる信頼できる情報源です。 AP 通信の AP ニュースは、英語とスペイン語の両方で記事を掲載し、パーソナライズされたニュース体験、最も重要でタイムリーな見出し、ピューリッツァー賞を受賞したジャーナリズムを提供します。

· 重要な地元ニュースの生中継
· 世界の主要なニュースイベント、スポーツニュース、ストーリーラインについてより深い洞察を得るために厳選されたコンテンツハブ。
· 受賞歴のある米国および世界のニュース イベントからの AP の写真
· あなたとあなたの友人が話しているストーリーを捉えた、素早く有益なビデオ。
· 新聞や放送局のローカル ニュース記事。
· AP トップ 25 スポーツ投票。

AP は、米国の選挙夜のニュースの最も信頼できる情報源です。AP は、私たちの住む世界を形作ることになる今年の世界中での結果的な選挙も取り上げています。



6.0.17 PROD
Thanks for all of your feedback!
This update contains enhancements to push notifications and improves performance
We are working hard to update the app to support many new exciting features in 2024. Please keep the feedback coming!
6.0.16 PROD
Thanks for all of your feedback!
This update contains backend fixes and resolves several issues causing crashes and freezes.
We are working hard to update the app to support many new exciting features in 2024. Please keep the feedback coming!
6.0.15 PROD
Thanks for all of your feedback!
This update improves Local News functionality for non-US locations and improves overall app performance
We are working hard to update the app to support many new exciting features in 2024. Please keep the feedback coming!
6.0.14 PROD
Thanks for all of your feedback!
This update fixes issues with the homescreen widget, introduces app icon shortcuts, and includes under the hood performance improvements
We are working hard to update the app to support many new exciting features in 2024. Please keep the feedback coming!
6.0.13 PROD
Thanks for all of your feedback!
This update contains improvements for images and videos.
We are working hard to update the app to support many new exciting features in 2024. Please keep the feedback coming!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!
Thanks for all the great feedback! This update contains:
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.

Please keep the feedback coming. We read each and every one and respond to most. Your feedback helps shape our roadmap for future updates!

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4.6 点満点中 5
13.1万 件のレビュー