TeslaGoApp: electric car rides Mod Apk

TeslaGoApp: electric car rides ハック - Mod Apk 0.45.08

開発者: TeslaGoApp Montenegro
カテゴリー: 旅行&地域
価格: 無料です


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TeslaGoAppは、ポドゴリツァ、モンテネグロで使用できるユニークなリムジンサービスアプリです。テスラの電気自動車(モデルS)を使って、私たちは専門の輸送サービスを提供します00-24h。 hotel - Tivat空港 - ホテル送迎、ビジネスツアー、観光ツアー、そして海辺への乗り物。

私たちのドライバーは経験豊富で、信頼でき、そして信頼できます。 TeslaGoAppを使用すると、素晴らしい価格で優れたサービスを受けることができます。 Teslaの電気自動車は安全で、速くそして静かです。モデルSは快適で、贅沢で、そしてビジネスをするためにも、夏のパーティーで遅く帰宅するためにも、完璧です。

モンテネグロでの予約の予約と管理はこれまでになく簡単になりました。 TeslaGoAppは非常にユーザーフレンドリーであり、それはあなたが簡単な予約をすることを期待するすべての必要な機能を備えています。 TeslaGoAppを使えば、あなたが得る:
- あなたの場所から一番近いドライバー
- 事前に乗車を予約する機会
- 運転中または待機中に地図上でドライバーを追跡する
- 複数の支払い方法:現金またはクレジットカード
- あなたの運転手とあなたが取っているルートについての透明な情報
- その他の宣伝サービス


電子メール:[email protected]
電話番号:+382 69 057 073


In this release, we’ve redesigned the main screen to make it more intuitive for customers and encourage them to book rides.
In the latest release, we've fixed critical and minor bugs identified in the previous version. Taking into account user feedback, we've refined visual elements and user interaction flows for a more intuitive and visually appealing experience. We've also improved load times and responsiveness - the app is now quicker across various devices.
In this release, we’ve added a feature that allows customers to offer monetary bonuses for drivers to get a car faster.
In this release, we’ve improved UX and UI and changed which symbols could be used for customer’s names. For example, emojis can no longer be used for customers’ names.
In this release, we’ve updated the user’s side menu to make it more clear. We also implemented Flocash MTN to top up Customer wallet.
In this release, we’ve updated the user’s side menu to make it more clear. We also implemented Flocash MTN to top up Customer wallet.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
We’ve released a number of features. The Wallet is a built-in payment source that allows customers to pay for the ride quicker. It can be topped up with the card or the top-up codes before the trip and used to pay for the trip later. The Follow my ride feature allows a passenger to share their location during the ride with anyone they trust. The Voice Over feature allows people with visual impairments to easily use the app. The UI was also updated to make the user experience smoother.
We have completely reworked the Customer app and created a simple and intuitive interface taking into account feedback from users from all over the world.

Now all important features are in your sight, you can find them exactly where you and millions of other users expect to see them.

The new design was created paying attention to needs of different people. You can easily read texts without glasses, and the size of buttons allows to use the app even with your gloves.

ハッキング方法 TeslaGoApp: electric car rides

ダウンロード TeslaGoApp: electric car rides MOD APK 0.45.08

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