HackMotion Golf Mod Apk

HackMotion Golf ハック - Mod Apk 4.39.0

開発者: HackMotion
カテゴリー: スポーツ
価格: 無料です


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HackMotion リスト センサーは、ゴルフ用の最先端のバイオフィードバック センサーであり、スイングごとに正確な手首データを提供します。

HackMotion Golf アプリは、HackMotion Golf ウェアラブル リスト センサーと一緒に使用します。

HackMotion Golf 手首センサーは、モーション トラッキング技術を使用して、ゴルフ スイング中の手首の動きをキャプチャします。 HackMotion Golf アプリを使用すると、ゴルフ スイング データを視覚化し、リアルタイムのオーディオ バイオフィードバックを提供できます。

• 分析のためにゴルフ スイングを自動的にキャプチャします。
• 手首の屈曲/伸展および尺骨/橈骨偏位データ
• ユーザーが調整可能な音声バイオフィードバック
• リアルタイム 3D ハンドモデル
• セッションとスイングのデータ ストレージとデータベース

手首センサーをオンにして電源を入れます。 HackMotion Golf アプリを開き、トレーニング モードを選択し、新しいセッションを開始して、センサーを調整します。このシステムは、ゴルフのスイングを自動的に検出し、データを保存します。

注: アプリの主な機能を使用するには、HackMotion Golf リスト センサーに接続する必要があります。使用できる機能は、接続されているセンサーに応じて調整されます。


- Increased sensitivity of drill address detection
- You can now change your e-mail & password from within the app
- It's now possible to check your calibration before starting a session (tap on the connection indicator)
- Fixed automatic capitalization for text fields
- Miscellaneous UI fixes and improvements
- Fixes gray screen when opening a bookmarked shot that was created with Guided practice
- Fixed a small issue related to after-shot audio in release drill
- Static & Dynamic Release Drills are replaced with a new singular Release Drill that now handles both regular shotrt swings, as well as slow rehearsals
- The Release Drill has also replaced the old Dynamic Release Drill as the default Short Swing Challenge at the Impact Training Program
- While using Release Drill you can now stop mid-swing to automatically enable Biofeedback
- Updated the home page with a clearer distinction between Full Swing and Putting
- Fixed issue where grip alignment may not be optimally determined in Beta Release drill for left handed golfers, this improves reliability of position detection
- Your custom ranges will now be saved across sessions. For Pro, the ranges are saved individually for each profile.
- Added ability to see drill attempts summary in the Data tab
- Guided training program should loads faster
- Fixed bug where "Drills" button would not show up if the tutorial isn't finished
- Fixed various bugs relating to Training Program, if it's launched during an active Diagnostics session
- Issue where the app claims to have a new update available, even though there isn't one, should be fixed
- You can now read our learning articles about various swing faults right from the Learn section
- We've made some under-the-hood improvements in preparation for future features
- Added access to our Learning Center blog, which can be found via Home Screen -> Learn -> Learning Center
- Fixed minor UI bugs
- Fixed the issue where navigating through shots in Clubface Control Shot Replay would not update tiles
- Fixed the issue where modal text input fields would not properly display user input
- Fixed the issue where some Tips assets would display incorrectly on certain devices due to anamorphic pixels
- Improved the onboarding experience for the Clubface Control mode by providing quick rundowns of its features as they're discovered
- Reworked how Audio Feedback integrates with the Clubface Control mode, you can now view the swing graph and other positions while Audio Feedback is active
- Decluttered the session views by moving the "Menu" top the top-right corner
- Fixed layout issues on square-ish screens, such as foldables
- It is now possible to use Audio Feedback in Clubface Control without striking a ball first
- In replay, seeking the graph now updates the replay position
- Fixed inline videos pausing other audio
- Small UI fixes and improvements
- Introducing Tips: bite-sized tutorials to help you get most out of HackMotion
- Introducing sensor firmware 3.11: this update greatly improves sensor connection performance in a lot of scenarios.
- Improved reliability and speed for firmware upgrade process
- App now correctly fills entire screen with edge-to-edge displays
- Gen 2 sensors now connect to the app faster
- Fixed issue where streaks would not show up in the after-shot popup in Clubface Control
- We've reworked the in-app video player and added an all-new coaching video library in the Learn section

- Fixed the issue where the Clubface Control chapter in the tutorial would freeze for some users
- Fixed the issue where the Clubface Control graph interaction would not properly update the 2d hand model

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