PlayKeyboard - Fonts, Emoji Mod Apk

PlayKeyboard - Fonts, Emoji ハック - Mod Apk 5.9.10

開発者: Bitbyte Corp.
カテゴリー: ライフスタイル
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot PlayKeyboard - Fonts, Emoji mod apkGame screenshot PlayKeyboard - Fonts, Emoji hackGame screenshot PlayKeyboard - Fonts, Emoji apk download


PlayKeyboard であなたの個性とスタイルを表現しましょう。
素晴らしいフォントからユニークなキーボード テーマまで、これはオールインワンのスーパー アプリです。

● 無制限のキーボードのテーマとデザイン
PlayKeyboard は自信を持って高品質のテーマのみを紹介します。
世界中の 300 万人のユーザーが承認したプレミアム テーマとデザインに無制限にアクセスできます。

- シンプルな iPhone が欲しいですか? 「Apple Phone」のテーマ。
- イチゴは好きですか? 「ストロベリーパーティー」がテーマ。
- かわいい子猫がいなくなったんですか? 「怠惰な猫」のテーマ。
- 夢のような気分に? 「宇宙」がテーマ。

● 3600 以上のフォント、書体、顔文字
フォント アプリをインストールせずに、キーボードからフォントや顔文字を直​​接入力します。

- Instagram プロフィールに表示されるおしゃれなフォント。
- 特殊な書体を使用して、真剣、ロマンチック、または遊び心を表現してください。
- アスキーアートと顔文字で可愛くなろう。

● アニメーションキーボード
GIF ステッカーを Instagram DM、Snapchat、WhatsApp、または Facebook Messenger に送信することもできます。

● DIY キーボード
お気に入りの猫や犬、K-POP アイドルやキャラクターの写真や GIF をキーボードの背景に追加します。

● インテリジェントな予測
同じ単語を繰り返し入力することにうんざりしていませんか? PlayKeyboard のスマートな予測は、入力時に単語やフレーズを提案し、メッセージを効率的かつ迅速に作成します。

● 入力補助
PlayKeyboard を通じてデバイスを操作する全く新しい方法を発見してください。簡単なメッセージを入力する場合でも、長いメールを作成する場合でも、機能豊富なキーボードはあらゆるキーストロークを強化します。

- 翻訳機能なし、キーボードでリアルタイム翻訳
- 住所やアカウントなどの迷惑なフレーズを「よく使う項目」に追加し、0.1 秒で入力します
- ショートカットとクリップボードをすばやく操作
- AI キーボードを使用してタイプミスを修正し、書き方を改善します
- お気に入りのアプリへのショートカットをツールバーに追加します
- Samsung、Google、iPhone 用の特別な文字配置を設定します

● プライバシーの優先
あなたのプライバシーは重要です。 PlayKeyboard は、お客様のデータを安全に保つことに尽力しています。

- ユーザーデータは収集されません: 個人データは収集されません。
- AWS クラウド セキュリティ: 世界で最も安全なシステムがデータを保護します。

タイピング ゲームをアップグレード - 今すぐダウンロードして、生産的で楽しいキーボードを体験してください!


• New! Hide keyboard ads for a day
Based on your feedback, we’ve added a way to hide keyboard ads without purchasing ‘Premium.’

If you're happy with this update, please leave us a review! ❤️
We read every review, and it means a lot to us :)
• New! Hide keyboard ads for a day
Based on your feedback, we’ve added a way to hide keyboard ads without purchasing ‘Premium.’

If you're happy with this update, please leave us a review! ❤️
We read every review, and it means a lot to us :)
PlayKeyboard Optimization Update

• Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the keyboard to wake up late. We apologize to users who must have been very frustrated because the keyboard floated late.

• Solved the problem of not being able to attach a profile image or a customer center image with photo permission.

• Solved the problem that the profile image is not applied immediately

• Improved the usability of bugs and apps for smooth use.
• The latest emoji has finally been added to the PlayKeyboard! Pink hearts, sky blue hearts, etc. Thank you for waiting for the latest emoji, and please feel free to use the emoji feature!

• PlayKeyboard's Japanese Keyboard Upgrades to BETA 2! improved the Japanese keyboard performance to increase the accuracy of word recommendations!

• If you pay more than 50 gems at the charging station, you can remove not only the keyboard but also ads in the app.
• The latest emoji has finally been added to the PlayKeyboard! Pink hearts, sky blue hearts, etc. Thank you for waiting for the latest emoji, and please feel free to use the emoji feature!

• PlayKeyboard's Japanese Keyboard Upgrades to BETA 2! improved the Japanese keyboard performance to increase the accuracy of word recommendations!

• If you pay more than 50 gems at the charging station, you can remove not only the keyboard but also ads in the app.
• The word recommendation function has been normalized!
• If you pay more than 50 gems at the charging station, you can remove not only the keyboard but also ads in the app.
• Now you can translate right from your keyboard! Experience the translation (BETA) function in [Settings - Lab]. It translates like magic without having to go back and forth with a translator.
• Now you can translate right from your keyboard! Experience the translation (BETA) function in [Settings - Lab]. It translates like magic without having to go back and forth with a translator.
• The keyboard is faster! Try a quick Playkeyboard
• The key pop-up is slightly larger, so you can better see which key you pressed. Typing feels better than before.
• Now you can translate right from your keyboard! Experience the translation (BETA) function in [Settings - Lab]. It translates like magic without having to go back and forth with a translator.
• The keyboard is faster! Try a quick Playkeyboard
• The key pop-up is slightly larger, so you can better see which key you pressed. Typing feels better than before.
Happy New Year 🍀

• Now you can translate right from your keyboard! Experience the Translation (BETA) function in [Settings - Lab]. It translates like magic without having to go back and forth with a translator.

The heartfelt update history of Play Keyboard, if you've read this far...?
Give us a signal by leaving an orange heart (🧡) in the review!
We'll send you a signal in our reply too :)
⌨You can now set the size of the bottom margin of the keyboard! In particular, there was an opinion that it was uncomfortable because the keyboard was too close to the bottom of the screen in an environment without the bottom bar, but you can enter it more comfortably by increasing the bottom margin.
Try setting it in Settings > 'Keyboard Size' menu.

🛠️Fixed an issue where the keyboard shuts down intermittently when using the keyboard on the web. I'll do my best for a more stable Playkeyboard.
- New hot emojis and missing emojis have been added! You can use new emojis on a model with Android 12 applied :)

- The keyboard now runs up to 2x faster, and keystrokes are slightly faster.

If you leave a review, it will be a great help to the PlayKeyboard team 💕
- New hot emojis and missing emojis have been added! You can use new emojis on a model with Android 12 applied :)

- The keyboard now runs up to 2x faster, and keystrokes are slightly faster.

If you leave a review, it will be a great help to the PlayKeyboard team 💕
- For the better new theme and a free event, we are receiving information on PlayKeyBuddy’s birthday and gender again. If a popup appears on the keyboard, please update the information. It's over in 10 seconds :)

- New hot emojis and missing emojis have been added! You can use new emojis on a model with Android 12 applied :)

- The keyboard now runs up to 2x faster, and keystrokes are slightly faster.

If you leave a review, it will be a great help to the PlayKeyboard team 💕
- For the better new theme and a free event, we are receiving information on PlayKeyBuddy’s birthday and gender again. If a popup appears on the keyboard, please update the information. It's over in 10 seconds :)

- New hot emojis and missing emojis have been added! You can use new emojis on a model with Android 12 applied :)

- The keyboard now runs up to 2x faster, and keystrokes are slightly faster.

If you leave a review, it will be a great help to the PlayKeyboard team 💕
- For the better new theme and a free event, we are receiving information on PlayKeyBuddy’s birthday and gender again. If a popup appears on the keyboard, please update the information. It's over in 10 seconds :)

- New hot emojis and missing emojis have been added! You can use new emojis on a model with Android 12 applied :)

- The keyboard now runs up to 2x faster, and keystrokes are slightly faster.

If you leave a review, it will be a great help to the PlayKeyboard team 💕
- For the better new theme and a free event, we are receiving information on PlayKeyBuddy’s birthday and gender again. If a popup appears on the keyboard, please update the information. It's over in 10 seconds :)

- New hot emojis and missing emojis have been added! You can use new emojis on a model with Android 12 applied :)

- The keyboard now runs up to 2x faster, and keystrokes are slightly faster.

If you leave a review, it will be a great help to the PlayKeyboard team 💕

ハッキング方法 PlayKeyboard - Fonts, Emoji

ダウンロード PlayKeyboard - Fonts, Emoji MOD APK 5.9.10

ダウンロード MOD APK


3.4 点満点中 5
3.66万 件のレビュー
