Kokoon Mod Apk

Kokoon ハック - Mod Apk 3.6.18

開発者: Kokoon Technology Ltd
カテゴリー: ライフスタイル
価格: 無料です


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オリジナル コンテンツ ライブラリ - 睡眠に関するさまざまなタイプのオーディオ トラック (カラー ノイズ、サウンドスケープ、音楽、および睡眠についての理解を深めたり、さまざまなリラクゼーション テクニックを実践するためのさまざまな話し言葉オーディオ) が含まれています。

オーディオを設定 - 睡眠段階に合わせて調整します。サウンドを一時停止したり、音声を色付きのノイズにフェードアウトして、睡眠を妨げないようにします。

任意のオーディオ アプリのオーディオを使用します - 例: Audible、Spotify、Podcast など、リラックスするときに聴きたいものなら何でも使えます。

データ追跡と洞察 - 睡眠を理解し、オーディオの使用と行動が時間の経過とともに睡眠にどのような影響を与えるかを確認します。


Minor updates
Improved stability of login flow
Translations for French, German and Spanish added.
Updated profile page
Bug fixes for issue with connection splash screen and minor issue with data session and trends layouts.
Minor updates and bug fixes including:
- Updated Login and account creation flow to use verification email links
- Fix for a bug in coloured noise playback on user wakeup
- Updated animations and transitions
- New bluetooth, nearby devices and location permissions flow
- Fix for a minor bug in uploading sleep data after coming back online if a user has lost network.
- error reporting enhancements
- firmware update improvements
- Support for upcoming foreign language updates
Minor bug fixes including
- Session timezone to ensure data shows in the timezone it was recorded in
- Layout issues where keyboard is blocking the support articles in the FAQ
- Fadeout behaviour logic improved for waking if noise tracks are playing
New Audio Library UI
Updates to system dialogs for battery optimisation
Minor bug fixes
Minor UI updates and an important fix for an issue when user internet connection is unstable.
Improvements made to Data Sessions and Trends views
Various small fixes
New Data Session View.
Brand new UI showing session summary, time to sleep, sleep duration and awakenings. A Session Timeline will be visible for any new sessions recorded after this release that will show a hypnogram of your sleep and the audio listened to during the session. There is also the ability to scroll back through previous sessions.

Also includes many minor bug fixes and improvements.
Many stability updates, improvements and bug fixes, including:
- A workaround for the known issue on Android 12 with Samsung and Pixel devices that causes audio to stutter when using both audio and BLE simultaneously.
- Improved process for handling multiple sleep sessions
- Headphone health monitoring
- Sleep schedule and chronotype
- Improvements to tensor flow data handling
New Features:
- Battery Saver mode to auto power off your headphones if you are not wearing them
- Sleep schedule based on sleep chronotype.
- Active Bluetooth connection status
- New wake/sleep and on/off Algorithm
Minor updates and bug fixes

ハッキング方法 Kokoon

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3.7 点満点中 5
331 件のレビュー