German Listening & Speaking Mod Apk

German Listening & Speaking ハック - Mod Apk 4.8.2

カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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ドイツ語のリスニングとスピーキングでは、ユーザーは本物のドイツ語のビデオで会話スキルを練習するのに役立つさまざまなビデオ レッスンにアクセスできます。私たちの対話ベースのアプローチは、ユーザーを実用的なシナリオに没頭させ、言語を直接体験できるようにします。


このアプリには、会話練習用のネイティブ ドイツ語スピーカーも含まれているため、ユーザーはスピーキング スキルを向上させ、ドイツ語で流暢にコミュニケーションを取ることができます。構造化されたカリキュラムとユーザーフレンドリーなデザインにより、ドイツ語のリスニングとスピーキングは、言語を習得したい人に最適です。

German Listening & Speaking では、いつでも喜んでフィードバックを受け取り、シームレスでやりがいのある学習体験を提供することをお約束します。では、なぜ待つのですか?自信を持って流暢にドイツ語を話せるようになるための旅を今すぐ始めましょう!


- A new phonetic feature enhances user learning, while videos and lessons are permanently free.
- The update also includes improved step-by-step learning, word meaning lookup, and bug fixes, as well as the ability to learn with friends and share progress.
- A new phonetic feature enhances user learning, while videos and lessons are permanently free.
- The update also includes improved step-by-step learning, word meaning lookup, and bug fixes, as well as the ability to learn with friends and share progress.
- Phonetic as a new feature improves user learning experience.
- Videos and lessons are now free forever.
- Touch any word to learn its meaning.
- Step-by-step learning process has been improved.
- Learn with friends and share your progress.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
- Phonetic as a new feature improves user learning experience.
- Videos and lessons are now free forever.
- Touch any word to learn its meaning.
- Step-by-step learning process has been improved.
- Learn with friends and share your progress.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
- Videos and lessons are now free forever.
- Touch any word to learn its meaning.
- Step-by-step learning process has been improved.
- Learn with friends and share your progress.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
- Videos and lessons are now free forever.
- Touch any word to learn its meaning.
- Step-by-step learning process has been improved.
- Learn with friends and share your progress.
- Minor bugs have been fixed.
- Videos learning supported, added millions video lessons.
- All lessons are free forever.
- Touch a word on any sentences to learn it.
- Enjoy the class for step-by-step lessons.
- Join millions of lessons with friends around the world.
- Fixed minor bugs from special devices.
- Videos learning supported, added millions video lessons.
- All lessons are free forever.
- Touch a word on any sentences to learn it.
- Enjoy the class for step-by-step lessons.
- Join millions of lessons with friends around the world.
- Fixed minor bugs from special devices.
- Videos learning supported, added millions video lessons.
- All lessons are free forever.
- Touch a word on any sentences to learn it.
- Enjoy the class for step-by-step lessons.
- Join millions of lessons with friends around the world.
- Fixed minor bugs from special devices.

ハッキング方法 German Listening & Speaking

ダウンロード German Listening & Speaking MOD APK 4.8.2

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