English with Tiffani Mod Apk

English with Tiffani ハック - Mod Apk 3.7.1

開発者: EducUp, Inc.
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot English with Tiffani mod apkGame screenshot English with Tiffani hackGame screenshot English with Tiffani apk download


当社のダイナミック アプリを使用して、英語スキルを向上させ、自信を持って話しましょう。教師の Tiffani と EducUp チームによって作成されたこのアプリは、楽しく効果的に英語を習得できる、魅力的でゲーム性のある学習体験を提供します。ティファニーの人気の YouTube チャンネルを通じて、毎日 300 万人以上の生徒が英語を学習しています。


インタラクティブな学習: 学習をエキサイティングな旅に変えるゲーム化された構造をお楽しみください。レベルを上げて言語スキルを向上させると、ポイントと報酬を獲得できます。

ひとくちサイズのレッスン: 日常生活にフィットするように設計された何百ものマイクロ レッスンにアクセスでき、それぞれの所要時間は 15 分以内です。

広範な演習: 何千もの演習により、学んだことを強化し、実践的な経験を積むことができます。

感動的なビデオ: 理解と定着を助ける包括的なビデオ コンテンツで急速に進歩します。

発音の練習: 専用の語彙練習で発音を改善します。

達成状況の追跡: 達成状況表で進捗状況を監視し、改善を続けるための毎日の目標を設定します。

グローバル競争: 世界中の学生とスコアを比較し、ランキングの上位を目指して競い合います。

楽しみを共有しましょう: 私たちのアプリは気に入っていますか?友人や家族と共有して、学習の楽しさを広げましょう。

今すぐダウンロードして英語を新たな高みに引き上げましょう!当社のサービス利用規約とプライバシー ポリシーの詳細については、https://www.educup.com/privacy をご覧ください。


Hello students and welcome to version 3.5.15 of the English with Tiffani app.

This new version includes bug fixes, performance improvements.

We hope you learn a lot while having fun with EducUp!
Hello students!

This new version comes with important bug fixes and performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.

Happy learning!
Hello students!

This new version comes with important bug fixes and performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.

Happy learning!
Hello students!

In this version, we fixed important bugs and included many performance improvements.

We hope you enjoy it.

Happy learning!
New in English with Tiffani 2.7.21:

Text-to-Speech: Listen to grid-in learning activities with our new feature, perfect for learning on the go.

New Courses: Check out our expanded course library, including 'Fluency through Culture' from Nao Now.

Enhancements & Fixes: We've improved performance and squashed some bugs for a smoother experience.

Update now and discover what's new.

Happy learning with Tiffani!
Hello students, and welcome back!

In this version, we have simplified the process of entering the topics of a course.

In addition, they can now automatically continue to the next lesson after finishing the previous one.

We hope you enjoy it and continue learning English with Tiffani.

Happy learning!
Hello students, and welcome back!

In this version we have included several improvements and fixes in the video player of the lessons.

We hope you enjoy it.

Happy learning!
Hello students, and welcome to this new version of our app!
We have included many bug fixes and improvements so you can have a better learning experience.
We hope you enjoy it!
Hello students, and welcome to this new version of our English with Tiffani app!

We have worked on different improvements and fixes to improve your learning experience. Some of the most important are:

- Now, you can continue right where you were left off in your courses.

- We added quick access to the lesson video from the learning activities.

- You can now share your profile so others can follow your progress.

The EducUp team
- Improvement on the quick access button of the courses.
- Sliding screen to access other places associated with a course, for now, access the details screen of the course in question as well as a button to access the EducUper screen of the course
- Improvements in course information and statistics section in the details screen of a course
- Bug fixes and general improvements

ハッキング方法 English with Tiffani

ダウンロード English with Tiffani MOD APK 3.7.1

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.8 点満点中 5
9750 件のレビュー