Couply: The App for Couples Mod Apk

Couply: The App for Couples ハック - Mod Apk 1.4.48

開発者: Couply: Couples Quiz, Relationship and Date Ideas
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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Couply は無料アプリで、目的はシンプルです。



何千ものカップルが最高のパートナーになるために、Couply はどのように役立ちますか?

• リサーチに基づいた性格クイズ。

何十年にもわたる調査に基づいたクイズを使用して、お互いを理解できるようにします。あなたとあなたのパートナーの愛のスタイル、ターンオン、愛着スタイル、エニアグラム数、そして今、キャサリン・クック・ブリッグス、イザベル・ブリッグス・マイヤーズ、カール・ユングの研究に基づいて構築されたカップル 16 の性格タイプについて学びましょう。これらすべてがあなたの関係にどのように影響するか、そしてそれについて何ができるかを理解してください!

• カスタムの日付のアイデア

Couply は、あなたとあなたのパートナーの特定の性格タイプに基づいて、カスタムの日付のアイデアと関係の記事を提案します. Couplyから直接、両方のカレンダーに同期されたこれらの日付を予約できます!

• 毎日の質問


• 長距離モード

あなたが遠距離恋愛をしているなら、私たちはあなたをカバーします! Couply には長距離モードがあり、カスタム記事、日付のアイデア、LDR のユーザー向けの質問があります。

• 会話パック


• 写真の思い出


• マイルストーン

記念日、誕生日、重要な日付 - すべて 1 か所で。これらは事前にギフトやデートのアイデアを生み出し、完璧な瞬間を計画するための十分な時間を与えてくれます!

Couply をダウンロードして、恋人と最高のパートナーになるお手伝いをしましょう。 Couply は、コミュニケーションと理解を促進し、将来の関係を保証するのに役立ちます。


Courses, chat, community and bug fixes!
Course progression bug fix
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- 6 new courses! Conflict Resolution, Understanding Jealousy, Couples Banter, Betrothed to a Fantasy Fan, Dark Triad & Rolling With A Rocker
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- 8 new courses! Mindfulness, The Cosmic Couple, First Pet, Choosing your Together Home Course, Dating an Adrenaline Junkie, Caring 101, Defence Mechanisms and Power of Apology
- A better filter for your Activity tab
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Our newest course for parents-to-be, just in time for Mother's Day!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- You can now earn trophies for your courses!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- More games to our existing courses!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- New Attachment Style courses!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Put your love on display with our newly added Trophies!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- More games to play with your partner!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Improvements to Check-ins!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Questions are now unlocked at midnight!
- A new look to the home screen
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- A brand new course - Building Trust!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- See your partner's answers only after you've answered their question!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Get notified when your partner completes a quiz!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Play fun games with your partner like Who's Most Likely!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Stay competitive with your partner by collecting daily gems!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Love Notes! Send these to your partner to brighten their day
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Improvements to our new Check-in feature!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- A new look to dates!
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- Couply Journeys! Take the Enhancing Communication, Intimacy and Long Distance Relationship journeys to gain a deeper understanding of your partner
- Bug fixes and UI updates
We update Couply as often as possible to really help you and your partner get the best experience. Here are a couple of changes you’ll find in the latest update:
- An updated look for dates and memories
- Bug fixes and UI updates

ハッキング方法 Couply: The App for Couples

ダウンロード Couply: The App for Couples MOD APK 1.4.48

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